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A203D said:
Pemalite said:


What your calling science is actually 'scientisim'. Theres plenty of evidence I can show you to prove there was never a pandemic. The whole thing was designed so you would take their posioned vaccine. A huge  part of that reason was so they could use the pandemic to change the voting laws in certain battleground states. You see the pandemic allowed them to allow mass mail in ballots which is unconstutional according to the individual state leglislatures. In doing so they were able to defraud the election so Joe Biden could mandate complusary vaccinations.

Woah. You're telling me that a "huge part" of the COVID conspiracy was to change voting laws in America? You're saying that America convinced the entire world to make up the COVID pandemic, including America's enemies?! This is insane! There must be some shadowy entity running every single country in the world then?! I think we should call them the illuminati or something!

Actually legit fascinating to witness a full blown conspiracy theorist, like damn, we've gone from the election was rigged to COVID was a global conspiracy to change voting laws in America, Lmfao, I wonder what is next? What are your thoughts on flat Earth? Nibiru? Apocalypses? How far does this rabbit hole go in this wild mind of yours? Lol.

What Pem calls Science is Science. You sure claim to have plenty of evidence for all your claims but never provide such evidence and when others counter your statements with actual facts, you ignore them.

A203D said:
Renamed said:


You can't believe how glad I am you said that:

The politicans and the 'scientists' who told you to 'trust the science' didn't follow their own 'science'. They were in denial of their own 'microscope'. They refuted their own scientisim in plain sight of your ignorance.

What your sufferring from is a reality gap. Where you have used fake science and fantasy to provide a gap in your knowledge. Unless you have an alternate explaination as to why the scientists and politicans didn't trust their fake science?

Occam's Razor...

Word of advice, Google things first before saying them.

Rol addressed this so I need not go any further than what he said in terms of safety protocols.

But I would also say that there's no scientists in that link? They're all politicians and even if politicians broke their own rules, that's them being stupid, if a politician is caught speeding or not wearing a seatbelt, does that mean speed limits and seatbelts aren't effective? 

Rishi Sunak Fined For Not Wearing Seatbelt in Back of Car - BBC News

Welp! Guess seatbelts aren't effective! We should stop wearing seatbelts because Rishi didn't follow his own laws!

The irony of you accusing someone else of having a reality gap and telling people to Google things first before saying them, from the dude who has made multiple claims, easily refuted in this thread and told people to watch a video for the "truth" which he himself didn't watch, Lol.

A203D said:
Renamed said:


Well actually there is Professor Neil Fergurson who developed the UK Governments pandemic response yet was caught breaking the lockdown rules. A scientist who developed those rules didn't follow them himself. In fact while we are here, where is your proof there was a pandemic?

"That's an example of an indirect exemplar and the association fallacy to support your case"

It's an example of politicans who told you to 'trust the science' but didn't trust the science themselves. Yet you won't explain why the politicans didn't trust their fake science. You only avoid the point to escape your own fallacy.

I trust you can Google the word irony, since you don't seem to understand what that means either.

One more thing:

Occam's Razor. It applies here but your denial of observation prevents you from seeing the truth, hence why you won't answer the question.

The proof is hundreds of actual scientists vs A203D on VGChartz or the millions dead, versus your proof that the pandemic was fake because some people stupidly broke lockdown rules.

Your precious little Trump even confirmed he got COVID, Lmao, I guess he's your messiah but you don't trust him when it comes to COVID?

A203D said:
RolStoppable said:

Politicians who are hypocrites are nothing new. This, however, does not disprove science. There are numerous examples of politicians not following their own advice and getting infected by COVID-19 because of it.

My favorite example is still the guy from a far-right party who got infected by COVID-19 and was put in intensive care in the hospital, then people joked about him getting potentially kicked out of his party because his situation is the denial of the party's position that COVID-19 is nothing more than a regular cold.

"Politicians who are hypocrites are nothing new. This, however, does not disprove science. There are numerous examples of politicians not following their own advice and getting infected by COVID-19 because of it."

Your explaination of politicans disregarding their own science is that they are hyporcrities. Next time you state your opinion as fact please put 'imo' in front of what you say, because you are now engaging in conjecture that a politician or scientist didn't follow the rules because they are hypocrities, but there was still a killer virus that exisited because the lying politican told me so.

Your favourite example might not even be a real example. Its possibily fake news where the put that story out to scare people into getting the vaccine. In the same way you were told these vaccines were 'safe and effective' but they then admitted that they were causing severe adverse effects, like death.

I'm actually so confident in what I'm saying I would suggest you keep getting boosters and you see what happens next. Nothing will happen to you... honest, because the paid Government scientist on the TV told me so...

All of your claims have been unsubstantiated so don't demand people start putting "Imo" in front of what they say

Oh...We got the "Fake News" card, I could start a bingo game out of this, "It goes against my narrative so it's fake news"

Why you acting like most the people here arguing against you aren't vaccinated with boosters? Lmao. I am, almost everyone I know is, I know nobody who has died from the COVID vaccine but I do know someone who did die from COVID itself and another who had a pretty close shave. People who aren't antivax will take a vaccine while those who don't understand basic science, like yourself, can remain antivax and put yourself at risk.

Maybe one day we'll see you on here: r/HermanCainAward