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Q: If we get the Kids Stuff trait, will our parents be generated based on our characters look or are there standard parents put in place? What benefits might there be?

Will: Our programmers on our new face tech were excited to make a function that could try to match your custom face and then create the two parents. So they are based on what your character looks like, although the specific math involved is a bit beyond me. We had similar tech in our previous games.

Yes, totally. Just as we did in Fallout 3 with your dad, and in Fallout 4 with your son, in Starfield, if you take the Kid Stuff Trait. your parents are based off of you. No spoilers, but I think fans will really appreciate the actors we got to play those roles. And they just get SO into it, it's awesome. (Oh, and yeah, you can get... stuff)

Will there be a jail system if we committed crimes?

Yes, you can elect to go to jail or pay a fine when you're arrested (or even resist arrest and try to escape).

Yup. The Settled Systems is more like Skyrim than Fallout 4's Commonwealth in that regard. Ya bancha criminals!
There's civilization, there's government, and there are laws. And in a couple cases, we actually explore the themes of crime and punishment in our futuristic universe.