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Hiku said:
KLAMarine said:

Have we any names? Of any of these on-duty or off-duty officers? How about any footage of these encounters?

Do you have some problem reading for yourself?

After you've read through it, make your point, and then I'll respond.

Just read through it, don't recall any names or footage with regards to the claims below.

On-duty cops defending the Capitol building told BuzzFeed that some of the rioters showed them their police badges.
"[One guy] pulled out his badge and he said, ‘We’re doing this for you.’ Another guy had his badge. So I was like, ‘well, you gotta be kidding.’”
Black Capitol Police Officers Describe The Racism They Faced (

Several off-duty cops identified as being present are under investigation regarding whether or not they took part in the riots. Some of them may be the aforementioned ones that showed their badges to on-duty cops.
sundin13 said:
Hiku said:

Do you have some problem reading for yourself?

After you've read through it, make your point, and then I'll respond.


What's that?

Bandorr said:
sundin13 said:


Is this what it is? Sea-lioning? First I've heard of this.

VGChartz is a public forum for anyone to use: I never intruded into anyone's home or tried to butt in to someone's breakfast so this doesn't fit at all...

As a result, for anyone accusing me of sea-lioning, I'll see your sea-lioning and raise you a mischaracterization!

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Hiku said:

Do you have some problem reading for yourself?

I don't get it...