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sundin13 said:
JWeinCom said:
This is absolutely fucking amazing...In their lawsuit in Michigan, the Trump Campaign cited an affidavit from an alleged cybersecurity expert showing that in certain counties of Michigan had more voters than residents. The list is on page 3 of the affidavit. of those precincts include Houston, Monticello, and Benville.The problem? There is no Houston Township, Benville Township, or Monticello Township in Michigan.It seems the expert that the Trump campaign relied on accidentally confused Minnesota with Michigan. And, to be fair to the gentleman, I have made that mistake several times when discussing polling in this election. They both start with MI afterall! It's an easy mistake to make...But, I'm a rando on the internet. It's ok for me to make mistakes. It's a bit less ok for someone trying to overturn the results of a national election to make such an error. That's the level of competence on this elite legal team XD.

Further, the areas that supposedly had more votes than voters were largely in the red areas of the state so the Trump team may accidentally be arguing that their side is the side which is committing fraud.

As far as what actually happened, in Minnesota you can register to vote when you go in to vote, so it is likely that this overage just came from people registering the day of. As these counties are generally real small, this may cause large discrepancies between the registered voter rolls and the number of votes cast. For example, Benville Township (the first listed precinct) only has 85 people in it, so it shouldn't be hard to imagine a big swing caused by same day registration.

EDIT: I also have no idea where he is getting his data from. He says he is using prelim data from the state, but from the publicly available data, he is just wrong. He says Benville had 350% turnout, however according to the state, there were 63 people registered on the morning of election day and 8 additional people registered throughout the day. There were then a total of 63 votes cast. Worth noting, only 14 of those votes were for Biden.

Another little hitch in this theory is that according to the state, Benville Twp didn't actually use any voting equipment (which means no Dominion was used, which means there goes the whole theory).

Makes you wonder what kind of evidence they decided not to present. 

Another expert discusses the irregularities in Mercer County Georgia... The problem is Mercer County Georgia does not exist.

Of course, the facts are irrelevant because the whole point of this is for Trump to get his cult members to insist that there is some sort of doubt about the election results. Because some people mistake assertions with evidence. 

Still, I'm amazed lawyers are willing to put their names to these cases (although to be fair, many are not). This can be ground for sanctions and can possibly and hopefully get them disbarred. 

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 21 November 2020