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A little boring. I almost miss the chaos. 

In terms of Biden, I'm seeing a lot of people say he did better, but I don't know if I felt that way. I think he was really good in the town hall at giving really detailed policy information. I realize that you can't quite do that in this format, but I was expecting him to come closer than he did here. 

Biden was a bit more aggressive here, but also avoided things like clown or shut up which, justified or not, didn't help them. I think Biden may have actually interrupted a bit more than Trump? Usually they were just one word interjections though. 

In terms of the two major lines of attack Trump did, I'm not sure how people will interpret how he did. In terms of Hunter Biden, it was a pretty basic denial, and a push back against Trump for his international dealings. I think this was kind of clever. Trump got defensive and kind of retreated. So that was one way to handle it. At the same time, I don't think it was strong enough to shut down the issue.

In terms of "why didn't you get this done" I think that's a bit of a weird attack coming from the guy who's currently President. I think most people know you simply can't get whatever agenda you want done instantly and politics is kind of a tough business. But, maybe some people will find Trump's arguments compelling.

I think Biden did a good job on Covid, because it's really hard for Trump to defend his record there. His answer to the last question was also fairly good. In terms of previous crime policies, I don't think he did a great job defending his record, he did much better at the Town Hall. I think he did well to point out that Trump isn't running against Bernie Sanders, and responding to some of Trump's bigger exaggerations.

Interestingly, Biden did not throw Hillary Clinton under the bus, who was the one who used the term super predators. He should have known that was coming, since it's a lie that's been repeated, so he could have easily said Hillary Clinton said that (although she wasn't referring specifically to black people).

As for Trump, he did better than I expected, although my expectations were fairly low. He was more under control, although he got progressively more agitated as the night went on. 

At the same time, I'm not sure if he gave any good answers. Pointing to the economy in response to Covid was probably the best he could do, but still not a great response.  

Trump didn't really have responses for things like tweeting videos of people saying white power, cause what could you say? Pointing to things he did for the black community like supporting black colleges (we'll just suppose for now that he did I don't know) was the best he could do. But... things like "I'm the least racist person in the room" and that he has done the most for black people "besides Abraham Lincoln" are kind of ridiculous and destroy credibility.

Trump's attitude towards race was... weird... He's been running on the law and order and Biden is going to let people run wild on the streets, and then seemed to argue that Biden was too tough on crime? Seems like Trump was trying to argue he was more progressive... maybe that will help him with more liberal people, but I think it goes against his core messaging.

Trump bungled the last question. Given a chance to appeal to people who weren't supporting him, and basically made it a rant about how terrible the left is. Which was kind of the opposite.

The best moment for Trump was seizing on Biden's line about oil. That's being treated as a big gotcha by the more conservative members of Twitter... but is it? I mean, he's been pretty open about moving towards renewable energy, so surely people already figured that part out. And, even in states like Texas and Pennsylvania, are the rank and file people all that big in support of oil? I dunno. We'll see in the polls.

Overall I think this was basically a tie. I don't see many people switching their vote based on this. In that sense, it's a win for Biden since he's already ahead.