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The first surveys of debate viewers are in and you'll be shocked -- shocked -- to learn what public thinks of this "presidential debate" as we're calling it (and I use the term lightly because I don't think most people would call whatever the hell it was we saw last night either presidential or a debate):

CBS/YouGov poll: 48% of viewers say Biden "won", while 41% say Trump "won". This was Trump's best poll.

CNN poll: 60% of viewers say Biden "won" in their minds. 28% say Trump "won".

FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos polling: Between 56 and 60% described Biden's performance and policy ideas as "good", while between 33 and 39% described Trump's performance and policy ideas the same way.

There are other polls on the subject too, but you get the idea. People generally disliked this debate. According to the CBS/YouGov poll linked above, for example, 69% of viewers said they were "annoyed" by it. I share this sentiment. Strongly. It's obvious at this point that neither of these men is qualified to be president, but these are the options the people have saddled us with. YaY America. Nevertheless, the sheer insanity of President Trump proved adequate for Biden to emerge strengthened on balance anyway despite his inability to complete a sentence.

The "debate" went over so well, almost entirely thanks to President Trump, that the Commission on Presidential Debates has decided to change the rules of future debates going forward in order to ensure "a more orderly debate". Debate moderators henceforth will have the power to shut off the mics of the candidates when they break the rules, as by trying to invade the other's allotted time or by speaking over their rival. That's the single best political development I've heard of all year.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 30 September 2020