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In the hopes of making things both a bit more interesting and clarifying, here I'll list a raft of issues that are commonly discussed in the order of what I perceive to be their current importance/urgency followed by which candidate's position on those issues I agree with more.

COVID-19: Biden
General health care policy: Biden
Jobs and labor issues: Biden
Women's issues: Biden
Racism: Biden
Foreign policy and national security: Biden
Drug policy: Biden
Education policy: Biden
Gun policy: Biden
Crime policy: Biden
Immigration policy: Biden
The environment: Biden
Tax policy: Biden
The federal budget: Biden

So as you can see, this election is a very tough call for me. Who to vote for, who to vote for? Which one, which one?

It's not like I agree with Biden about everything by any means. I'd prefer a much more serious kind of economic populism from him and a less strictly liberal approach to women's issues as well, for instance, but in the choice of him or Trump, the choice for me is crystal clear. In point of fact, even if I agreed with Trump on everything but the matter of how to respond to the coronavirus outbreak, that one issue alone would still be enough to make me vote for Biden. It's just about the only thing that matters until it's contained because it's prevalence undermines pretty well everything else we might want to do in the way of positive reform.

I prioritized certain issues like immigration policy and the environment much lower than a year ago because of the current pandemic. I'm pretty sure that the drastic reduction in travel and slowdown in manufacturing output this year compared to last buys us more time to address climate change and a liberalized approach to immigration, while fundamentally a good idea, I think can also wait until we've gotten the current pandemic under control for obvious reasons. Remaining in the World Health Organization and restoring our faltering alliance with Europe and NATO are more pressing matters right now, I believe.

Anyway, that's my reasoning.