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Rab said:
Machiavellian said:

No, I do not know these guys and I saw no evidence in that opinion piece. What I saw is what ever opinion piece does is be one sided.  Case in point they say collusion from Biden because one article got 74 witnesses.  They never back this claim up only suggesting that its hard to do so Biden camp had to be involved.  In my mind it is gaslighting.  If you are going to out other news agency then your story has to be devoid of opinions you cannot backup with evidence.  

You can post whatever you want, never stated that you cannot, but do not believe everyone is going to just swallow opinion piece gunk like this just because you believe they are factual.  If anything they are just the other side of opinion pieces.  Why post it anyway if you did not believe some people would actually watch it and have an opinion on it.  

Well then you should get to know them before gaslighting them, because I don't believe your analysis of them is right, they have both a left leaning and a right leaning commentator (both sides of the coin) on the program for balance, they always back up what they think with the most up to date information, and revisit their view if new information comes to light, they do look at the big picture and bring on both Dems and Reps to talk, it is quite a unique program in this era of  partisan politics and media

You made the comment directed at me that I should have done something else instead post the video of a Hill discussion, an attempt to gaslight me   


Na, if this video is anything to go by then definitely no.  There are enough opinion pieces out on the net, I do not need another one trying to convince me to believe what they are selling, instead, I will do what I always do and just read multiple articles on any subject and form my own opinion.  You will find out I do not care about political leanings and just want the information without the slant.  Since most times this is hard to achieve, I prefer to limit it as much as possible.

You let me know when they backup their claims that Biden colluded with the other news agency for those articles then I will more than happy to take back what I stated, Until then its just more political junk.

Yes, my last comment is that in order to form your own opinion you actually need to read the articles they are talking about instead of just listening to talking heads and just believing what they say.