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The more I play Bleeding Edge the more I like it. More often than not, randoms actually have an idea how to play as a team so matches are more tactical and fun.

I think overall the characters are balanced well and NT shouldn't rush to tweak them.

For example, I read people find Buttercup to be OP but I don't agree. Her yank+oil combo is easy to escape from if you keep an eye on your stamina and dodge. And she's easily countered with Nidhöggr, who's deadly against any tank and my favourite dps character. His Ride the Lightning skill is a game changer if used with teamwork.

You can also dodge Maeve's cage if you pay attention and she's easily damaged and forced to escape. Maeve is very good but wouldn't call her OP. 

El Bastardo is the best tank imo. My brother plays him well and he finished many games with plenty of kills and zero deaths. He deals good damage while protecting teammates. We even won 4v2 and 3v2 situations with well-timed ultimate abilities by Nidhöggr and Bastardo.

While Bleeding Edge is more about teamwork, individual skill is also more important than I initially thought. It's about good use of skills and dodge and situational awareness. If they boost stamina regeneration they lower the skill-cap imo so I hope they won't do it.