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Nintendo could NEVER keep up with the demand of a Pokemon Swith RPG.

Like never. I am talking CONSOLES SOLD.

If they had infinite stock of Nintendo Switches, it would sell like 2 million consoles day one, 4 million consoles in a month, 10 million consoles in the long run JUST BECAUSE OF the pokemon game. I am talking how many CONSOLES the game would move.

Do NOT TELL me Pokemon only sell mobile. THEY NEVER tried to port a Pokemon RPG MAIN LINE, OPEN WORLD to consoles, so nobody really knows

Pokemon Switch would be overkill and the demand would create a inferno of scalpers selling the Swith at 1k or more.

I mean the real deal main series, not a spin off. I mean if Gamefreak made the mainline Pokemon game that fans have been asking for for ages. AAA budget, open world design, bigger scale, better graphics, full voice-acting, etc. Such a game would sell a metric crap ton and would be a huge system seller for Switch. 

So... Your thoughts.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.