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spurgeonryan said:
Cheebee said:
spurgeonryan said:
Maybe the problem is there are too many Nintendo like games on the 3DS. I know that Resident Evil and MGS is there, but those games almost always make it to a Nintendo console or handheld. Maybe the West is waiting for some more, non Nintendo type games? Kid Icarus is coming, Luigis mansion, Paper Mario, etc. But where are some 3rd party big names that we see now days? What about some Brain age type games to get some casual gamers on board?
I hope it can continue momentum in the west. But it does seem to be lacking some. Plus Japan seems to get 2-3 new games, usually big a week!

Well a new 3DS Brain Age game was confirmed to be in development a short while ago. I guess it's coming this year. And so is Animal Crossing, one of the biggest casual games on DS.

Do you see what I am saying though?

What are your thoughts on the matter?

I think the sales are decent to be honest. But I also see that they are not stellar. Hopefully as the hits just keep on coming people will be more willing.

The fact of the matter, Nintendo talked about it at their conference. There is a very fine play between catering to the casuals and alienating the core. Of course, it's possible to cater to both at once as has been proven by the NES, the SNES, the Playstation and all the gameboy/DS lines.

Having said that, on the home console front, Nintendo has been in a position where it has not yet completely obtained consumer confidence from those who see themselves as playing games for an older audience. As much as some of us find that ridiculous, it remains true. Moreover, the Cube and the N64 hurt Nintendo's image of being a truly all-ages game platform provider.

For that reason, below has been the 3DS strategy thus far:

Year 1

1) Release a hand-picked number of top top quality casual games (Pilotwings Resort, Nintendogs 3D, Mario 3DL, Mario Kart7), and focus efforts on top core content that appeals also to older gamers.

2) OoT3D, SF3D, RE:R, RE:M, SFIV, DOA, Tekken, MH3G, Inzuma, soon MGS3D and Kid Icarus.

3) Once Nintendo has obtained the consumer confidence of an older crowd (and gain a significant lead on their main competition), they will start kicking back in with casual titles. Upcoming are:

Mario 2D, Animal Crossing, Brain Age Demon thing, and others. Mind you these are top quality.

4) At the same time, behind all this, Nintendo is pushing partners in making core content that also appeals to older gamers, so they can internally cater to the casuals with their in-house offerings (which they do quite well) and make $$$$, all the while pleasing the ever so hunger older core crowd.

5) And, in parallel, they continue their e-shop cheap casual pick-up and play effort, but keep it locked in its room so as to avoid retail piles of shovelware.


Wow, I never realized how ingenius their strategy was until I spelled it out.