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I'm mixed about this. Yeah, it's great that the game is coming to PC (blah, blah, yadda, yadda), with hopefully a fully realized graphics settings menu to allow for the game to really shine. But what this tells me about console gaming in general is that exclusives are slowly losing their status as "the current meta". In other words, this isn't so much about HZD for me as it is about the direction that home consoles are going.

Maybe the PS5/Series X will be the final home consoles (as we know it), and Sony has determined that the additional revenue they would gain from putting their exclusives on PC outweighs the value of strengthening their brand with exclusives. Sony is exchanging a part of their brand power for cash.

As a gamer who wants to see a PS5, PS6, PS7, etcetera, it scares me a little bit to see them make moves like this.

Maybe this is too dramatic, but it's partly how I feel (and am not ashamed to admit it):

Let me take you back to March of 2017... Horizon was a PlayStation game. The Switch had just released. Both BotW and Horizon were critically acclaimed. It was a PlayStation versus Nintendo thing... Hordes of PlayStation fans grabbed their pitchforks and went to MC to give BotW a low user-score, while legions of Nintendo fans put on their favorite musk and review-bombed Horizon in what was colloquially known as the biggest circle-jerk in videogame history.

These are people who never even played the game they are leaving a sore review for. Aloy represented PlayStation, while Link represented Nintendo. And now, almost three years later, we come to find out that Horizon is no longer going to be a PlayStation exclusive. Seriously?! Countless Sony fans put their ass on the line during the aforementioned circle jerk, and now they just get thrown under the bus. It's like joining the Air Force, going to war, and then coming back home four years later to be stripped of your citizenship. It's feel bad man.

(Just in case you couldn't tell, the second half of my post was a joke.)