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Forums - Sales Discussion - software Spain and Germany

MikeB said:
@ Kasz216

That's what the article states (sold to consumers), it's not strange we're currently over 100K. There were 50K preorders for the PS3 in the Benelux and attractively priced PS3 bundles have become available.

The article also states 1.3 million when in reality Reeves said 13 million. People have a way of taking what people say and then mixing it up. Not to mention even if that was what he said it woudln't be the first time a Sony exec has said something about sold to consumers data that was incorrect. Nor would it be the first time that somethings been inoccrectly quoted or news articles have been used wrong.

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@ Kasz216 

The article also states 1.3 million when in reality Reeves said 13 million. People have a way of taking what people say and then mixing it up.

I couldn't find a reference to 1.3 or 13 million in the article:

"Deze namiddag zaten we op uitnodiging van Sony in een speciaal ingericht appartement in Brussel om er wat meer te weten te komen over de PlayStation-producten die dit najaar zullen verschijnen. Inderdaad, soms hebben we écht een geldige reden om de website niet te updaten! Naast enkele leuke goodies en een T-shirt van Heavenly Sword kwamen we ook met enkele interessante cijfertjes voor de Benelux thuis. Hier komen ze:

Van de PlayStation 2 zijn in de Benelux al meer dan 2 miljoen exemplaren over de toonbank gegaan. Een indrukwekkend aantal! Ter vergelijking: van de PSone werden ‘slechts’ 1.550.000 exemplaren verkocht. Ook interessant om weten is dat er per console maar liefst 11,1 PS2-games werden verkocht.

De PS2 is in de Benelux overigens nog lang niet op zijn retour. De console verkocht dit voorjaar beter dan in dezelfde periode een jaar geleden. De lage prijs en het alsmaar groter wordende aanbod aan ‘sociale games’ (Buzz, SingStar …) zitten daar ongetwijfeld voor iets tussen.

De PlayStation Portable ging al 430.000 keer over de toonbank. Per exemplaar worden er gemiddeld 4 games verkocht.

De PlayStation 3 zit op dit moment aan 100.000 verkochte exemplaren in de Benelux. De gemiddelde PS3-bezitter beschikt op dit moment over 3 PS3-games.

We hoeven er waarschijnlijk niet bij te zeggen dat Sony weinig redenen tot klagen heeft in ons landje."

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:
@ stranne

To say something about that, you have to know what's being counted. Does Wii Sports count as a sale (probably not), does PS3 Value Pack count as two sales (probably), does Wii Play with remote count as a sale (not sure).

Still interesting that both Motorstorm and Resistance (report 20/08/2007) made it into to the Swedish multiplatform top 10, while top ranking Wii titles including Mario Party 8 didn't.

Hm? You mean why games that come in a popular (relative to total PS3 sales) bundle sell higher than a non-bundled game? And IIRC, they started doing so when the Value Pack came out. Seriously, what's the surprise?

I'd also wonder why their numbers came out to about 58 Euros for a PS3 game and 50 Euros for a Wii game.

That's normal. Wii games are cheaper than PS3 games on average here.

stranne said:
I'd also wonder why their numbers came out to about 58 Euros for a PS3 game and 50 Euros for a Wii game.

That's normal. Wii games are cheaper than PS3 games on average here.

Oh i know.  They are everywhere.  The strange part is they talk about sales and that the numbers divide practically even into 60 and 50, which are the average American Dollar Prices.

Well average American dollar prices if you don't count the fact that the Wii has many discount games. (The PS3 has a couple too.)  Seems VERY unlikely that the Wii number would come out to about 50 with all the sales of budget games and the fact that a large number of games are sold at less then retail.  So i'd expect the number to be lower if it was a true sold to customers number.