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Forums - General Discussion - Anyone else suffer with Irrational fears?

One Irrational fear I have is To keep washing my hands. It can get so bad that it sometimes ends up with irritated skin. Also other stupid fears can lead to panic attacks (Fear of my health). Anyone else suffer with similar things? (OCD?)

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Asterix, Obelix and the Gauls were afraid of the sky falling down on them.
The Romans used to redicule the Gauls.
I'm not sure if that is historically correct though (the Gauls/Celts being afraid of the sky falling down) Anyone?..

I'm not afraid of that happening lol

@Gamingchartz, lol,

Mosquito's I HATE them!!!

people like username2324

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All the time brother. Too many to list.

Paranoia! I do too.

Would my fear of spiders fall under irrational fears?

Pacman taught people to run around in dark rooms munching on pills while listening to repettive techno music and for that I somewhat idolise him.

I don't think I have any irrational fears, just your "usual" fears, if anything.

I'm afraid of everything people fear on the internetz.