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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will FF XIII be another high budget COLOSSAL blunder due to PS3 exclusivity

Aprisaiden said:
@johnsobas -- so what if Retailers have only sold 2.06 million(as of 2 weeks ago). Konima doesn't sell MGS4 to consumers it sells it to retailers. Therefore they will be looking at how many copies THEY sold to retailers to judge if the game is a success for not.


    What are you talking about?  It IS bundled

good luck finding it though, sold out EVERYWHERE.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

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   Rosic, rosic *



*"rosicare" is roman dialect for italian "rodere" and (this case) "rodersi", literally "to gnaw" and "to gnaw oneself", but the latter means also "to be consumed with envy" and "to eat one's heart out", so the beaver (the animal, as the other meaning of beaver in italian, limiting to figurative use of animal names is given most commonly by "topa", female mouse, or "passera", hen sparrow), but also other rodents, and the short form "rosic" have become symbols and taunts for the envious.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

MGS4 is the best looking game ever released so far on any console, and one of my all time favorite games! It is selling extreamly well for a MG game and will continue to have legs. Would not have been possible on the 360 and if it was a multi, than we wouldn't have the killer game we now have on the PS3. From this point on we will see huge differences between PS3 games and 360. Multi platform games will be better on the PS3 too.

FF13 will help kill the 360 and be another huge system seller for the PS3. Expect at least 8 million units sold.

It seems that the only way these desperate fanboys can win is to try and bring down every one of these killer PS3 games getting released. Haven't u noticed that it is the same for each up and comming big game. Just GAY!

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

DMeisterJ said:
jenny said:
Why does the truth hurt so much??? OUCH!!

I know.

Being called a failure couldn't possibly be fun.

It's a shame it's the only word I can use to describe you.


Just because you don't like what jenny is saying doesn't mean you get to lob insults.  Consider this a warning, there is no justification for insulting another member.  And just in case you wre wondering, yes, calling someone a failure is certainly an insult.

To Each Man, Responsibility
talkingparrot said:
starcraft said:
I think the OP is very wrong to imply that Konami failed. It is more likely that Sony failed. Konami's game sales on the PS3 may or may not have been enough to make back the budget of MGS4. Despite how expensive the game is, I'm willing to bet they probably have JUST cleared a profit on it based on sales.

But we are all forgetting that Sony definitely have an exclusivity deal on with Konami. Whatever this deal was (either a huge cash payment or royalty-free software sales) it would easily have put Konami in the black on MGS4. For example, its more than likely Konami got more for each bundled version of MGS4 than they did for loose versions, otherwise where is the incentive?

But looking at it from Sony's point of view you had an excellent hardware spike that lasted one, maybe two weeks. They've spent an enormous amount of money marketing MGS4 and somehow paying off Konami. If they (and its quite likely) are still losing money on each PS3 sold, the last month could actually have lost them money rather than gained it. Of course the argument would be the hardware boost will boost future profits, but then you have to ask if the hardware boost was enough to be worth it?


You are so full of sensationlism its not even funny.  Fanboy much? The premium 80 gig is 500 dollars - 60 for each MGS4.  Total cost to sony being 440.  Which is still 40 dollars more than the 40 gig.


Speculation points to, Sony promising Konami a string of Metal Gear films.  If that is the case, Metal Gear as a franchise will boom in sales and give the Playstation brand credibility immediately.


 And you aren't? your post has all the markings of a rookie fanboy...You basically completely contradictid yourself in less than 2 lines....

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The OP can suck my balls

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot



This thread is pretty worthless in just about every way.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Sqrl said:
DMeisterJ said:
jenny said:
Why does the truth hurt so much??? OUCH!!

I know.

Being called a failure couldn't possibly be fun.

It's a shame it's the only word I can use to describe you.

Just because you don't like what jenny is saying doesn't mean you get to lob insults.  Consider this a warning, there is no justification for insulting another member.  And just in case you wre wondering, yes, calling someone a failure is certainly an insult.

I don't like what many poeple say, but I don't hurl insults.  When people are flat-out wrong though, and don't want to accept truth, I actively lob insults.  I'm most assured that there is no justification for name-calling, but it felt damn good posting that.  I'm not wondering whether or not calling someone a "failure" is an insult.  I mean, I've been called worse than that on this site, and people haven't been warned.  I'm not saying that about you, but some mods are more lenient with the whole name-calling thing, as in some places, it is rightly deserved (this was one of them), but I understand the fact that you had to warn me for breaking the rules, I just wish this happend across the board.

Now it's time to figure out who reported me.