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Forums - Politics Discussion - Brazil is getting closer and closer to becoming a dictatorship

o_O.Q said:
LuccaCardoso1 said:

First of all, I wanted to make something clear: I'm not saying Brazil is under a fascist dictatorship right now. All I'm saying is the country is getting closer to one every day. The government has a radical right-wing, ultranationalist agenda, and everyday it tries to suppress the opposition a bit more. Just in the last week, Bolsonaro threatened to imprison a journalist because he disagreed with him, fired lead members of two institutions who gave him information that, although true, he didn't like, and lied about the military dictatorship - trying to blame the left - twice.

If something looks like a lion, moves like a lion and roars like a lion, you don't have to wait for it to attack you to call it a lion. Because then it's too late.

"everyday it tries to suppress the opposition a bit more. "

with speech? I asked in my previous comment for actions or policies, do you have any to post?

Words have power. Bolsonaro has been doing that for a long time. He says somethings, waits for the reaction, sees that his supporters keep supporting him, then does it. And when he does it, you can't be surprised because he warned you.

Threatening to imprison a journalist who hasn't commited a crime is a threat to democracy itself. When you're president, you can't just go around saying you'll put everyone who disagrees with you in jail (or kill everyone who disagrees with you, like in this video where he says he'll shoot every supporter of the opposite party).

If something looks like a lion, moves like a lion and roars like a lion, you don't have to wait for it to attack you to call it a lion. Because then it's too late.

o_O.Q said:

"Just in the last week, Bolsonaro threatened to imprison a journalist because he disagreed with him"

as did obama when he was president, do you think this indicated america was becoming a fascist regime?

Do you have an actual credible source for this? I will not discuss over a text from a blatantly right-wing conservative biased site.

o_O.Q said:

"fired lead members of two institutions who gave him information that, although true, he didn't like"

"and lied about the military dictatorship - trying to blame the left - twice."

i'd need to see more context on these

Then read the OP. I wrote all of those down in part 4.


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CGI-Quality said:
Nautilus said:

This thread in a nutshell.

Instead of posting like this, explain the error. If there is misinformation, what is it? Educate people so they can understand what's wrong.

And I'm only going to remind everyone about the thread guidelines one last time. Afterwards, I'll be handing down moderations. If you are not looking to seriously participate, I advise you to exit now.

If the OP came to discuss the topic in goodwill, then sure.But instead, he didnt post a single positive thing the government has done, and instead just posted misinformation, either ones that are out of context, or just ones that are at face value not a big deal, but blown out of proportion because of his political views.

The commentary that shows his true nature is this one: "Do you have an actual credible source for this? I will not discuss over a text from a blatantly right-wing conservative biased site.". The Bolsonaro government is a right leaned government.Any kind of discussion for the government, will be right leaned and thus it will land on deaf ears.And unfortunelly, people dont treat politics as politics in that country.Its almost like football.They dont care about results, they care about which team is winning.And that reflects on the papers.Any more left leaning paper will try to donwplay everything that the government does, simply because the government dont share their view.As if we all being human beings isnt enough....

But just on the spirit of discussion, here are some "evil stuff" this "dictatorship" has done so far:(Oh, and keep in mind that this is all after 20 years of the biggest scheme of corruption of the country[and probably one of the biggest in the world] and destruction that Brazil went through)

Sharp violence decrease of every kind of crime, with murder being down 27% compared to the same period last year:

Increase in job availability, with june of this year being the best number(for June) in the last 5 years.

Same thing, but for february:

In 5 months, managed to close a comercial deal with the European Union( that was in the works for almost two decades, if Im not mistaken, which the previous government never managed to get), which could bring an increase in the brazillian GDP up to 125 billion dollars in 15 years:

Now in talks to close a similar comercial deal with both Japan and the US, which could being similar adavnatages to the economy:

And there is SO much more, but it would take me all day to list them all.Unfortunely its all in portuguese, and not only most international papers dont cover the things that happen here.And when they do, its almost always through the lens of opposite political view.

The truth is:The Bolsonaro government has been great so far, but 4 years is not enough to repair the damage that has been done in the country for many decades.Unfortunely, more harsh truth and harsh measures will need to be taken because of the destruction caused to the country, and people who cant see past their small political views, or that too hang up on being politically correct(rather than have things being done) will keep complaining.

The good thing is:They are the minority, and the only good thing they are good for is being loud.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

CGI-Quality said:
Nautilus said:

If the OP came to discuss the topic in goodwill, then sure.But instead, he didnt post a single positive thing the government has done, and instead just posted misinformation, either ones that are out of context, or just ones that are at face value not a big deal, but blown out of proportion because of his political views.

Doesn't matter. You can always educate someone who is false/wrong or has presented information that is. I see with this post you've attempted that, but in the future, let it be your first course of action (or report it for misinformation), instead of memes/vids/drive-by posts that don't help a thread along.

@OP: Should the topic contain false info to push a narrative, I advise some corrections (or we'll have to lock and perhaps moderate) to avoid this very situation. Again, that's if.

There is nothing false or wrong in the OP. Everything Nautilus posted was about economy, he didn't debunk a single OP's point

Click HERE and be happy 

EricFabian said:
CGI-Quality said:

Doesn't matter. You can always educate someone who is false/wrong or has presented information that is. I see with this post you've attempted that, but in the future, let it be your first course of action (or report it for misinformation), instead of memes/vids/drive-by posts that don't help a thread along.

@OP: Should the topic contain false info to push a narrative, I advise some corrections (or we'll have to lock and perhaps moderate) to avoid this very situation. Again, that's if.

There is nothing false or wrong in the OP. Everything Nautilus posted was about economy, he didn't debunk a single OP's point

Wasnt willing to go through every single point of his, because thats alot of work, but I am already involved in this madness, so here we go:

Side note: Most of the points I will adress dosent indicate no dictatorship, nazism or whatever.Its just that Bolsonaro is very sincere and direct with his opinion.The concept of political correctness for him is basically dead, which is completely correct.

Part 1: Why!?

These are not laws, but stupid actions for a president.

  • Bolsonaro tweeted a video of people engaging in a "golden shower" in the Brazilian Carnaval. That's: a violation of Twitter's rules; a violation of Brazilian law (exposing someone publically without consent, not how a president should behave); discouraging tourism because of an isolated incident; and pretty weird for a radical christian.

He posted a video of someon peeing during the carnical, on top of a cvar visible to anyone(if im not mistaken) in a show that had no age restriction, that was meant for all ages.He was just pointing out how absurd that is, which I agree.

Common term for whoever lives in Rio de Janeiro.May be an oversight by his part, but nothing serious or anything.

*facepalm*.No he dosent defend child labor in the sense you are putting.He defends the right for a tennager to work and earn money, as long as it dosent get in the way of his education.Think of a family that is having trouble keeping up with the stuff it needs to pay, so that their son can help working 4 hours(give or take), after school, in a local grocery shop.Thats it.Here is what he said on the topic:

Im not too much informed on this, but I believe he refers to Brazil having too much regulations which serves for nothing.But I might be wrong on this one.

And what he said its true.He just framed it wrongly.People like to exagerate that a good number of people in Brazil basically starves to death, and thats simply not true.Yes, some live in extreme proverty, and thats something that needs to be fixed, but its not as big as some publications makes it seem to be.And thats just what he meant.Its just that his first declaration on this topic was unfortunate.

  • Bolsonaro said "the environmental questions are only important to vegetarians."

Dont remember he saying this.While I also think that this phrase was probably take out of context, I wont comment further on this.

Part 2: Wait, were you actually serious when you said that?

Yeah, turns out Bolsonaro is exactly what he said he was, but no one believed him.

I dont agree on the child safety seat part(Hey, I approve him, dosent mean I will agree with 100% of what he says), but about the second part, Im 100% behind it.For who dosent live in the country, you guys need to understand that the transit violations in Brazil is almost a mafia, to the point that speed cameras are hid, so that they can catch you on roads that should have higher speed limits in order to get money from you.And infringing the speed limit 3 or 4 times in a year(Something like being 58 km per hour on a 50 km per hour street) will revoke your driver license.Its stupid.And brazillians know that.

Not aware of this one, but probably something taken out of context.But Im happy to be proven wrong.

  • The Minister of Foreign Affairs also agreed with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Egypt when it came to sex education, violence against women and forced marriage.

In what points?Would be nice to have a reference of some sort, or even links to those claims.

  • The Minister of Foreign Affairs said that global warming is not real because it was cold in Italy when he visited Rome.

Again, source.But assuming its true, yeah thats stupid.Still, dosent point to dictatorship in the slightest.

Yes, because it was pointless to have a dozen different Minitries for the same topic.He just concentrated them.Labor and emplyment is still extremely important(see previous post for sources on that), Bolsonaro is just being efficient by putting it inside the Ministry of Economy, which is already giving results.

Part 3: N is for nepotism!

Remember when Bolsonaro said corruption was over? Yeah, no.

  • Bolsonaro's son, Eduardo, was nominated to work as the Brazilian ambassador in Washington DC. Eduardo has no degree or international experience to warrant him this. He justified his decision saying that Eduardo has "flipped burgers in Maine". Here's a video of Eduardo speaking English.

This topic is delicate.Outside of the timing(which is stupid, given the reform he is trying to pass), I agree that his son would receive a better treatment and thus get things approved more quickly, than a random diplomat.Now people also have a point that his english skills suck.So Im neutral on this one, but honestly, since his approval needs to pass through the senate, dont strike me as nepotism.But thats me.

  • You can see a day-by-day report of the nepotism and corruption that has happened in his government since the start of his term here.

This "article" is the definition of misinformation.This right here is full of old information(that was proven to be either fake or exagerated), of suspicions based on nothing, or just lies.For example, giving job to relatives of bolsonaro(cousins, uncles or otherwise) is not a problem by itself as long as they are competent.I dont think there was a single proof of actual nepotism that was brought foward, other than those "coincidences".Especially on a family with a history on politic(Both sons of Bolsonaro are deputies that were eleged).

Part 4: Oh, boy, this smells of fascism!

God no lol.He wants to close ANCINE yes, but because its a waste of money.Firstly, most movies produced with the money of ANCINE arent profitable(and honestly, they suck.Yes yes, personal opinion).But secondly, and most important, the government is broken.If they dont even have money for their public universities, why will they keep paying for films that dont even turn a profit?

  • After getting the data collected by INPE (National Institute for Space Research) and other foreign agencies regarding the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest, showing results he "felt were not the truth", Bolsonaro fired the director of the Institute.

Yes, because the data was indeed incorrect.And it was using an outdated system.Here is the proof:(The relevant part starts at roughly 13:00)

Dont know enough about this subject, so I wont comment.But if true, it should be reprimended(again, dont agree with 100% he does)

  • Bolsonaro threatened Glenn Greenwald, a journalist who published text messages between a few politicians, including the current Minister of Justice, that could demoralize an anti-corruption operation that impeached the former president, of going to jail. When another journalist asked Bolsonaro's spokesman what crime Greenwald committed, he was not able to give an answer.

Its still under investigation, but Gleen Greenwald adquired the messages through hackers, which illegally obtained the information.I mean, he is compromising the government, and even if what he shown actually proved that Sergio Moro was a great judge and that he did everything by the book, it was still alarming that governmental infromation was leaking like that.So yeah, even I would be pissed.But Bolsonaro didnt censor him or anything.So I dont see the dictatorship part in here.

  • Miriam Leitão, a journalist, was tortured during the military dictatorship when she was 19 and pregnant. Bolsonaro said that she was a liar and justified her imprisonment because she was part of a guerrilla group. Leitão has never been a part of a guerrilla group.

Wont comment, simply because I dont know much about this one, but just to leave out here:Many of the people that claimed they were fighting the military dictatorship were actually criminals that robbed banks and killed people.So yeah, just leaving this out here.

He made a mistake, I dont understand how this is normalizing nazism.For all the horrible things the nazists did, they have done a great number of medical breakthrough.They used horrible methods yes, but they still did contribute to medicine.Just stating facts, not trying to normalize nazism.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
  • Bolsonaro tweeted a video of people engaging in a "golden shower" in the Brazilian Carnaval. That's: a violation of Twitter's rules; a violation of Brazilian law (exposing someone publically without consent, not how a president should behave); discouraging tourism because of an isolated incident; and pretty weird for a radical christian.

He posted a video of someon peeing during the carnical, on top of a cvar visible to anyone(if im not mistaken) in a show that had no age restriction, that was meant for all ages.He was just pointing out how absurd that is, which I agree.

    Yeah, and then he took a case that should be on the hands of the police and post it for millions and millions of people to see, including tourists who might be discouraged to pay money and go to Brazil and children who would never have seen that before. That's something that an uncle with a lot of free time would post to his 12 followers, not something the president should be doing.

    Nautilus said:

    Common term for whoever lives in Rio de Janeiro.May be an oversight by his part, but nothing serious or anything.

      I don't know if you actually don't know or you're willfully acting like you don't, but "paraíbas" is a derogatory, xenophobic term used by people who live in Rio de Janeiro to refer to Northeasterners. Bolsonaro has lived in Rio for a long time, and has apparently caught up with the slurs. It's pretty serious when you are the president of Brazil and call 50 million people from your own country by a prejudiced term.

      Nautilus said:

      *facepalm*.No he dosent defend child labor in the sense you are putting.He defends the right for a tennager to work and earn money, as long as it dosent get in the way of his education.Think of a family that is having trouble keeping up with the stuff it needs to pay, so that their son can help working 4 hours(give or take), after school, in a local grocery shop.Thats it.Here is what he said on the topic:

        Absolutely not. You're straight-up lying. Bolsonaro said, and I quote: "I can confess it now, but at that time it wasn't a crime. (...) I, when I was 9 or 10 years old, would break corn in the plantations and, four or five days after, with the sun out, would harvest the corn. (...) I wasn't harmed at all. When a 9 or 10-year-old child goes to work somewhere, it's full of people calling it slave labour, child labour. Now, when they're smoking crack, no one says anything. So, work doesn't harm anyone. (...) Me and my brothers, with that age, worked in the field. Hard work. (...) Work dignifies."

        He defended that 9 or 10-year-old children should work on fields because "work dignifies" and he personally wasn't harmed by it. He was not talking about a teenager working for 4 hours selling stuff at a local grocery store. He was talking about a child working hard on cornfields.

        Don't lie to try and defend the indefensible. That only makes you look worse.

        Nautilus said:

        Im not too much informed on this, but I believe he refers to Brazil having too much regulations which serves for nothing.But I might be wrong on this one.

          Yeah, you're wrong. You can read some more on this link. Or this one.

          Bolsonaro criticized the law that says that employers who get caught employing people with conditions analogous to slavery lose their lands. He also wants to separate what's analogous to slavery and what's "actual slavery", because the first one would be okay, according to his words.

          Nautilus said:

          And what he said its true.He just framed it wrongly.People like to exagerate that a good number of people in Brazil basically starves to death, and thats simply not true.Yes, some live in extreme proverty, and thats something that needs to be fixed, but its not as big as some publications makes it seem to be.And thats just what he meant.Its just that his first declaration on this topic was unfortunate.

            More than 7 million people don't have enough money to eat, and you're saying it's not that big of a deal? 15 people die every single day because they can't eat enough to sustain their bodies, and you're saying it's not that big of a deal? Thousands of people starving to death every year is not a "good number"? What is a good number, 50%? Do you want half of the population to begin starving to call it a big deal?

            This is not even an argumentation flaw, this is a character flaw. You seem to completely lack empathy.

            Nautilus said:
            • Bolsonaro said "the environmental questions are only important to vegetarians."

            Dont remember he saying this.While I also think that this phrase was probably take out of context, I wont comment further on this.

            Saying "I think it's out of context, therefore Bolsonaro is not guilty" is not really an argument. But here's the context. Yeah, exactly what it looked like before the context was given, right? He's saying that because he wants Brazil to ramp up deforestation. He wants to make the environment look like a hippie-vegan-agenda.

            Nautilus said:

            I dont agree on the child safety seat part(Hey, I approve him, dosent mean I will agree with 100% of what he says), but about the second part, Im 100% behind it.For who dosent live in the country, you guys need to understand that the transit violations in Brazil is almost a mafia, to the point that speed cameras are hid, so that they can catch you on roads that should have higher speed limits in order to get money from you.And infringing the speed limit 3 or 4 times in a year(Something like being 58 km per hour on a 50 km per hour street) will revoke your driver license.Its stupid.And brazillians know that.

              Yeah, the traffic industry is terrible, but that's not how you solve it, like, at all. You don't even need to think to get to that conclusion. Because what he's doing also allows actual offenders to still be driving and consequently making it more dangerous for the people who are trying to drive safely. As if Brazil didn't have enough traffic accidents already.

              Why didn't he try to implement some tighter inspection or some kind of way to control where the radars are installed, for example? Oh, right, because that doesn't look as good in a headline.

              Nautilus said:

              Not aware of this one, but probably something taken out of context.But Im happy to be proven wrong.

              • The Minister of Foreign Affairs also agreed with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Egypt when it came to sex education, violence against women and forced marriage.

              In what points?Would be nice to have a reference of some sort, or even links to those claims.

              • The Minister of Foreign Affairs said that global warming is not real because it was cold in Italy when he visited Rome.

              Again, source.But assuming its true, yeah thats stupid.Still, dosent point to dictatorship in the slightest.

                The context is in the link I linked. It's not out of context. As a matter of fact, it doesn't need any context. There's only one possible interpretation of what he said. He said, with all the words needed, that LGBT+ people are abstract things and Brazil doesn't want to protect them, Brazil wants to protect "real people".

                The next two points were included in the first link, that you clearly didn't read.

                Nautilus said:

                Yes, because it was pointless to have a dozen different Minitries for the same topic.He just concentrated them.Labor and emplyment is still extremely important(see previous post for sources on that), Bolsonaro is just being efficient by putting it inside the Ministry of Economy, which is already giving results.

                We're going to have to agree to disagree, because I don't think it's giving results. In my point of view, Brazil is critically in need of someone to protect labour laws. And we're not gonna have that without a Ministry specifically for that. C'mon, it's one of the most important topics in a country.

                Nautilus said:
                • Bolsonaro's son, Eduardo, was nominated to work as the Brazilian ambassador in Washington DC. Eduardo has no degree or international experience to warrant him this. He justified his decision saying that Eduardo has "flipped burgers in Maine". Here's a video of Eduardo speaking English.

                This topic is delicate.Outside of the timing(which is stupid, given the reform he is trying to pass), I agree that his son would receive a better treatment and thus get things approved more quickly, than a random diplomat.Now people also have a point that his english skills suck.So Im neutral on this one, but honestly, since his approval needs to pass through the senate, dont strike me as nepotism.But thats me.

                  Someone who doesn't know how to handle international affairs and barely speaks English would get things approved more quickly just because he's the son of the President? Why don't we put, idk, Zé Carioca as our next Minister of Foreign Affairs, then? He's really popular, people would love him. We could also consider putting a copy of a Tom Jobim CD as our next Minister of Education? It doesn't say much, but people love it, it would be easy to approve anything with it there.

                  Nepotism: "patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics"

                  Bolsonaro designated Eduardo for the office, so that's nepotism already. Doesn't matter if it goes through the senate or not, he's already trying to favour his own family. 

                  Nautilus said:
                  • You can see a day-by-day report of the nepotism and corruption that has happened in his government since the start of his term here.

                  This "article" is the definition of misinformation.This right here is full of old information(that was proven to be either fake or exagerated), of suspicions based on nothing, or just lies.For example, giving job to relatives of bolsonaro(cousins, uncles or otherwise) is not a problem by itself as long as they are competent.I dont think there was a single proof of actual nepotism that was brought foward, other than those "coincidences".Especially on a family with a history on politic(Both sons of Bolsonaro are deputies that were eleged).

                  I'm not going to argue because there's too much information in that link, and I've already spent too much time writing this. I'm just going to say one thing: Don't you think there are too many "coincidences"?

                  Nautilus said:

                    God no lol.He wants to close ANCINE yes, but because its a waste of money.Firstly, most movies produced with the money of ANCINE arent profitable(and honestly, they suck.Yes yes, personal opinion).But secondly, and most important, the government is broken.If they dont even have money for their public universities, why will they keep paying for films that dont even turn a profit?


                      Do you have a source to say that most movies produced with the money of ANCINE aren't profitable?

                      The production and distribution of a movie creates hundreds of jobs and the government will even get some of the money back from the taxes on the tickets. It's not dead money.

                      Culture is not a waste of money. Do you know what is a waste of money? The exorbitant paychecks politicians receive, including the Bolsonaro clan. But he wouldn't want to change that, would he? Do you know what's also a waste of money? The exorbitant paychecks retired members of the military receive. But he wouldn't want to change that either, would he?

                      Nautilus said:
                      • After getting the data collected by INPE (National Institute for Space Research) and other foreign agencies regarding the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest, showing results he "felt were not the truth", Bolsonaro fired the director of the Institute.

                      Yes, because the data was indeed incorrect.And it was using an outdated system.Here is the proof:(The relevant part starts at roughly 13:00)


                        Are you really going to give me a 360p Youtube video with 144 views from a channel called "Movement of the Brazilian People" that has a heart-shaped Brazilian flag, with a title that has not only a very sensationalist title but also puts spaces before exclamation marks and is all in caps lock to try and debunk a scientifically-proven method with 95% precision that has been done since 1988 with the use of high-tech satellites and with information gathered by different companies with different methods that end up giving the same result and able to be accessed by anyone online, which is also backed up by countless scientists and environmentalists around the world? Okay.

                        Nautilus said:

                        Dont know enough about this subject, so I wont comment.But if true, it should be reprimended(again, dont agree with 100% he does)

                          It is true. I gave you the link that proves it from a credible source. You don't need to wonder if it is true or not. You don't need to tell me when you're disagreeing with something Bolsonaro said either, I'm pretty sure I can notice that myself.

                          Nautilus said:
                          • Bolsonaro threatened Glenn Greenwald, a journalist who published text messages between a few politicians, including the current Minister of Justice, that could demoralize an anti-corruption operation that impeached the former president, of going to jail. When another journalist asked Bolsonaro's spokesman what crime Greenwald committed, he was not able to give an answer.

                          Its still under investigation, but Gleen Greenwald adquired the messages through hackers, which illegally obtained the information.I mean, he is compromising the government, and even if what he shown actually proved that Sergio Moro was a great judge and that he did everything by the book, it was still alarming that governmental infromation was leaking like that.So yeah, even I would be pissed.But Bolsonaro didnt censor him or anything.So I dont see the dictatorship part in here.

                            "It is still under investigation". There is no proof that Greenwald got any information illegally, and, unless he himself hacked the phones, he did not commit a crime. Threatening to imprison a journalist for giving people truthful information is a huge threat to democracy, how can you not see that? Bolsonaro is trying to hide information from people through fear, and if it doesn't work, he might begin trying those locking-up-without-evidence tactics he was talking about.

                            Nautilus said:
                            • Miriam Leitão, a journalist, was tortured during the military dictatorship when she was 19 and pregnant. Bolsonaro said that she was a liar and justified her imprisonment because she was part of a guerrilla group. Leitão has never been a part of a guerrilla group.

                            Wont comment, simply because I dont know much about this one, but just to leave out here:Many of the people that claimed they were fighting the military dictatorship were actually criminals that robbed banks and killed people.So yeah, just leaving this out here.

                              You clearly don't know much about this one. Miriam Leitão was indeed tortured during the military dictatorship, and there's proof.

                              The second part of your comment you got from the creative part of your mind, I'd assume, since there's no evidence. You just said that do defend the military dictatorship because they're right-wing and coincidentally share a lot of similarities with the current president, whom you love. Shame you for defending the military dictatorship. Shame on you.

                              Nautilus said:

                              He made a mistake, I dont understand how this is normalizing nazism.For all the horrible things the nazists did, they have done a great number of medical breakthrough.They used horrible methods yes, but they still did contribute to medicine.Just stating facts, not trying to normalize nazism.

                              That's normalizing nazism because he's randomly dropping good things the nazis "did" and, at the same time, softening the bad stuff. The only reason that he would say that is so people can think "yeah, nazism wasn't so bad after all".

                              If you decide to reply to this, please use some credible sources and refrain from defending the military dictatorship. And maybe just stop lying, too. That's not just advice for replying to this, it's kind of advice for your life as a whole.

                              Last edited by Lucca - on 04 August 2019

                              B O I

                              Around the Network
                              LuccaCardoso1 said:
                              Nautilus said:
                              • Bolsonaro tweeted a video of people engaging in a "golden shower" in the Brazilian Carnaval. That's: a violation of Twitter's rules; a violation of Brazilian law (exposing someone publically without consent, not how a president should behave); discouraging tourism because of an isolated incident; and pretty weird for a radical christian.

                              He posted a video of someon peeing during the carnical, on top of a cvar visible to anyone(if im not mistaken) in a show that had no age restriction, that was meant for all ages.He was just pointing out how absurd that is, which I agree.

                                Yeah, and then he took a case that should be on the hands of the police and post it for millions and millions of people to see, including tourists who might be discouraged to pay money and go to Brazil and children who would never have seen that before. That's something that an uncle with a lot of free time would post to his 12 followers, not something the president should be doing.

                                And you are pissed because he did what he thought it was the right thing to do?It would have "leaked" one way or another.Plus, tourists dont come to brazil because of the violence, the country being a third world one, and many smaller issues, like this one.As most of your points, you are pissed with him because he didnt act like you wanted him to act, not because he did something wrong.

                                And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                Nautilus said:

                                Common term for whoever lives in Rio de Janeiro.May be an oversight by his part, but nothing serious or anything.

                                  I don't know if you actually don't know or you're willfully acting like you don't, but "paraíbas" is a derogatory, xenophobic term used by people who live in Rio de Janeiro to refer to Northeasterners. Bolsonaro has lived in Rio for a long time, and has apparently caught up with the slurs. It's pretty serious when you are the president of Brazil and call 50 million people from your own country by a prejudiced term.

                                  It was a slip of the tongue.He not only retracted but went there and is trying to implement policies to enhance and make life there better.

                                  And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                  Nautilus said:

                                  *facepalm*.No he dosent defend child labor in the sense you are putting.He defends the right for a tennager to work and earn money, as long as it dosent get in the way of his education.Think of a family that is having trouble keeping up with the stuff it needs to pay, so that their son can help working 4 hours(give or take), after school, in a local grocery shop.Thats it.Here is what he said on the topic:


                                    Absolutely not. You're straight-up lying. Bolsonaro said, and I quote: "I can confess it now, but at that time it wasn't a crime. (...) I, when I was 9 or 10 years old, would break corn in the plantations and, four or five days after, with the sun out, would harvest the corn. (...) I wasn't harmed at all. When a 9 or 10-year-old child goes to work somewhere, it's full of people calling it slave labour, child labour. Now, when they're smoking crack, no one says anything. So, work doesn't harm anyone. (...) Me and my brothers, with that age, worked in the field. Hard work. (...) Work dignifies."

                                    He defended that 9 or 10-year-old children should work on fields because "work dignifies" and he personally wasn't harmed by it. He was not talking about a teenager working for 4 hours selling stuff at a local grocery store. He was talking about a child working hard on cornfields.

                                    Don't lie to try and defend the indefensible. That only makes you look worse.

                                    Im not lying, you are the one thats just blind and is trying to believe what you want to believe.And I mean, the quote you just posted basically confirms this.He worked as a child, either with his family or not(dosent really matter), managed to educate himself and now is the president of Brazil.I dont see how working as a 10 year old kid made him into a bad person.I will say it again: As long as the person is going to school and the work he means to do dosent overwhelm him(there will be regulations for this), I dont see the problem.

                                    And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                    Nautilus said:

                                    Im not too much informed on this, but I believe he refers to Brazil having too much regulations which serves for nothing.But I might be wrong on this one.

                                      Yeah, you're wrong. You can read some more on this link. Or this one.

                                      Bolsonaro criticized the law that says that employers who get caught employing people with conditions analogous to slavery lose their lands. He also wants to separate what's analogous to slavery and what's "actual slavery", because the first one would be okay, according to his words.

                                      I think this quote is tied to a larger discussion, which is the overwhelming number of adavantages a employee has versus the ones the employer have, that ends up increasing the employement(sdince it ends up being too much of a hassle and way too expensive to hire someone).But at face value, dont agree with this.Like I said, Im more interested in stuff being done rather than a person being from the right or from the left.

                                      Nautilus said:

                                      And what he said its true.He just framed it wrongly.People like to exagerate that a good number of people in Brazil basically starves to death, and thats simply not true.Yes, some live in extreme proverty, and thats something that needs to be fixed, but its not as big as some publications makes it seem to be.And thats just what he meant.Its just that his first declaration on this topic was unfortunate.

                                        More than 7 million people don't have enough money to eat, and you're saying it's not that big of a deal? 15 people die every single day because they can't eat enough to sustain their bodies, and you're saying it's not that big of a deal? Thousands of people starving to death every year is not a "good number"? What is a good number, 50%? Do you want half of the population to begin starving to call it a big deal?

                                        This is not even an argumentation flaw, this is a character flaw. You seem to completely lack empathy.

                                        Give me a source for this "7 million people dont have enough money to eat".Hard to believe, especially with programs like Bolsa Familia, which exist exactly for that(and if that number is true, thats all a legacy from the extreme-left government that was in power for the last 20 years).The place this number comes from is probably from families that have enough money to eat, just not to gouge themselves in it.That instead of having 3 meals a day, they have 2 or even 1.Thats poverty, not hunger.And thats something he is trying to fix.It just takes time.

                                        And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                        Nautilus said:
                                        • Bolsonaro said "the environmental questions are only important to vegetarians."

                                        Dont remember he saying this.While I also think that this phrase was probably take out of context, I wont comment further on this.

                                        Saying "I think it's out of context, therefore Bolsonaro is not guilty" is not really an argument. But here's the context. Yeah, exactly what it looked like before the context was given, right? He's saying that because he wants Brazil to ramp up deforestation. He wants to make the environment look like a hippie-vegan-agenda.

                                        Probably another case of unfortunate wording, but as I said its an exageration yet again.Why?Simple: In that video that which you said and I quote "Are you really going to give me a 360p Youtube video with 144 views from a channel called "Movement of the Brazilian People" that has a heart-shaped Brazilian flag", states that they are investing in a new system for INEP that tracks better and in real time the deflorestation, so that IBAMA can better act on it.Sounds like a government that dosent care about the enviroment?

                                        And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                        Nautilus said:

                                        I dont agree on the child safety seat part(Hey, I approve him, dosent mean I will agree with 100% of what he says), but about the second part, Im 100% behind it.For who dosent live in the country, you guys need to understand that the transit violations in Brazil is almost a mafia, to the point that speed cameras are hid, so that they can catch you on roads that should have higher speed limits in order to get money from you.And infringing the speed limit 3 or 4 times in a year(Something like being 58 km per hour on a 50 km per hour street) will revoke your driver license.Its stupid.And brazillians know that.

                                          Yeah, the traffic industry is terrible, but that's not how you solve it, like, at all. You don't even need to think to get to that conclusion. Because what he's doing also allows actual offenders to still be driving and consequently making it more dangerous for the people who are trying to drive safely. As if Brazil didn't have enough traffic accidents already.

                                          Why didn't he try to implement some tighter inspection or some kind of way to control where the radars are installed, for example? Oh, right, because that doesn't look as good in a headline.

                                          He IS implementing a tighter inspection on where the cameras are installed.Here is the source:


                                          The only problem is that there are still parts of the government that he cant touch that are still corrupted or simply inneficient, thats dosent allow him to enact more fast on things he wants to change.

                                          Anyway, the increase of the points in the CNH is a good thing.But as I have shown you, its not the only measure he is taking.

                                          And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                          Nautilus said:

                                          Not aware of this one, but probably something taken out of context.But Im happy to be proven wrong.

                                          • The Minister of Foreign Affairs also agreed with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Egypt when it came to sex education, violence against women and forced marriage.

                                          In what points?Would be nice to have a reference of some sort, or even links to those claims.

                                          • The Minister of Foreign Affairs said that global warming is not real because it was cold in Italy when he visited Rome.

                                          Again, source.But assuming its true, yeah thats stupid.Still, dosent point to dictatorship in the slightest.

                                            The context is in the link I linked. It's not out of context. As a matter of fact, it doesn't need any context. There's only one possible interpretation of what he said. He said, with all the words needed, that LGBT+ people are abstract things and Brazil doesn't want to protect them, Brazil wants to protect "real people".

                                            The next two points were included in the first link, that you clearly didn't read.

                                            I dont think that LGTB people need extra protection, because they are already protected by the regislations that protects well, everyone.The last time I checked, gay people was also human being.What needs to be done is improve the legislation itself(which is full of burocracy which makes it slow) and fiy the security problem in BNrazil, which is severe,

                                            And as I have shown in a previous post, the safety problem is being worked on.

                                            And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                            Nautilus said:

                                            Yes, because it was pointless to have a dozen different Minitries for the same topic.He just concentrated them.Labor and emplyment is still extremely important(see previous post for sources on that), Bolsonaro is just being efficient by putting it inside the Ministry of Economy, which is already giving results.

                                            We're going to have to agree to disagree, because I don't think it's giving results. In my point of view, Brazil is critically in need of someone to protect labour laws. And we're not gonna have that without a Ministry specifically for that. C'mon, it's one of the most important topics in a country.

                                            And there is someone.Its called the Ministry of Economy.And I just gave you hard facts that points to that.Now if you dont want acknoledge that, well thats not my problem.

                                            And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                            Nautilus said:
                                            • Bolsonaro's son, Eduardo, was nominated to work as the Brazilian ambassador in Washington DC. Eduardo has no degree or international experience to warrant him this. He justified his decision saying that Eduardo has "flipped burgers in Maine". Here's a video of Eduardo speaking English.

                                            This topic is delicate.Outside of the timing(which is stupid, given the reform he is trying to pass), I agree that his son would receive a better treatment and thus get things approved more quickly, than a random diplomat.Now people also have a point that his english skills suck.So Im neutral on this one, but honestly, since his approval needs to pass through the senate, dont strike me as nepotism.But thats me.

                                              Someone who doesn't know how to handle international affairs and barely speaks English would get things approved more quickly just because he's the son of the President? Why don't we put, idk, Zé Carioca as our next Minister of Foreign Affairs, then? He's really popular, people would love him. We could also consider putting a copy of a Tom Jobim CD as our next Minister of Education? It doesn't say much, but people love it, it would be easy to approve anything with it there.

                                              Nepotism: "patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics"

                                              Bolsonaro designated Eduardo for the office, so that's nepotism already. Doesn't matter if it goes through the senate or not, he's already trying to favour his own family. 

                                              I have already said my piece on the diplomat nomination.And I stand by the nepotism part.Since it still needs to be approved by the senate, I dont see it as nepotism.

                                              And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                              Nautilus said:
                                              • You can see a day-by-day report of the nepotism and corruption that has happened in his government since the start of his term here.

                                              This "article" is the definition of misinformation.This right here is full of old information(that was proven to be either fake or exagerated), of suspicions based on nothing, or just lies.For example, giving job to relatives of bolsonaro(cousins, uncles or otherwise) is not a problem by itself as long as they are competent.I dont think there was a single proof of actual nepotism that was brought foward, other than those "coincidences".Especially on a family with a history on politic(Both sons of Bolsonaro are deputies that were eleged).

                                              I'm not going to argue because there's too much information in that link, and I've already spent too much time writing this. I'm just going to say one thing: Don't you think there are too many "coincidences"?

                                              Dont you think the lack of any information in almost all of those "news" is a coincidence?Ill just leave it at that

                                              And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                              Nautilus said:

                                                God no lol.He wants to close ANCINE yes, but because its a waste of money.Firstly, most movies produced with the money of ANCINE arent profitable(and honestly, they suck.Yes yes, personal opinion).But secondly, and most important, the government is broken.If they dont even have money for their public universities, why will they keep paying for films that dont even turn a profit?


                                                  Do you have a source to say that most movies produced with the money of ANCINE aren't profitable?

                                                  The production and distribution of a movie creates hundreds of jobs and the government will even get some of the money back from the taxes on the tickets. It's not dead money.

                                                  Culture is not a waste of money. Do you know what is a waste of money? The exorbitant paychecks politicians receive, including the Bolsonaro clan. But he wouldn't want to change that, would he? Do you know what's also a waste of money? The exorbitant paychecks retired members of the military receive. But he wouldn't want to change that either, would he?

                                                  If they are profitable, why they need ANCINE in the first place?If the movies they make are so damn good, why cant they find funds elsewhere, like some brazillians shows that are starting to appear in the Netflix(Funded by Netflix)?

                                                  If they are so good and profitable, then ANCINE closing down isnt a problem.And lets be honest:with the "low"(its low for a country the size of Brazil anyways)ammount of money the country has, whats more important: a bunch of people making "great" movies, or the economy/safety/Health/Education/and any other problem the country has?

                                                  Once Brazil is out of danger, Im fine with ANCINE opening up again.But  it also needs to have stricter regulations on who it gives money to.Read this as independent people that wants to make movie, and has a good idea for it, but has zero funds and backing.

                                                  And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                                  Nautilus said:
                                                  • After getting the data collected by INPE (National Institute for Space Research) and other foreign agencies regarding the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest, showing results he "felt were not the truth", Bolsonaro fired the director of the Institute.

                                                  Yes, because the data was indeed incorrect.And it was using an outdated system.Here is the proof:(The relevant part starts at roughly 13:00)


                                                    Are you really going to give me a 360p Youtube video with 144 views from a channel called "Movement of the Brazilian People" that has a heart-shaped Brazilian flag, with a title that has not only a very sensationalist title but also puts spaces before exclamation marks and is all in caps lock to try and debunk a scientifically-proven method with 95% precision that has been done since 1988 with the use of high-tech satellites and with information gathered by different companies with different methods that end up giving the same result and able to be accessed by anyone online, which is also backed up by countless scientists and environmentalists around the world? Okay.

                                                    Did you even watch the video?Because given the response you gave me, Im assuming you didnt.Because certainly that channel(which just uploaded an official video from the government) hired the minister of the environment to appear on it, alongside Bolsonaro and many others, to talk trash on INEP.Yeah......

                                                    Give it a second look.Its highly informative.

                                                    Look, if you dont want to admit you were wrong about this topic, just say it.I wont judge you.... that much XD

                                                    And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                                    Nautilus said:

                                                    Dont know enough about this subject, so I wont comment.But if true, it should be reprimended(again, dont agree with 100% he does)

                                                      It is true. I gave you the link that proves it from a credible source. You don't need to wonder if it is true or not. You don't need to tell me when you're disagreeing with something Bolsonaro said either, I'm pretty sure I can notice that myself.

                                                      Like I said, wont comment on this simply because I dont know enough about this.But hey, the man is not perfect.

                                                      And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                                      Nautilus said:
                                                      • Bolsonaro threatened Glenn Greenwald, a journalist who published text messages between a few politicians, including the current Minister of Justice, that could demoralize an anti-corruption operation that impeached the former president, of going to jail. When another journalist asked Bolsonaro's spokesman what crime Greenwald committed, he was not able to give an answer.

                                                      Its still under investigation, but Gleen Greenwald adquired the messages through hackers, which illegally obtained the information.I mean, he is compromising the government, and even if what he shown actually proved that Sergio Moro was a great judge and that he did everything by the book, it was still alarming that governmental infromation was leaking like that.So yeah, even I would be pissed.But Bolsonaro didnt censor him or anything.So I dont see the dictatorship part in here.

                                                        "It is still under investigation". There is no proof that Greenwald got any information illegally, and, unless he himself hacked the phones, he did not commit a crime. Threatening to imprison a journalist for giving people truthful information is a huge threat to democracy, how can you not see that? Bolsonaro is trying to hide information from people through fear, and if it doesn't work, he might begin trying those locking-up-without-evidence tactics he was talking about.

                                                        I didnt say he got the information in an illegal way.I said he got it from hackers, which in turn they got in an illegal way.And I mean, that supposed jornalist is releasing sensitive information(which only made Bolsonaro and everyone around him look better, I might add) and you expect him to say what?Good job?

                                                        He didnt even censor the guy and he will never arrest him without evidence of malpractice or something of the sort.So...

                                                        And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                                        Nautilus said:
                                                        • Miriam Leitão, a journalist, was tortured during the military dictatorship when she was 19 and pregnant. Bolsonaro said that she was a liar and justified her imprisonment because she was part of a guerrilla group. Leitão has never been a part of a guerrilla group.

                                                        Wont comment, simply because I dont know much about this one, but just to leave out here:Many of the people that claimed they were fighting the military dictatorship were actually criminals that robbed banks and killed people.So yeah, just leaving this out here.

                                                          You clearly don't know much about this one. Miriam Leitão was indeed tortured during the military dictatorship, and there's proof.

                                                          The second part of your comment you got from the creative part of your mind, I'd assume, since there's no evidence. You just said that do defend the military dictatorship because they're right-wing and coincidentally share a lot of similarities with the current president, whom you love. Shame you for defending the military dictatorship. Shame on you.

                                                          My creative part of my mind?Thats funny.Lets laugh together over some sources.

                                                          Groups that Dilma Rouseff, left oriented(PT) former president, partook during the dictatorship(article names people those groups killed):


                                                          Pretty sure there are a bazillion more examples of this, but this post is already taking too long to write, so Ill just leave this one.

                                                          And I never said I defended the military dictatorship.Its not like they didnt do some right things, but I hope it never happens again.I know you are getting desperate, but lets stop lying, shall we?Hey, even on the spirit of discussion, I wont report this comment that you accuse me of supporting a dictatorship without evidence.But Im all good!

                                                          And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                                          Nautilus said:

                                                          He made a mistake, I dont understand how this is normalizing nazism.For all the horrible things the nazists did, they have done a great number of medical breakthrough.They used horrible methods yes, but they still did contribute to medicine.Just stating facts, not trying to normalize nazism.

                                                          That's normalizing nazism because he's randomly dropping good things the nazis "did" and, at the same time, softening the bad stuff. The only reason that he would say that is so people can think "yeah, nazism wasn't so bad after all".

                                                          Thats normalizing nazism,as much as videogames that makes you play as a nazist are evil because they too are trying to normalize nazism(Small nod to that absurd Extra Credit video)?Please.I think you are smarter than that.

                                                          And I mean, i dont see how this makes him a dictator.But alas...

                                                          If you decide to reply to this, please use some credible sources and refrain from defending the military dictatorship. And maybe just stop lying, too. That's not just advice for replying to this, it's kind of advice for your life as a whole.

                                                          I did provide credible sources, I never defended the military dictatorship, and I never lied.So please, I do ask you to be like more like me, which didnt happen so far.You know, I dont mean to brag, but I am a really good life-model to have.

                                                          So what I mean is: Be more like me, and less like you.That way, you will be less of a fool here, and in your life as well.

                                                          My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.


                                                          So the nationalist bigot that people voted for, turned out to be not very keen on democratic principles? Shocker. People called him the Brazilian Trump before the election, turns out he is exactly that.

                                                          If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

                                                          Amazon fires: Brazilian rainforest burning at record rate, space agency warns


                                                          Rab said:

                                                          Amazon fires: Brazilian rainforest burning at record rate, space agency warns


                                                          Welp, I guess we're going to just have to say goodbye to 10% of the known species of animals on the planet, and 20% of our planet's oxygen producing capacity, because that fire isn't going out by itself and Bolsenaro doesn't believe it exists even though the smoke is visible from the other side of the continent. Prepare to suffocate while we pretend none of it is happening.

                                                          So you said many things about how stupid is Bolsonaro, but noting about the topic, you don`t one some link about the country is closer a dictatorship. All this subjects  links can be stupid or controversial, but all is inside the president capacities, or is just a stupid speak.