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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Fire Emblem Three Houses reviews: Meta: 89, OC: 89

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I'm done with the game after 300 hours. I finished two campaigns and the last one on Maddening as Blue Lions. That was a nightmare at times but at the same time fun .
I waited for the DLC to see if i tried the last house, but the DLC doesn't seem to add much new things. So i decided against it .

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

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Lonely_Dolphin said:
I sure would like to play older Fire Emblems, but it's too bad Nintendo doesn't like money and would rather keep them locked away.

If Nintendo was smart they would have kept the entire Wii VC library when going from Wii to Wii U to Switch. Also they would have released all their 10-30 year old games on Steam/VC by now. They'd be rolling in money. 

Lonely_Dolphin said:
I sure would like to play older Fire Emblems, but it's too bad Nintendo doesn't like money and would rather keep them locked away.

Fire Emblem, The Sacred Stones, and Shadow Dragon are in the Wii U eshop.

Mandalore76 said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:
I sure would like to play older Fire Emblems, but it's too bad Nintendo doesn't like money and would rather keep them locked away.

Fire Emblem, The Sacred Stones, and Shadow Dragon are in the Wii U eshop.

Sir, I am so obviously referring to the Switch.

Finally finished my Azure Moon walkthrough yesterday. I took me 48 hours, it was my fourth playthrough but the first one I finished (my Verdant Wind stills on hiatus, planning to finish it soon)

It was a great route. Indeed it's very straightforward and from the plotline perspective it's the "easiest" and and direct route. But everything sounds so... organic? 

When playing Verdant Wind I often feel many characters of the house are fillers and out of place. Well, this time I was playing with much more diligence and paying even more attention to each character backstory, but so far Blue Lions are my favorite house, they have a damn good chemistry and all have some importance. Such a plot twist because at first I find them the house with the most boring characters individually (compared with Golden Deer at least, which is filled with exotic/strange/crazy people)

It was very satisfying see the final credits explaining what happaned with each character. I end sacrificing Ashe in the end and marrying Felix (I was playing with a female Bey), it was cute last minute decision. I was planning to make her marry Sylvain, but he's such a jerk pretending to be a nice guy, while Felix is a cool guy who pretend to be a jerk like a Tsundere lmao. Plus both are sword masters so it was a reward reading in the end "they are know for crossing sword before crossing words" in their endgame biography

Definitely the route I would recommend anyone to be the first one

Negative sides, too many unsweread questions. The end looks rushed, where the fuck is Rhea after all, we don't even have a cut scene with her. 

Now I started Edelgard in the hard mode and hard mode is already hitting me hard lmao. Currently on chapter 2, but I'm dying much more frequently. When playing Azure Moon I find my party too overpowered, I was growing bored with the battles and playing just for the sake of finish the great story. Now I'm starting to feel excited again with the challenge 

I'll play this route until chapter 5 I guess. Then will hold it on hiatus and finally finish my Verdant Wind route (my first save never finished)

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 15 March 2020

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Finished my White Clouds part with Black Eagles and sided with Edelgard. Decided to play this before finishing Verdant Wind because I will need to play with Black Eagles two times

So now I'll took some time playing Verdant Wind (currently in chapter 18) and then Crimson flower, rather than playing two back-to-back Black Eagles White Clouds' Part

Honestly, Edelgard's White Clouds is just the best version of White Clouds. I'm happy I decided to let Black Eagles be my third house, Edelgard version of events help me to break the boredom of playing the same first 12 chapters for the third time. She's by far the most interesting Lord of the game, and the one with the best story

I'm starting to believe that I actually doing the best way possible to finish this story, so far I've done:

1) Goldn Deer's White Clouds: Been the first play-trough, the lack of connections of characters between the events presented here didn't bother me at all. There are many archers here, so a really newbie-friendly house. The characters are fun and lively, and I felt almost completely disconnected with all dark sides of the story, which TRULLY made me fell sad and regretful when playing in a destroyed post-time skip Garreg Mach. Claude is invested in the lore and secrets of the church, so many questions are raised in this one which is delightful. Since I don't mind waiting long before getting any answer I could easily move forward the Blue Lions route

2) Blue Lions' White Clouds: It was a more well-connected White Clouds, with characters having deeper connection with events (like Ashe-Lanato, Sylvain's brother, Dimitri and Duscurr etc). It really DOES FEEL the true cannon White Clouds, rather than the a side-story White Clouds. Absolutely no question about the lore is raised, which is unfortunate, this was more about politics and war than story of Fodlan. Also all shady things the Church done was ignored here, which is a frustrating (in a good sense of frustration). Overall, while I felt Golden Deer was a party, here was more a reunion before war, so I didn't suffered nearly as much as in the first route. To be honest, this always looked like a war-like house, so yeah, time to go to war

3) Blue Lions' Azure Moon: This was a satisfying conclusion for the Blue Lions journey. I feel like everything that happened here was right. As I said, BL's White Clouds was definitely the cannon White Clouds, so we can see this here by how well the plot is connected with the house's characters. It's explain absolutely nothing of my questions though, nothing about Byleth past, or Rhea's, nothing... If this route just gave us more information I would say this was the best one. Since it doesn't, time to move forward

4) Black Eagles' White Clouds: If Blue Lions was the "main story", and Golden Deer "the side story", Black Eagles was the "behind the story" version of White Clouds, and this was by far the best approach of White Cloud's events. It give us a opportunity to see the events by a different perspective and damn! I just love Edelgard. While it's true the Black Eagles house is not as fun as Golder Deers nor as cohesive as Blue Lions, the story balances this a bit giving completely new events for the last chapters, making this experience feels fresh compared to the first two play trough. It also finally displays Rhea as I always felt she was: A tyrant

Now, it's time to got some answers. Before Fight along with Edelgard and really be sure she is doing the right thing (or regret to choose her side) I need to understand what the fuck is going on with the church, and as far I'm concerned, it belongs to Verdant Wind the burden to explain what Azure Moon didn't managed to do.

So, finally time to finish Verdant Wind, only 5 or 6 more chapters to go. See guys soon!

Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 28 March 2020