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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Yoshi's Crafted World - 80 Metacritic

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I'm surprised it has scored so high, going by gamexplains initial preview i thought it would score in the low seventies or high sixties. This is a triumph for yoshi in my opinion and even more so when considering wolly world scored 78 on wii u. Next year i hope nintendo port wolly world because it deserves more sales and no the 3ds version doesn't count.

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not bad but not a great score, that said the graphic aesthetic of this game makes me think that the age range of the average reviewer probably isn't the core audience that this is being aimed at since it looks prettier than it plays if that makes sense, I think that the core audience of this product will definitely find it rates higher for them than a 4/5 game as they'll overlook some of the elements that a tired journalist will call the game up on but they'll more enjoy that visual aesthetic of "this game looks like yoshi could be jumping around my bedroom"

I think this will reach the sales goals that Nintendo set out for it and then some on the Switch.

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mushroomboy5 said:
Sounds decent enough. Just ordered my copy after reading some of the reviews. I’m not expecting it to be like a yoshi’s island level of quality or anything nor does it need to be. Should be a relaxing diversion between my dmc5 sessions. Can’t wait til Friday.

Ironically sound is the one thing that is a detriment to this game because they seem to be using the same annoying childish sounding melody in most levels, a far cry from wolly worlds pleasant soundtrack.

Going to play this with the fam. I'm very happy that the reviews are fairly good. My little one loved Woolly World and I have some great memories playing with her a couple years ago, so revisiting that again has her very excited, and she has been counting down the days for months.

Seems like the reviews are about the same as Yoshi's Woolly World, maybe just a bit higher. I'll be interested in seeing how the user reviews go.

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Played the demo and enjoyed it. 80 is usually the point where I pick up a game, but I'm not feeling this one. I'm sure its a good game, but I've just gotten burnt out on 2D platformers as of late. And this one probably won't present a challenge, so I'll pass for now. Maybe I'll pick it up on a sale. Good for Goodfeel though for improving on their last game. :)

I should have bought this instead of another action title so soon after DMC. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Looks great!

Glad it’s reviewing well but like Kirby, DKC Tropically Freeze, NSMBU Deluxe... and all the indies. I’m so done with 2D Platformers.

I really want a 3D action adventure Kirby game.

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This should be a nice relaxing experience after sekiro. Will probably download tonight.

Loved playing the Demo with the bf, we really enjoyed the co-op mode.
I'll definitely pick it up down the line.