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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crackdown 3 Review Thread - MC: 60 OC: 62

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Why are there people posting here who clearly don't even have an xbox let alone played or even looked at a copy of Crackdown???

If you enjoyed Crackdown, you will enjoy Crackdown 3. The only thing going against it is the soundtrack is crap compared to the first.

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Mr Puggsly said:
eva01beserk said:

How much power did he have when he spend 2.5 billion on mojan? For what? mincraft wich everybody already had. I have no idea the price off all theese studios bought last year, but I can safely assume they cmbined dont reach 2.5 billion. Why could phil not spend that 2.5b back then in a few little studios like he did now? We would definetly have something to show for it by now.

Wow, are you impersonating someone that does absolutely no research? I'm impressed, you nailed it!

Now I'm not gonna argue Mojang was worth $2.5 billion. However, the purchase happened around late 2014. Articles from 2014 say the game sold about 54 million units. In 2018, I see articles saying it sold 144 million units. On top of that there is profits from DLC, merch, the story games, etc. Hence, the IP did extremely well post acquisition.

MS likely paid less for all the other studios, but none of them really had a major IP. I would assume MS didn't buy studios sooner because they felt working with 3rd parties was fine. But after mixed results I guess they changed their mind. They also bought studios who do a pretty good job getting content out, but now they'll have bigger budgets to work with.

I guess it has sold a lot since then. Noted. 

Isn't ninja theory the only one who has released amything note worthy? Aside from the studios that already made exclusive xbox games.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

DonFerrari said:
eva01beserk said:

How much power did he have when he spend 2.5 billion on mojan? For what? mincraft wich everybody already had. I have no idea the price off all theese studios bought last year, but I can safely assume they cmbined dont reach 2.5 billion. Why could phil not spend that 2.5b back then in a few little studios like he did now? We would definetly have something to show for it by now.

From what I remember around the time of the start of this gen MS hd a 5B budget to acquisition/expansion of new studios, which they also used for TV shows if I'm not wrong. So half of it gone to Mohjang, and there were creation of coaltion and 1,2,3 or whatever. Some of those studios they created didn't produce anything as far as we know.

Anyway, we heard a lot of predictions of MS wining this gen based on their infinite money and buying studios and exclusives all around (as they did for some release window exclusives that they had more than Sony).

But now we are reviewing the past and saying they never committed to increase 1st party before last year.

Excuses are bound to run out eventually. At least the pray and wait for Phil wont last longer than the begining of next gen. One more year for that.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

DonFerrari said:
Machiavellian said:

Why would you care about anything until he was actually head of the Xbox division.  Where you in the conference rooms when decisions were made.  Do you even know how any of those decisions went down or if he fought for them and lost.  You are making judgement on information you have no clue on what happen.  I have worked for MS in the past and can tell you that certain titles may sound important but there are a lot of layers to them.  I have no clue what he contributed or not during the times he wasn't the boss, but as the boss, I can directly see what his vision is now.  

I am not covering Spencer ass, for some reason you believe a huge company like MS moves like a developer.  So what exactly are you blaming Spencer for since he gain control of the XBox division.  How hard do you think he may or may not had to change senor management to actually purchase new studios and the other efforts since his term.  Stop acting as if you have all the information or even know how MS work because right now only thing I see is you making an opinion on what you believe happen or has happen.  Nothing moves fast at MS, that is the first thing you should know.

Problem is, that Phill have promised for like 4-6 years to improve 1st party. And we have had people in the site defending that it isn't something he can do over night, but then on 6 month window they buy/increase/create 5-10 studios? It clearly shows that it wasn't something in the top of their list until now, and he have been lying for a long time.

Actually I would also consider this one of those uninformed opinion.  You really do not know what it took to get the budget to purchase these companies.  You have no clue how long contract talks, benefits all the things that are worked out in the purchase of another business.  Just from the experience on the company I worked for just the purchase of one company took 3 years working out the deal.  If the company wasn't up for purchase at the start it could take even longer until you offer the right deal and money.  Just because you see in 6 months 3 studios purchased does not show how long it took to get to this point.  This is why sometimes I have a problem with how gamers view things.  For some reason you all believe things just happen right away.  MS started 6 months ago woeing these companies and bam it happen.  

vivster said:

So the early impressions were on point. I wonder if this is the last nail in the coffin for Microsoft's commitment to create 1st party exclusives. I haven't read any reviews, has anyone mentioned the power of the cloud?

Base on what? Have you played the game? I played over 15 hours last weekend, I think Gamespot review totally missed it's mark.  the 5/10 would make sense if it included the multiplayer but the campaing is actualy pretty good (7.5/10 - I would give it). The game is not a master piece and the power of the cloud is bad marketing joke at this point. But I had tons of fun playing the campaign and will go back to finish the game. 

Your either seriously miss-informed or just wanted to make a stupid comment on Microsoft commitment to create 1st party exclusives. They've double the numbers of 1st party studios and have create a whole new studios that will make AAA Microsoft exclusives with The Initiative. 

They might not reach Sony level of quality output but it's pretty dumb statement to say that Microsoft isn't making 1st Party exclusives. 

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eva01beserk said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Wow, are you impersonating someone that does absolutely no research? I'm impressed, you nailed it!

Now I'm not gonna argue Mojang was worth $2.5 billion. However, the purchase happened around late 2014. Articles from 2014 say the game sold about 54 million units. In 2018, I see articles saying it sold 144 million units. On top of that there is profits from DLC, merch, the story games, etc. Hence, the IP did extremely well post acquisition.

MS likely paid less for all the other studios, but none of them really had a major IP. I would assume MS didn't buy studios sooner because they felt working with 3rd parties was fine. But after mixed results I guess they changed their mind. They also bought studios who do a pretty good job getting content out, but now they'll have bigger budgets to work with.

I guess it has sold a lot since then. Noted. 

Isn't ninja theory the only one who has released amything note worthy? Aside from the studios that already made exclusive xbox games.

I would say Ninja Theory and Obsidian were the most notable studios.

The other studios have success with more niche titles or middling games. I would imagine MS bought all of these studios because they had interesting projects as well.

People had very low expectations for the Killer Instinct reboot solely because it was being developed by a studio that made numerous underwhelming games. But with MS's money they made a fantastic fighting game. Hence, the studios can potentially grow under MS.

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DakonBlackblade said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Right, when I see a simplistic comic bookish presentation and Sumo Digital are at the helm of a project I think AAA mega project.

 Or maybe you were really just impressed by the tech of buildings falling down and Terry Crews.

An "unexcusable" game? Well I agree the scaling back of MP is INEXCUSABLE. But I feel the campaign is fine, its Crackdown.

Is anybody arguing Crackdown 3 is a "GREAT GAME"? Not really, I hear people simply saying they're having fun with it and they don't agree with the reviews. Doesn't mean we feel its GOTY.

It had investment, it had the marketing campaign (even placing proeminently at more than one E3), it has the big publisher behind it, it was suposed to be AAA. It failled miserably, MS just hid it in a corner so ppl would forget about it and then pretended it wasn't suposed to be a very big title that fell terribly short. In fact it kinda still is AAA, that is not a measure of quality thats a measure of investment/marketing and the game had a lot of that troughout its 5 year production cycle. I find that a game in this situation has no excuses to justify its lack of polish and for being as dated as this is.

And on the fun matter, thats entirely subjective, if ppl are having fun with it great, ppl can have fun with almost anything and tastes vary from person to person, the complainig about reviews and trying to find excuses for why the game isn't being praized is asinine tough, and I don't mean that for Crackdown 3 exclusively, it always is. The cries of underated or overated are dumb, these things are based on a consensus by very big collective of analysis by professionals, everything is rated just as they were suposed to be, one person's opinion on the matter won't change the consensus.

I'm gonna recommend you watch the Digital Foundry video for Crackdown 3, the campaign video. Because some of the things you're saying just aren't reality. For a UE4 game, its one of the more polished games using that engine. MS played trailers at numerous E3s, many delays allow that to happen, but that doesn't make it AAA. Also, the game didn't appear to change much since the 2017 trailer.

I don't think anybody is arguing the game should be praised though. I think the reviews were harsh given the game isn't buggy, it actually is polished and its fun. Its probably my favorite game to ever score that low. I'm actually less bothered by the critics and more bothered by people like you that haven't played the game but have opinions.

To anybody that wants to have an opinion without actually playing, at least try watching the Digital Foundry video covering the campaign. Especially if you're the kind of person that makes claims its not polished.

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foodfather said:
Why are there people posting here who clearly don't even have an xbox let alone played or even looked at a copy of Crackdown???

If you enjoyed Crackdown, you will enjoy Crackdown 3. The only thing going against it is the soundtrack is crap compared to the first.

I actually like the soundtrack. Not as good as the first, but still a good listen and fits well with the game. I am disappointed there isn't any radio stations in this game like the first.

yvanjean said:
vivster said:

So the early impressions were on point. I wonder if this is the last nail in the coffin for Microsoft's commitment to create 1st party exclusives. I haven't read any reviews, has anyone mentioned the power of the cloud?

Base on what? Have you played the game? I played over 15 hours last weekend, I think Gamespot review totally missed it's mark.  the 5/10 would make sense if it included the multiplayer but the campaing is actualy pretty good (7.5/10 - I would give it). The game is not a master piece and the power of the cloud is bad marketing joke at this point. But I had tons of fun playing the campaign and will go back to finish the game. 

Your either seriously miss-informed or just wanted to make a stupid comment on Microsoft commitment to create 1st party exclusives. They've double the numbers of 1st party studios and have create a whole new studios that will make AAA Microsoft exclusives with The Initiative. 

They might not reach Sony level of quality output but it's pretty dumb statement to say that Microsoft isn't making 1st Party exclusives. 

I never said that they aren't making them. I was implying that the failure of another high profile 1st party game might dampen their efforts and enthusiasm in making many more of them. You should read what I write and not what you want to read.

As for my impressions and the vast majority of critics, it turned out to be right. The game was early announced and rarely talked about, the first preview we got looked like a 360 game without any life and that whole thing with the cloud was complete bullshit from the start anyway. So yes, my and many people's first impression was completely justified. In my opinion the game should get a default 5 point deduction for that whole cloud bullshit, where MS was actively lying to consumers. So anything above 5 is a reward for this game.

Also, unless a review is is talking untruths it cannot be wrong.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
yvanjean said:

Base on what? Have you played the game? I played over 15 hours last weekend, I think Gamespot review totally missed it's mark.  the 5/10 would make sense if it included the multiplayer but the campaing is actualy pretty good (7.5/10 - I would give it). The game is not a master piece and the power of the cloud is bad marketing joke at this point. But I had tons of fun playing the campaign and will go back to finish the game. 

Your either seriously miss-informed or just wanted to make a stupid comment on Microsoft commitment to create 1st party exclusives. They've double the numbers of 1st party studios and have create a whole new studios that will make AAA Microsoft exclusives with The Initiative. 

They might not reach Sony level of quality output but it's pretty dumb statement to say that Microsoft isn't making 1st Party exclusives. 

I never said that they aren't making them. I was implying that the failure of another high profile 1st party game might dampen their efforts and enthusiasm in making many more of them. You should read what I write and not what you want to read.

As for my impressions and the vast majority of critics, it turned out to be right. The game was early announced and rarely talked about, the first preview we got looked like a 360 game without any life and that whole thing with the cloud was complete bullshit from the start anyway. So yes, my and many people's first impression was completely justified. In my opinion the game should get a default 5 point deduction for that whole cloud bullshit, where MS was actively lying to consumers. So anything above 5 is a reward for this game.

Also, unless a review is is talking untruths it cannot be wrong.

While I tend to agree with you, if you meant it to mean dampen their efforts then that's what you should have said. wondering if it's the last nail in the coffin conjures up all sorts of worry and angst to those of us who have no idea how many nails MS have left, and since you brought this up you've made us worry that they may have ordered screws by mistake because if that happened they would be well and truly, drumroll please Screwed.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot