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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendos E3 2019 - analysis & theories

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The star of Nintendos E3 2019?

Animal Crossing 12 30.00%
Pokemon (2019) 13 32.50%
Metroid Prime 4 0 0%
Luigis Mansion 3 4 10.00%
Something else 0 0%
A not yet announced game 10 25.00%
There will be a change of format 1 2.50%

I think the new Pokemon game will be shown at e3 as Nintendo game of the show, but also Animal Crossing will take the stage.
Most likely AC will be presented before e3, in a Direct with a short trailer.

But the big surprise for me could be a new F-Zero or Waverace! Finger crossed ;)

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A new Mario maker that is revealed in the spring direct, or the Star Fox Racing game, revealed before E3. Either way, the star of the show will be a game that is announced before e3

Animal Crossing will drive sales of consoles, especially the Switch Mini, and will bring in a huge new (casual) audience.
I imagine a AC themed Switch Mini bundle selling for $250 this Christmas. $300 with a couple of villager Amiibos.
And Nintendo will push their online service with the game.

Additionaly there will be other casual games like Professor Layton, Brain Age, Art Academy, Endless Ocean, Nintendogs, The Sims & Switch Sports. And Pokémon.

This year will be the Year Of The Casuals. 2020 will be the year of Bayonetta, Metroid, Kid Icarus, GTA V, COD, Final Fantasy and Resident Evil.

Oh no....

HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think there will be some Microsoft x Nintendo segment. Like how Sony is not coming at e3 and we just heard that Xbox Live is coming to Switch.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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E3 will be strategic like last time they mainly use it to push what needs to be marketed so it'll mainly focus on AC and Gen 8.

Frankly after their bad E3 Direct in 2018 i have No expectations

melbye said:
Frankly after their bad E3 Direct in 2018 i have No expectations

Very smart of you.

I'm doing the same..

Mar1217 said:
melbye said:
Frankly after their bad E3 Direct in 2018 i have No expectations

First half was great though, so I don't see why people must see each E3 edition as a simple duality of good/bad. The whole package was correct and even then if you're a fan of Smash, the 2nd part was useful in it's content even though th pace was strange.

But yeah, it's best to not go there with expectations cuz you could just hurt yourself even more.

I think it failed to cover the base.

I like Nintendo, but I happen to not enjoy Pokemon or Smash. So you can imagine how I felt watching that Direct. I felt ostracized.

It simply wasn't enough for me.

Too early for this, wait first for first Direct of year, and they will have more clear picture about potential E3 and 2nd half of year.