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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Skyrim or Xenoblade?

Gonna join the Chorus and say Xenoblade 2. All of the negatives of this game are either negligible or easily fixed. Bad map system? There's an update Friday. Characters talk too much during combat? Change that in options settings. Bad voice acting? Get the Japanese pack. Combat too slow? Eat items that recharge your arts faster (just wait until you are thirty hours in, and combat gets to be insane). Confusingly complicated game? That's what gamefaqs is for.

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Xenoblade 2, wait for Skyrim's price to drop half a year from now. Xenoblade 2 will be $50 (at least) next year, Skyrim won't be.

Xenoblade 2

Buy Skyrim when its price drop (which will probably happen in a few months).

Depends are you a fan of glitch filled western RPG that is one of the greatest games so far ever or a fan of overly complicated JRPG systems with a lot potential and could use a little smoothing out.

Thread needs a poll.

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Xenoblade 2. Obviously.

Xenoblade if not just because skyrims price is likely to fall before summer and xenoblades won't for a long time if ever

why not both.gif

zorg1000 said:
Thechalkblock said:
I'm recommending Skyrim.

Not because I necessarily think it's a better choice, but because I want you to support third parties

Well i did buy Doom last month but im not going to support 3rd parties just for the sake of it, their games have to appeal to me.

i’m pretty sure both games will/can appeal to you though

Thechalkblock said:
zorg1000 said:

Well i did buy Doom last month but im not going to support 3rd parties just for the sake of it, their games have to appeal to me.

i’m pretty sure both games will/can appeal to you though

Absolutely, im just saying i will never buy a game simply because its 3rd party.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.