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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Metroid: Samus Returns is FANTASTIC so What's Next for 2D Metroid?


What should Metroid 5 be?

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spemanig said:
VGPolyglot said:

You're a writer for the site, maybe you can come up with a response article.

Someone else is doing the review actually! tho i considered writing a critique. We'll see!

Critique in what way? Did you not enjoy the game?

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Hopefully something truly original and not a remake... and please, get the original Metroid team to work on it.

I didn't love SR, but it's a great comback. It was sadly limited by being a remake and the 3DS hardware. The ending is very interesting though. I wonder if Sakamoto or MercurySteam came up with that.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

It's my first Metroid. I've been waiting for this for a long time!

mZuzek said:
spemanig said:
I disagree completely.

Have you ever liked a thing?


Oh wait, nope :P

Around the Network
spemanig said:
I disagree completely.


Your writing on this site is the most interesting! Can't wait!

mZuzek said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:


You're writing on this site is the most interesting! Can't wait!

Goddammit dude. Your. Please.

Sorry : ( 

Since there has only been one original 2D game since Super Metroid, I'm guessing they'll remake Super Metroid.

VGPolyglot said:
spemanig said:

Someone else is doing the review actually! tho i considered writing a critique. We'll see!

Critique in what way? Did you not enjoy the game?

Similar to my SMT 4 Apocalypse critique.

I... wouldn't go that far at all. Without going into detail, if Super Metroid/Zero Mission are standard Metroid games, SR feels like the amusement park of a standard metroid game.

Amusement parks can be fun. But i mean this is metroid.

mZuzek said:
spemanig said:
I disagree completely.

Have you ever liked a thing?

Super Metroid and Zero Mission I like. I havent gotten my controller to work yet, but from what I've seen I'd probably like AM2R as well.

PS. How do i get a controller to work with AM2R for Mac? (wineskin)