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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation Nation V4 - Detroit: Become Human is out! | E3 on the way! | God of War at 5 million


E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
twintail said:
Hey guys, GoW has missable trophies? Multiple playthroughs for platinum?

No missable trophies I guess. And platinum doable in one playthrough. I just got it! Awesome game. 


And, I didn't see it so far here (but didn't read the entire thread)...


Did you guys go back home and go to bed after finishing the story?  If you didn't, do it NOW.  Holy sh*t, can't wait for the sequel!

Last edited by Faelco - on 05 May 2018

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Bristow9091 said:

Supersampling - Only got a 1080p screen (Like me) but want the best image quality possible? Basically if a game is rendered above 1080p (Like how Horizon is 1800p or whatever, or WipEout is native 4k, or games on the Pro in general are just higher than 1080p, lol), it'll do that, then shrink the image down to 1080p so you end up with a better looking image, and it also results in better anti-aliasing and less shimmering and stuff too...

And you do tend to notice the difference when a game is running at 1080P or under.
Everything in general looks cleaner, sharper and more refined when it is supersampled, it actually looks like a decent PC game at times.


I am at that point in the generation where I have a decision to make on my next Playstation console. (I have the PS2 and PS3.)
The base PS4 is $430 AUD... But I can't find the Pro model anywhere? Is there a shortage?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Ultrashroomz said:

Looks beautiful !

They should totally remake Persona 3 and 4 for PS4 bundled together like the crash N.sane trilogy, now that people are more aware of the franchise. They have most of the characters updated models now thanks to the dancing games along with some locations. If they reuse all the dialogue, and text and thanks to the game relying on randomized dungeons I don't think it would take too long or be that expensive to make.

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So guys, I'm now back from Michigan!! That means it's time for me to start updating this thread again I got a ton of loot while there, including a PSVR!

Setting up the PSVR was definitely more work than I expected!

Not at all shocking, but Sony is working on improving the Ryzen LLVM compiler.

Bristow9091 said:
VGPolyglot said:
Setting up the PSVR was definitely more work than I expected!

Have you used it then? What do you think? Also if you haven't got WipEout Omega Collection, buy it and check out the VR, I heard it's pretty crazy lol :P 

I haven't tried out mine yet other than to see if it works, but I did use my uncle's headset while I was at their house.

VGPolyglot said:
So guys, I'm now back from Michigan!! That means it's time for me to start updating this thread again I got a ton of loot while there, including a PSVR!

Huh, I'm jealous.