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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Spencer: We Have Just Signed Exclusives That Won’t Be Ready for 2-3 Years, No Point in Showing Them

I agree with Phil. Stop showing games that dont come out for years. What is that going to do? We saw what happened most recently with Scalebound and even Cuphead. I like his reasoning here.

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IamAwsome said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Stop signing contracts for exclusives. Build up your own studios spencer or be dominated by your competiton. Still has yet to figure out that what makes Sony and Nintendo development so special is that they have dedicated studios that fans depend on by name on their own.

Games like Lost Odyssey, Recore, and Scalebound were "signed" as opposed to developed internally. Doesn't make them any less second party. And building up your own studios isn't a preqequisite for bulking up first party output. Sony didn't build several of its studios and Nintendo didn't build Monolith. They bought them.

1 game didn't profit, the other sucked and the last one did not finished development. You're giving more reasons why Microsoft should create dedicated studios to making high quality first party. Nintnedo bought monilith because monilith had a high pedigree for having some of the best RPGs during the ps2 era. They are first party and that's that. Nintnedo was smart.

If they have no XBOX One console exclusives, then they will improve nothing.

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Azzanation said:
Thank you MS. I hate seeing games i cant play for another 2 years. Unlike your competition who shows games that havnt even started development. Good decision to announce when there close. We dont want another Scalebound.
This year is looking good with 6 1st party titles coming in 2017. Keep up the good work and ignore the internet trolls. You were voted the best E3 for a reason.

Their competition shows them and releases them at the same time. PS4 exclusive line up the last 2 years has been miles ahead of xbox.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
IamAwsome said:

Games like Lost Odyssey, Recore, and Scalebound were "signed" as opposed to developed internally. Doesn't make them any less second party. And building up your own studios isn't a preqequisite for bulking up first party output. Sony didn't build several of its studios and Nintendo didn't build Monolith. They bought them.

1 game didn't profit, the other sucked and the last one did not finished development. You're giving more reasons why Microsoft should create dedicated studios to making high quality first party. Nintnedo bought monilith because monilith had a high pedigree for having some of the best RPGs during the ps2 era. They are first party and that's that. Nintnedo was smart.

Your point? Sometimes games don't do as well as you'd hope. You don't know if a game will flop until it does. My point is, MS could buy a studio like Platinum just as easily as creating one from scratch. First party is first party. Signed exclusives do well (LBP, Infamous, The Last Story, everything from Insomniac, etc.) and internally developed games do well too. One isn't necessarily better than the other. 


EDIT: I also find it funny that you're parading around Insomniac/Spider Man like Sony owns them lol.

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Kerotan said:

And he's just after saying he doesn't like exclusive content deals. Well entire games is a lot worse MR. Spencer xD

Funding games for your platform us different than paying companies not to release certain content on another platform for a month or a year cough cough destiny. 

S.T.A.G.E. said:
jason1637 said:

Well does it really matter who makes them? We are still getting games and if its a hit MS could just create a Studio like they did with Halo, and Gears.

But you have to remember that gears wasn't first party from the start. Micosoft was publishing third party to to keep it exclusive. There is no development standard (which is traditional in he console race) or beloved ms studios outside of turn ten for ms.

Doesn't Sony do that also? The only first party games they gave released this year has been Horizon and MLB. Games like Persona, Neir, NIOH weren't made or published by them. While I'n comparison MS published Halo Wars 2 and 343i helped develop the game with Creative Assembly. 

Kerotan said:

And he's just after saying he doesn't like exclusive content deals. Well entire games is a lot worse MR. Spencer xD

Most (if not all) of the "Console Launch Exclusive" games shown at E3 were smaller/indie titles. Timed exclusivity makes sense in a situation like that, which is why you see it so much. TR was probably done before Spencer took over, and the Dead Rising 4 deal isn't completely clear. 

jason1637 said:
Kerotan said:

And he's just after saying he doesn't like exclusive content deals. Well entire games is a lot worse MR. Spencer xD

Funding games for your platform us different than paying companies not to release certain content on another platform for a month or a year cough cough destiny. 

Yeah it's different. Buying an exclusive or timed is worse. 

Kerotan said:
jason1637 said:

Funding games for your platform us different than paying companies not to release certain content on another platform for a month or a year cough cough destiny. 

Yeah it's different. Buying an exclusive or timed is worse. 

Well if it isn't funded the won't be made. Which is better funding an exclusive or not having the game at all.