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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games you were late to play

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Have you ever been late to the party when it comes to playing games?

Yes, all the time 40 61.54%
Sometimes, depends on the game 24 36.92%
No, I play all my games at release 1 1.54%

Being low on money for the last few years, I have been really selective with the game I played. And since 2011, few games caugth my interest so it seems I've been missing alot, but at the same time I don't feel any regret.

Last year, I picked up MGS 5, almost a year after the release date. I loved the series, but I was skeptical about this one and decided to wait for the dust to settle down after all the reviews and praising it like a masterpiece. After hours of playtime, I felt like I was right with my apprehensions and didn't regret for waiting. Overall, the game was disappointing.

I did the same thing with Witcher 3 and I still don't understand what is the fuss about this one.

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Portal 2, for sure. Was fantastic when I played but I didn't really get into PC gaming until years after it released.

(Formerly RCTjunkie)

Insidb said:
I need to play RDR.

Judge me.

You're good. I've played RDR and liked it fine, but prefer the cross-gen XB360 port of GUN. If VGC operated on jungle rules, that admission would see my face peeled off, and nailed to a tree as a warning to others by nightfall.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Cough Wind Waker Cough Metroid Prime Trilogy Cough

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Played Chrono trigger 3 years ago, that shit is good.

Best ever good.

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COKTOE said:
Insidb said:
I need to play RDR.

Judge me.

You're good. I've played RDR and liked it fine, but prefer the cross-gen XB360 port of GUN. If VGC operated on jungle rules, that admission would see my face peeled off, and nailed to a tree as a warning to others by nightfall.

Your Bobby Lee avatar makes you forever blameless lol.