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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What will sell better, Splatoon 2 or Mario Odyssey?

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What will sell better, Splatoon 2 or Mario Odyssey?

Super Mario Odyssey. 256 76.88%
Splatoon 2. 43 12.91%
Both will sell practically the same. 23 6.91%
Don't know. 11 3.30%

I think Mario will take it... selling 10m+. Splatoon 2 will still be a huge success tho.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

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Mario. It's Mario.

Miyamotoo said:
Zekkyou said:

18 million is a huge number, but it's far from the most. If i remember correctly Battlefield 1 is at something like 50+ million.

That's actually huge number for Nintendo game (its easily single most viewed game vide on Nintendo YouTube channel), also comparing multi platform game with exclusive game definatly is not best comparison.


I know it is, i describe it as a huge number in that post.

I wasn't directly comparing them, just correcting Alkibiádēs. He thought it was the moved viewed ever, so i gave an example of something that'd been viewed more. He didn't say it was the "most viewed ever if we ignored [insert types of games]" :p

Ima say Mario, just because for a primarily multiplayer game, it seems a bit soon to be releasing a Splatoon sequel.
They may be flawed expectations, but when I hear that a single player game I liked it getting a sequel I think "Sweet! More of this please!"
But when I hear a multiplayer game I liked is getting a sequel so soon after the first, I think "Oh, gonna make me pay for it twice eh?"

5,5 M life time for Splatoon
8,5-9 M Oddysey

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A lot of people seem to think that the difference is going to be huge. I'm assuming Nintendo is going to push the heck out of Splatoon 2 (and MK8 Deluxe) to try and justify the online fee. I can see Nintendo doing things like adding a month with free online with your Splatoon 2 purchase, specially after the summer ends and they start to charge in earnest.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Mario because this will be the best Mario ever!


Oh yeah, I made a prediction that Splatoon 2 will sell the 2nd best on the Switch. I forgot that they can release a Pokemon game like a handheld...


Super Mario Odyssey easily. As much as I loved Super Mario 3D World, some people seemed to be put off by its resemblance of 3D Land, which wasn't the "true 3D Mario" people wanted on a console. Odyssey plays to the nostalgia of Super Mario 64, so don't think it'll have any trouble beating Splatoon 2.

In my obviously biased opinion, 3D Mario has never sold much more than 10 million, so Splatoon 2 should win easily!