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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Reggie on NX: "For us it's not about specs"

Pavolink said:
Can anyone confirm if Reggies is refering to Scorpio/Neo? Because if it about those upgrades, zero worries here.
Shared library is the most important feature they need, well above any spec, but not sure on what they are going to do.

Shared library has some limitations though. 

Even a Polaris 11 to hit the performance marks that people are drooling about still has to run at 50 watts (that doesn't factor in the CPU either) and has to be clocked at an insanely high clock speed. 

That's still way above a Wii U even in power consumption (33 watts), which itself still would melt any portable form factor after about 5 minutes of play. 

To have that line up with a portable Nintendo handheld would be quite difficult. 

More likley what Nintendo is using are mobile chips for both. It would make a unified library much easier, which is why the Nvidia Tegra makes much more sense as it would scale much more easily into a handheld form factor. 

I think Nintendo is fed up with having their best/most expensive to develop games like the new Zelda and Splatoon not be available to their largest audience (portable buyers) and that's kinda central to the NX. 

If Nintendo can hit 1 TFLOP that would be nice, even that might be quite difficult if they really want a really functional unified platform. Any one can say "unified platform" but that really does not work if the console is like 10x more powerful than the portable with the console having GDDR5 RAM and an Intel CPU like people want ... that's completely unrealistic for a passively cooled portable to be equivalent to. 

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freebs2 said:
Captain_Yuri said:
Then hopefully, they have a plan and a price that will make it fly off the shelves. Cause if they price it $300 in 2017 and its around x1 specs, then esssh. They really need a way to attract people but idk wut that is since third parties are probably not gonna bother again.

If Nintendo doesn't decide to go for expansive controller or an exotic architecture, with current tech I belive you can have better performance for less. I'm just looking at the new graphics cards AMD just announced, the RX460 will be in the 100-130$ range and it's already theorically more powerfull than a Ps4 (except the bandwidth).

Nintendo would  get it at maybe half that price so its very affordable for a modern and power efficient chip.  The portable will come later, and Im guessing would need to be at least 4x  weaker than the home con for reasonable  scaling. if home con nX is 2.5 tf, then 600+ gflop for the portable.  1080p home console, 540p (quarter HD) portable.

se7en7thre3 said:
freebs2 said:

If Nintendo doesn't decide to go for expansive controller or an exotic architecture, with current tech I belive you can have better performance for less. I'm just looking at the new graphics cards AMD just announced, the RX460 will be in the 100-130$ range and it's already theorically more powerfull than a Ps4 (except the bandwidth).

Nintendo would  get it at maybe half that price so its very affordable for a modern and power efficient chip.  The portable will come later, and Im guessing would need to be at least 4x  weaker than the home con for reasonable  scaling. if home con nX is 2.5 tf, then 600+ gflop for the portable.  1080p home console, 540p (quarter HD) portable.

Polaris 11 is still way too hot for a portable passively cooled form factor even if you sliced the performance down to 1/4 ... it would still run at like 12 watts for the GPU alone, which means a portable would have to run at 14-15 watts factoring in the screen, WiFi, and CPU also. 

The battery would have to be the size of a lap top battery (Macbook Retina 15 inch sized I'm talking) to run that for even 3 hours.

More likely Nintendo is using mobile chips here, that means Nvidia or PowerVR or Qualcomm (Snapdragon). AMD just doesn't have the experience with mobile chips.  

Soundwave said:
Wyrdness said:

Yeah I'm in the same boat tbh, other companies create great games and I'll settle for them providing technical marvels while Nintendo can continue bringing games like BOTW. There's no way to compete with MS and Sony in a hardware brawl.

To be honest I think an alliance between Nintendo + MS wouldn't be so bad. There's no room for three game consoles, so two of the three have to join sooner or later or one of the three has to leave. 

In an alliance with MS, Nintendo could retain a lot of the things they enjoy as a hardware maker, like design input, possibly even a cut of hardware profits and licensing fees. 

If you look at MS, they really don't even have a strong 1st/2nd party anymore, Nintendo could step right in. 

Having Nintendo games exclusive to XBox and Windows PC would give MS a monstrous edge over other Sony and Steam as MS would likely have all the third party support to go with it, they would have the best software ecosystem overnight. 

I don't believe Nintendo would ever tie them like that to a western company. At least Sony is japanese, comes from a similar corporate culture and has gaming as a central part.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

I do not mind the power input. I only mind the amount of content on the console itself. More third party support would be nice though.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

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And yet, both Sony and Microsoft are pretty much doing both.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

Versus_Evil said:
Specs are important to third party's. 

This is what Nintendo needs to understand. We get it you don't care but devs do and it's affecting the amount of software on your system which affects your overall sales.

Soundwave said:
se7en7thre3 said:

Nintendo would  get it at maybe half that price so its very affordable for a modern and power efficient chip.  The portable will come later, and Im guessing would need to be at least 4x  weaker than the home con for reasonable  scaling. if home con nX is 2.5 tf, then 600+ gflop for the portable.  1080p home console, 540p (quarter HD) portable.

Polaris 11 is still way too hot for a portable passively cooled form factor even if you sliced the performance down to 1/4 ... it would still run at like 12 watts for the GPU alone, which means a portable would have to run at 14-15 watts factoring in the screen, WiFi, and CPU also. 

The battery would have to be the size of a lap top battery (Macbook Retina 15 inch sized I'm talking) to run that for even 3 hours.

More likely Nintendo is using mobile chips here, that means Nvidia or PowerVR or Qualcomm (Snapdragon). AMD just doesn't have the experience with mobile chips.  

I think if Nintendo's goal is to have their games work across various hw, they will get it done.  For starters, using the same cpu architecture like ARM will greatly help.

 I mentioned "portable" but I suspect that if the first iteration of NX is the home console, the next would be a mini tablet (7 in) sold w/pro controller or attachable control dock.  I think the old school, tiger electronics HH format could very well be ditched or possibly a later NX product.  We saw with Wii U nintendo making a faux tablet ,so they are in tune with what is popular, but they will modernize this time (multitouch screen etc).  I believe with miitomo and future apps, nintendo will want to go with familiar HW design and that means tablet and phone format.  

As for power consumption, I could see that polaris 11 cut down and downclocked a bit, taking into the 40s watt range and still outperforming ps4. And tegra could very well power the tablet's gpu, but again, as long as both are using arm cpus it will make their work a lot easier.  

vivster said:
Of course it's not important for them. And with that attitude they can just have their own little ecosystem completely kept alive by first party content. Because Nintendo is everything that counts, fans or developers shouldn't have any say in their vision.

What about the fans who want cheap hardware over expensive and the developers who want a big install base to sell their games on? Do you care about them too?


Dr.Vita said:
Nintendo should just go third party imo.
They can't produce good hardware anymore nowadays. They would make much more profit as a third party developer.

The ones who can't produce good hardware are Sony and Microsoft. PS1 and PS2 had big failure rates, and don't get me started on RROD.