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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 30 vs 60 fps - can you really see the difference?


Can you see the difference?

Right 60 fps; Left 30 Fps 220 62.32%
Left 60 Fps; Right 30 Fps 52 14.73%
Cant see a difference/Results 81 22.95%

I think if framerate is so important to you, why aim for 60fps? Get 180fps.

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Lawlight said:
I think if framerate is so important to you, why aim for 60fps? Get 180fps.

Some people claim to notice the difference between 60fps and 100 fps. I must say that 60fps is my limit, I can't barely distinguish between 60 and something more. 

It's always very obvious, and the idea that some people are still doubtful of that is extremely annoying.

Easily. I do think the importance of 60 FPS is heavily overstated, and to the untrained eye it does look 'weird' compared to 30 FPS (hence the cinematic excuse). I can play in either, I just don't like erratic frame rate, and frequent / lengthy dips below 30 FPS are unacceptable.

Arlo said:
It's always very obvious, and the idea that some people are still doubtful of that is extremely annoying.

so why 30 people choosed the wrong answer of picker "dont know"

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Here's another one: (Not sure if yt in flash can do 60fps, so watch it on youtube to really see the difference.)

If you are a laptop gamer you can see the difference right away. When I'm playing something while on the battery, games run at 30-35fps, but when I connect the power plug, I can immediately notice the fps increasing.

Also, Splatoon is a great example for this, because when you play too many rounds and go back to the plaza (Which is the only part of the game that's not 60fps), it will feel like the game is lagging and not as smooth.

JNK said:
Arlo said:
It's always very obvious, and the idea that some people are still doubtful of that is extremely annoying.

so why 30 people choosed the wrong answer of picker "dont know"

Multiple possible reasons.  It's harder to tell when both samples are smaller.  The 60fps one didn't seem to be locked, so it often dropped--that's the biggest one.  You have to be watching the video in a browser that supports 60fps, and you have to remember to select the option, which everyone might not have done.

There probably are some people out there who can't tell, or at least don't care enough to try to tell, but there are still those who insist that NO ONE can tell.  It's just not true; most people can.  Yet the subject just keeps coming up as though it's still some mystery.

Definitely, but in addition to how it looks it also makes a big difference to how the game controls and such, which is the more important reason you'd have it.


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LudicrousSpeed said:
60fps is more about control and feel, not looks.

Well said. 

I remember this Capcom: DmC looks/feels like 60FPS. Also, 60fps is tiring for your eyes, thus 30fps.