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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rock Band 4 has $3,926 worth of DLC (Added Poll)


Do you agree with this kind of DLC?

No, its a rip-off. 103 52.82%
Yes, i dont see anything wrong. 44 22.56%
Maybe, for lower priced songs. 20 10.26%
DLC is the Devil!!! 28 14.36%

Well I see nothing wrong with this since they're providing you with $130 worth of content at launch for just $60.

Just kidding . This is horrible.

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Well, that sucks for you poor people. 😌

They should have made an Achievement if you download $3,000 worth of DLC. "Rich Bitch"


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dear god you guys are fucking whiny.

2,000 songs on itunes would cost $2,000. harmonix probably can't bargin with the music industry as well as apple on licensing. harmonix has to program the tracks. many of those songs can be bought in lower priced per track bundles.

i swear you guys spend more time trying to be offended by video games then enjoying video games. if you can't deal with the fact that business are attempting to be profitable then you should just quit life.

I'm surprised by the reactions in this thread. What is wrong with having a lot of DLC available for your game. It is completely optional content. It should also be noted that the DLC available for Rockband for is the cumulation of DLC for Rockband 1, 2, 3 & 4.

It is quite surprising that they are charging $2 for songs when the same songs can be purchased and owned on iTunes and other platforms for half the price.

Of course it is going to cost more than a song available on iTunes. You have to pay the artist for the song ($1) plus the effort put into charting the song and making it available in Rockband, plus the small cut that goes to Sony for hosting the content on the PSN store.

Rock Band 4 has every song from previous games and those offerings. How else would they have charged for the DLC? When you have 8 years to accumulate weekly/monthly songs, there's going to be a huge selection. Considering it's all licensed content, they would have lost hundreds of dollars if they bothered to include even half of the selection.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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kitler53 said:
dear god you guys are fucking whiny.

2,000 songs on itunes would cost $2,000. harmonix probably can't bargin with the music industry as well as apple on licensing. harmonix has to program the tracks. many of those songs can be bought in lower priced per track bundles.

i swear you guys spend more time trying to be offended by video games then enjoying video games. if you can't deal with the fact that business are attempting to be profitable then you should just quit life.

this is pretty much how I've always felt about DLC. no one is forcing you to buy anything. I don't buy DLC that often,unless it's from a game that I really like. I personally like having that choice. there just trying to make money,like any other business. I personally,don't see anything wrong with that.

Ka-pi96 said:
Would be nice if it never included any songs with the game but instead let you choose 65 songs (or ideally more like 100+) for free. That way you only get ones you want and aren't stuck with crap.

Thats actually a great idea!

kitler53 said:
dear god you guys are fucking whiny.

2,000 songs on itunes would cost $2,000. harmonix probably can't bargin with the music industry as well as apple on licensing. harmonix has to program the tracks. many of those songs can be bought in lower priced per track bundles.

i swear you guys spend more time trying to be offended by video games then enjoying video games. if you can't deal with the fact that business are attempting to be profitable then you should just quit life.

My thoughts exactly.

Not sure if people have always been like this (trying to find someting to be offended by) or if its a thing of our society. Either way it's sad and annoying. It reminds me of a post I once saw on 9gag. It was something along the lines of: "are you supposed to be a man or a woman? I need to know what I'm offended by".

Arcturus said:

I'm surprised by the reactions in this thread. What is wrong with having a lot of DLC available for your game. It is completely optional content. It should also be noted that the DLC available for Rockband for is the cumulation of DLC for Rockband 1, 2, 3 & 4.

It is quite surprising that they are charging $2 for songs when the same songs can be purchased and owned on iTunes and other platforms for half the price.

Of course it is going to cost more than a song available on iTunes. You have to pay the artist for the song ($1) plus the effort put into charting the song and making it available in Rockband, plus the small cut that goes to Sony for hosting the content on the PSN store.

Half the people commenting probably don't realize this and most likely were never going to purchase this game. All picket signs and pitch forks...

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


What could Harmonix really do in this situation though? Pay $3000 to the music industry for every copy they sell?
In this case, the music industry is the culprit clearly.