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Forums - Politics Discussion - ISIS making advances in Egypt

Kyuu said:

I couldn't agree more.

I was going to reply to him but the amount of misinformation, false nonsense, double-standard and hypocrisy he's spouting is so damn mind-boggling. Not that it should surprise me considering I've become aware of this sad situation we're in since I was 10. A close-minded, radical Muslim sounds like a broken record.

Ultimately, I decided to stay away from doctrines because all they do is allow the opposing groups to "box" you inside a false image their delusional minds created. That, and the fact that all doctrines do indeed have serious flaws in them (opinion).. Sunnism is NOT excluded. By "Sunnism" I'm referring to the sources they rely on. Like Shia's, these sources are far from perfect.

It's okay to hate on Shia and judge them on the actions and personal conclusions of a few idiots. But it's not okay to judge my group (in his case, Sunnism) on the actions of corrupt Caliphs, radial Salifists and Wahabists, false Jihadists, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Saddam Hussein, ISIS and a huge list of countless lunatics. We can't co-exist with Shia because some of those "dirty rafidites" criticize some of the 120 thousand "holy" companions who passed away over 1400 ago!

"I've no issues with the HOLY companions of Muhammad starting a war between themselves, causing the death of tens of thousands and neither should you!!!!.. how dare anyone criticize or even question their actions??? how dare they disagree with me?"

Allow me to sum up the logic of an extreme Muslim:

Sahabi = mini God

Hadith = The word of god (Even when the great majority of those Hadith are admittedly "Ahad Hadith" that are scientifically WEAK because an Ahad Hadith is a narration that is sourced from a single invidiual. For instance, hundreds of Muslims heard [enter Sahabi name here] narrating a story that ONLY HE/SHE has directly heard from Muhammad. But.. [enter Sahabi name] is by definition a super amazing "Sahabi", so no matter how immoral this hadith might sound, I'm just going to believe it! And F**K YOU if you don't!)

Criticism = hate

Doubt = SHAYTAN!!!

Kindness, respect, consideration = Evil Taqiyyah!!

Hiding your faith to survive brutal tyrants = Evil Taqiyyah!!

The beliefs/actions of a few = the whole (This rule doesn't apply to his/her group.. because.. hypocrisy!)

Disagreement =  Utter Herecy

Questionable pracitices = Infidelity

KYU WORDS "But it's not okay to judge my group"  So you are Shia after all, last time you asking me to explain what is the difference between those because you are not one of Shia and Sunni you said ,............oh it must be  that at that time your Taqiyah is " on " right? LOl, and then you refuse to have a direct discussion with me because i know this is the truth and try to talk behind my back , so shia is a coward after all ,    

And Yes Muslim need to be radical, because either you a secular, a false follower or a radical, you can choose all of three choices, and radical is not terorisme mind you, radical is a pure theaching that practicing all the teaching from Muhammad SAW  " without adding another false teaching ", i am moderat, i am playing video games, watching Anime, and read manga, some times i late for my prayer, but for Islam i  am radical, radical in my persepective, radical of my way of thinking because Muhammad SAW theach us to be a good Muslim, a radical Muslim, and did Muhammmad teach me to kill every shia , my anser is No, and did Muhammad teach me to kill all unbelivaber , the answer is No.  Muhammad teach me to worshiping Allah without any companion beside Him, and then Shia teach that their 12 imam is eternal like Allah SWT and equal with Allah SWT, oh i hope Allah forgive them.

 KYU WORDS : " I've no issues with the HOLY companions of Muhammad starting a war between themselves, causing the death of tens of thousands and neither should you!!!!.. how dare anyone criticize or even question their actions??? how dare they disagree with me? "

Really???  from the way you put your words you seem to be hate it all the companion of the Holy prophet,  your words is  more of sarcasm. The answer is no, the companion prophet is not causing the war, it was a jews insider inside the ummah that pretend to be a Muslim that divide the " politic" among the companion but all of them is close friend even after they divide they still love each other. So i am following them or Muslim need to follow them if their action is based on hadith , because hadith is part of Muhammad words and action and Allah ask us to follow Muhammad and his companion, do you still want to argue then argue with God Him self lol  .

KYU WORDS: " Hadith = The word of god (Even when the great majority of those Hadith are admittedly "Ahad Hadith" that are scientifically WEAK because an Ahad Hadith is a narration that is sourced from a single invidiual. For instance, hundreds of Muslims heard [enter Sahabi name here] narrating a story that ONLY HE/SHE has directly heard from Muhammad. But.. [enter Sahabi name] is by definition a super amazing "Sahabi", so no matter how immoral this hadith might sound, I'm just going to believe it! And F**K YOU if you don't!) "

My answer : Hadith is not the word of God, it was an action and words of Muhammad but Allah ask us to follow  Muhammad because Allah mention that in Quran, and your shahadath mention that Muhammad is the messanger of Allah is it???, or you have a different shadath ???    To accept a hadith, The hadith it self  need to have a witness when Muhammad spoke of it and it need to be rely to a lot of people who hear the same words, and also because of that reason that we need to trust  all Muhammad companion that close to him,  including Ali, Umar, Utman and Abu bakar , and all Muhammad wife , because Allah even mention them in Quran, and it's imposible to manipulate Quran, or if you are not believe then my prove is right,  that you and other shia are not accepting Aisya and Umar as close companion to Rasulullah, because u and your group doesn't accepting hadith because most of hadith came from their witness. So Shia only accepting hadith narated by their desire and hate to Aisya and Umar, or every other hate to Holyprophet companion beside Ali and Fatimah,  is it??? then if it's true then the prove is even moreaccurate  that " SHIA IS NOT ISLAM ". Because you need to accept Hadith and Quran and all the companion without downplaying one of them, "It's all mention in Quran " so you cannot argue with this.


Sahabi = mini God, what??? i dont have a clue what is sahabi mean, maybe you can help me                             

Criticism = hate, Of course not, i am accepting any criticism and every muslim accepted but not Alqur'an and hadith and not with all Muhammad 4 companion and all his wife naration of the hadith ," you can "  ofcourse but then you are not Islam. So if Shia questioning all of them then you doubting all the teaching

Doubt = SHAYTAN!!! , No, it's not all doubt are Shaytan, but if you doubthing Alquran and Hadith then that doubt came from you desire and shaytan

Kindness, respect, consideration = Evil Taqiyyah!!  Well No,  Taqiyah = Back stabing covered by Kindness, respect, consideration, well the fact is already proven in History that you cannot argue when there is shia then there is a war and betraying

Hiding your faith to survive brutal tyrants = Evil Taqiyyah!! Not if you hiding from a brutal tyrant who kafr, often current taqiyah use even among Muslim, wich is weird, because we are brother and sister right? or you just accepting that Shia is not Islam , you can choose

The beliefs/actions of a few = the whole (This rule doesn't apply to his/her group.. because.. hypocrisy!), This is uterly nonsense , Islam not accepting shia because is not of small group or minority, shia is large group no???, we are not accepting shia  because Allah and Muhammad teaching againts it. ( Muth'ah, 12 imam, praying with stone, etc)

Disagreement =  Utter Herecy , NO,  disagreement with Allah and Muhammad and his companion is super utter herecy, but if you do then is up to you but don't use Islam as your religion.

Questionable pracitices = Infidelity, NO  Questionable practices without foundation of hadith and Quran is infidelity because  Islamict practice need to be based on Quran and hadith , If not then it's not Islamic teaching, or maybe it's a shia teaching


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MoHasanie said:
Kyuu said:

I couldn't agree more.

I was going to reply to him but the amount of misinformation, false nonsense, double-standard and hypocrisy he's spouting is so damn mind-boggling. Not that it should surprise me considering I've become aware of this sad situation we're in since I was 10. A close-minded, radical Muslim sounds like a broken record.

Ultimately, I decided to stay away from doctrines because all they do is allow the opposing groups to "box" you inside a false image their delusional minds created. That, and the fact that all doctrines do indeed have serious flaws in them (opinion).. Sunnism is NOT excluded. By "Sunnism" I'm referring to the sources they rely on. Like Shia's, these sources are far from perfect.

It's okay to hate on Shia and judge them on the actions and personal conclusions of a few idiots. But it's not okay to judge my group (in his case, Sunnism) on the actions of corrupt Caliphs, radial Salifists and Wahabists, false Jihadists, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, Saddam Hussein, ISIS and a huge list of countless lunatics. We can't co-exist with Shia because some of those "dirty rafidites" criticize some of the 120 thousand "holy" companions who passed away over 1400 ago!

"I've no issues with the HOLY companions of Muhammad starting a war between themselves, causing the death of tens of thousands and neither should you!!!!.. how dare anyone criticize or even question their actions??? how dare they disagree with me?"

Allow me to sum up the logic of an extreme Muslim:

Sahabi = mini God

Hadith = The word of god (Even when the great majority of those Hadith are admittedly "Ahad Hadith" that are scientifically WEAK because an Ahad Hadith is a narration that is sourced from a single invidiual. For instance, hundreds of Muslims heard [enter Sahabi name here] narrating a story that ONLY HE/SHE has directly heard from Muhammad. But.. [enter Sahabi name] is by definition a super amazing "Sahabi", so no matter how immoral this hadith might sound, I'm just going to believe it! And F**K YOU if you don't!)

Criticism = hate

Doubt = SHAYTAN!!!

Kindness, respect, consideration = Evil Taqiyyah!!

Hiding your faith to survive brutal tyrants = Evil Taqiyyah!!

The beliefs/actions of a few = the whole (This rule doesn't apply to his/her group.. because.. hypocrisy!)

Disagreement =  Utter Herecy

Questionable pracitices = Infidelity

This is an excellent post! Thank you Kyuu. I really didn't have the energy arguing with him because he will probably never agree and never learn. 

Exactly! The sources used by both Shia's and Sunni's to support their beliefs are not accurate. There are many incorrect hadith and both Sunni's and Shia's are guilty of picking and choosing the hadith which best supports their claims whilst ignoring others. 

I agree not all hadith is accurate  (see i just prove that your prove is wrong by saying i will not agree ) and a lot of false hadith , but hadith narrated by a lot of people and close companion and supported by Quran then those hadith is accurate "shahih" and also all hadith that narated by Muhammad companion had been prove by science expecially about medicence and science , you cannot argue anymore . But hadith by shia is never even narrated by a close companion, all of their teaching based on unknown imam who commited sin even killing Hasan and Husein (weird isn't,  although shia is accepting Ali as their leader but they killed His child )

so my answer to KYU is

If they fight in open field, and they won't be able to avoid it to try and conquer large and scarcely populated countries, even people clueless and clumsy like the Americans can make mincemeat of them just using the airforce. If they want to, that is, otherwise their true intentions will become clear.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Kyuu said:
MoHasanie said:

This is an excellent post! Thank you Kyuu. I really didn't have the energy arguing with him because he will probably never agree and never learn. 

Exactly! The sources used by both Shia's and Sunni's to support their beliefs are not accurate. There are many incorrect hadith and both Sunni's and Shia's are guilty of picking and choosing the hadith which best supports their claims whilst ignoring others. 

Well said.

He misinterpreted my stance, put words in my mouth, labelled me, then went on to continue the good campaign. How unpredictable!!

Happy fasting by the way! :)

Mis intrepeted or you running from fact ? even if you run from fact you cannot fool Allah the all seeing  , even if Ali is still a live he would be sad seeing all the Shia did to Muhammad teaching.

Kyuu said:

Read this   !!!, i dont care about war in suriah, but i do care about false teaching that shia bought to you, as far as i am concern, there is no Sunni and shia there is only islam, and the war to claim the khalifah before umayah khalifah is actually already been settled , Shia teaching before it split  into many sect (imamah, rafidah, Zaidiyah etc) actually still following hadith , but then it all begine when they start to hate every Muhammad companion, that include Muhajirin and anshor , they start to refuse every other companion naration of hadith, even Aisya.  In Islam we never distinguish between Ali and the rest, why you shia hate Umar, Abu bakar, Utman and Aisya is rally weird, as Muslim i love Fatimah RA, i love Ali RA, peace be upon them, but why every imam in Shia hate the rest and lead a betrayal of the hadith.

If Shia want to be part of Muslim then they need to accept all Muhammad companion and leave their Imam, because surely those imam is not a relative or even close to Muhammad, how dare them even mock Hasan and Husein be peace upon them, you need to break free from your cage KYU. If i dont care about you and all the shia, i would have just ignore you and do what ever you do, but i want to help people who follow the wrong path back to the right path that's all.

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LurkerJ said:
Insidb said:

732 AD: Charles "The Hammer" Martel drove the Moors out in the Battle of Tours and triggered the regression of the Muslim forces.

I am not into history at all, but I did some casual reading on wikipedia thanks to the photo that was posted in this very thread, from wiki:


For a time, the area that is today Spain and Portugal was one of the great Muslim civilizations, reaching its summit with the Umayyad Caliphate in the 10th century. Muslim Spain had the following chronological phases:

The Emirate directly dependent on the Caliph in Damascus (711–756)

The Independent Emirate (756–929)

The Caliphate of Córdoba (929–1031)

The first Taifas (1031–c. 1091)

The Almoravid rule (c. 1091–c. 1145)

The second Taifas (c. 1145–c. 1151)

The Almohad rule (c. 1151–1212)

The Kingdom of Granada (1212–1492)

The late Alpujarras revolt (1568–1571), with two monarchs appointed successively by the Morisco rebels (Note: the dates when the different taifa kingdoms were annexed by Almoravids and Almohads vary)

It was only by the end of the 14th century after Tariq's conquest that a majority of the population practiced Islam (mostly descendants of native Hispanic converts).

The Madrasah of Granada was the first university in Granada, Andalusia. It was founded by the Nasrid dynastymonarch Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada in 1349

I understand they didn't rule all of spain but parts of it from time to time.

From what i understand they occupied basically the entire country for hundreds of years apart from a small Spanish christian area near Basque (border of France).

Bin Laden was always a CIA asset, this is well known.The CIA funded him and the mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the USSR by proxy.Now that Bin Laden is dead the CIA/Military Industrial Complex needed a new bogeyman to be able to sell weapons, achieve their goals by proxy without getting their "hands dirty" and install puppet leaders.Note Libya was one of the VERY few countries in the world without a central bank/private reserve banking system.One of the FIRST things done when Libya was overrun was create such a bank.

One of their ultimate goals is to control the Straight of Hormuz where a huge percentage of the worlds oil is transported.This is why they've been sabre rattling Iran for years trying to start wars (McCain was particularly bad).China/Russia realised this possibility (of Chinas oil supply being shut off and used as a blackmailing tool) and this is the reason for Russia fast-tracking the oil pipelines directly into China.

HollyGamer, you must realize that both Sunni Islam and Shia Islam both come from the same religion and both are Islam. The only difference between them is the disagreement on who succeeded the prophet. It is such a small difference, yet some people (extremists on both sides) make such a big deal about it. If you won't accept that Shia is Islam, then you're no better than Wahabbi extremists like ISIS. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Stellar_Fungk said:
How did they get those american humvees?

They were captured during ISIS advances.

Considering how many enemies ISIS is compiling, I doubt they'll get very far.