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Forums - General Discussion - Observation Shows Overwhelming Evidence for a Creator


Now i'd like to preface this by saying that i'm not religious nor do i belong to any other silly ideology being used to cordon off people and keep them locked into restrictive templates of thought.... with that being said i've personally come to the conclusion that due to some observations i've made that the evidence for a creator is expansive


The observations i've made are all related to scientific principles that i've noticed are ubiquitous with regards to their expression throughout the universe that we exist in and i'll elaborate on 3 below


1. The sine wave  


This is a scientific principle generally used in electrical engineering which demonstrates the change of current and voltage with time but upon further examination its clear that this principle can be used to model just about anything in our existance

the sine wave models alternating from one extreme to the other in the case of electrical engineering where its primarily used the extremes would be positive to negative

however, everything in existance behaves like this and i mean everything just to give some examples here: you can think of hot and cold, void and matter, light and darkness, white and black and on and on and on to infinity

If you really sit down and think about it there is nothing that exists that escapes this principle and i dare you to find an example of one that does... there is always some kind of transition along that spectrum between the two extremes showing that this is an underlying principle of existance as a whole


2. The pyramid/heirarchy  


Like the sine wave this principle is an underlying universal law... i saw someone in another tread claiming that religion is bad because it devides people into heirarchies... well that's true but the thing is that this will happen regardless... people are always going to be divided into heirarchies based on their attributes and it again goes beyond individuals to  impact everything in existance

for example we have heirarchies for organisms where we have apex predators at the top moving down to producers at the base 

we have heirarchies in management 

the distribution of wealth, attractive traits etc etc etc to infinite

its everywhere and the clear pattern is that the rarer group is always at top and the most numerous group forms the base


3. phi in nature  



now this post is getting very long and i'm sure i'll get loads of hate for it as is so i'm not going to elaborate on this last one if you're inerested you are of course free to check it out


these are just a few examples of many but anyway my overall point here is that a very specific set of rules controls our universe and it seems nonsensical to me that people do not see that there has to be intelligence behind that