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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Thread: Yo Sony Peeps, Who's Gonna Make the Official Sony E3 Thread?

MohammadBadir said:
I do have my official Flipnote thread, though it's pretty inactive at the moment so I wonder if it does deserve a place in that post...

You send me a banner and I'll put it up!

Hopefully it can get some extra recognition!

Anyways, the eShop thread and XenoBlade CX thread are now up in the OP. Thanks guys for your work!

Around the Network

Really simplistic, there's not much to put in

Done and done. Thanks again. :D

I love that font. @_@

Smeags said:

Done and done. Thanks again. :D

I love that font. @_@

I do too

It's called Doctor Soos (Bold)

(I've pretty much become a fonts expert at this point, lol)

Well... E3 season is upon us and we're now less than 30 days away from the fun.

So far I've had Slade6Alpha ask to do the Microsoft E3 thread.
If it's alright I've put interest in doing the Nintendo E3 thread.
And from what I've heard no one has asked to make a Sony E3 thread.

Around the Network

If I do a good job on the E3 thread, do I get a pretty banner in the main OP? jk xD

I look forward to your Nintendo thread Smeags. Kind of shocked no one claimed the Sony thread.">"><img src="

Smeags said:
Well... E3 season is upon us and we're now less than 30 days away from the fun.

So far I've had Slade6Alpha ask to do the Microsoft E3 thread.
If it's alright I've put interest in doing the Nintendo E3 thread.
And from what I've heard no one has asked to make a Sony E3 thread.

Great to see you guys take on the E3 threads.. from what I've seen and heard, they are a lot of work!


Though you are completely capable, if you, for whatever reasons, need some help with the Nintendo E3 thread, I'll be glad to help out!

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RolStoppable said:

Why? If you were a Sony fan, would you want to associate yourself with it?

Wait a second...

I'll do it!


RolStoppable said:
Smeags said:



Ehhh... I'd prefer the forums to not be red with blood by the end of E3. *laughs*

So Samus_Aran will do it.

But seriously, let's have a Sony guy do the Sony E3 thread. You can always do the general pre-E3 hype thread (I know that Myak always comes around to do that though... but who knows if she'll be back @_@)

Smeags said:

Ehhh... I'd prefer the forums to not be red with blood by the end of E3. *laughs*

So Samus_Aran will do it.

But seriously, let's have a Sony guy do the Sony E3 thread. You can always do the general pre-E3 hype thread (I know that Myak always comes around to do that though... but who knows if she'll be back @_@)

You should edit the title saying the Sony thread is open to do. I  just discovered this threads purpose. I bet most users have no idea what this thread is and that they need official authorization to do it.