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Forums - Website Topics - [Staff] The Monthly Ban Report - December 2014: New Mods Edition

Users of VGChartz, with this thread we try to make the actions of the mod team more transparent.

All usual forum rules apply. If you have a question on a ban you have recieved, it is highly recommended that you either contact the Moderator who issued out your moderation or to one of our head Moderators (Smeags, TruckOSaurus and axumblade) through our PM system or if possible, via email. For other users, you may criticise certain actions as long as you stay respectful and have valid points to back up your claims.

  • DO NOT try to use the following information to provoke other users (including those who were moderated). 
  • This is NOT a place to request bans for other users.


User Moderated: Reason Moderated: Days Banned: Moderated By:
8bit420 Flaming 1 Leadified
97alexk Flaming 3 Dallinor
adabala Alt ID (prinz_valium) Perma Conegamer
Aeolus451 Flaming 1 Conegamer
Aielyn Flaming 1 Leadified
AirSaber Alt ID (Soundwave) Perma Conegamer
alicemudgarden Flaming 1 Conegamer
alicemudgarden Flaming 5 Mr Khan
alternine Flaming 3 trasharmdsister12
alternine Flaming 10 Conegamer
alternine Alt ID Extension 14 Leadified
amusingthree93 Trolling Perma Mr Khan
Aphelion Trolling 20 starcraft
Areym Flaming 3 starcraft
bevochan Trolling 5 Conegamer
Blarg Flaming 3 Leadified
Blarg Flaming 7 Veknoid_Outcast
Blood_Tears Flaming 14 RavenXtra
BMaker11 Other (Off Topic) 1 Veknoid_Outcast
BreedinBull Trolling 3 axumblade
Burek Trolling 3 RavenXtra
Cant_Touch_This Alt ID (EoRdE6) Perma Leadified
Captain_Tom Flaming 10 Leadified
Cartmanbrah Trolling 1 Conegamer
Champion Alt ID (EoRdE6) Perma Carl2291


Other (Off Topic) 3


cheshirescat Trolling 1 Conegamer
DanRybacki Trolling 1 TruckOSaurus
DanRybacki Trolling 5 Leadified
darkenergy Trolling 1 Leadified
Deeds Trolling 14 Kresnik
Demesne Alt ID (BeElite) Perma TruckOSaurus
DJEVOLVE Flaming 1 Dallinor
DolPhanTendo Flaming 1 Mr Khan
drake_tolu Requested Perma Conegamer
drangleic_knight Flaming 7 Leadified
Drazgonow Flaming 5 Veknoid_Outcast
Dr.Henry_Killinger Flaming 10 Shinobi-San
DucksUnlimited Flaming 5 Conegamer
Eddie_Raja Flaming 1 RavenXtra
EoRdE6 Spamming 5 Carl2291
EoRdE6 Spamming Perma Carl2291
Erwin-VGC Spamming 1 Conegamer
Erwin-VGC Flaming 20 Leadified
ethomaz Trolling 3 axumblade
etking Trolling 1 Conegamer
Experimental42 Flaming 30 Veknoid_Outcast
ExplodingBlock Spamming 5 Mr Khan
eyeofcore Trolling Perma Dallinor
Ezquimacore Flaming 1 Conegamer
Ezquimacore Spamming 1 Leadified
FattyDingDong Flaming 1 RavenXtra
Fededex Flaming 1 Conegamer
fiercedeity Alt ID (phaedruss) Perma Mr Khan
Game_God Flaming 5 Shinobi-San
Gears_of_War_4 Alt ID (toastboy) Perma trasharmdsister12
generic-user-1 Trolling 1 RavenXtra
geordash1 Flaming 3 starcraft
Giggs_11 Flaming 5 RavenXtra
GloriousGaben Alt ID (Viltsu300) Perma Mr Khan
Goodnightmoon Flaming 1 Veknoid_Outcast
GTAexpert Flaming 3 axumblade
hated_individual Flaming Perma RavenXtra
HollyGamer Flaming 1 Dallinor
hudsoniscool Flaming 1 Conegamer
I_Dont_Kiss_Ass Other (Name) Perma Smeags
I_Dont_Kiss_Ass2 Flaming Perma Conegamer
ijustlikegames:) Trolling 5 Smeags 
ijustlikegames:) Alt ID's Extension 7 trasharmdsister12
ijustlikegames:) Alt ID's Extension 14 Veknoid_Outcast
ilovegirls69 Other (Username) Perma Dallinor
Imaginedvl Flaming 10 Veknoid_Outcast
ireallylikegames;) Alt ID  Perma trasharmdsister12 
istilljustlikegames; Alt ID Perma trasharmdsister12 
iTechHeads Flaming 7 RavenXtra
iTechHeads Trolling 10 Shinobi-San
jetforcejiminy Flaming 1 RavenXtra
Jissu Trolling 1 Veknoid_Outcast
Jissu Flaming 5 Conegamer
JohannStein Flaming 1 Leadified
jonnybmk Trolling 1 RavenXtra
Kerotan Flaming 10 Mr Khan
Kerotan Flaming 14 Conegamer
KilluaX3 Alt ID (Viltsu300) Perma Shinobi-San
KilluaZaoldyeck Alt ID (Viltsu300) Perma TruckOSaurus
KingCherry Flaming 3 Leadified
kirby007 Called axumblade a pansy 1 axumblade
kix05 Flaming 1 Conegamer
kljesta64 Trolling 5 Conegamer
KLXVER Flaming 7 Dallinor
kowenicki Flaming 7 Shinobi-San
kupomogli Trolling 20 Shinobi-San
LiquorandGunFun Flaming 14 Dallinor
LivingMetal Flaming 3 Shinobi-San
LubeMeUpUncleAlfred Other (Username) Perma Smeags
LumpiersorzPS Flaming 1 RavenXtra
LurkerJ Trolling 3 axumblade
Lyrikalstylez Flaming 3 Veknoid_Outcast
Lyrikalstylez Trolling 10 Mr Khan
Lyrikalstylez Flaming 5 Shinobi-San
ManofBeastManagement Alt ID (Nintentacle) Perma Mr Khan
Marford Alt ID (Amak) Perma Smeags
MastermindPT Flaming 1 RavenXtra
mastorbaiter Other (Various Reasons) Perma Smeags
mateyboy Trolling 1 Veknoid_Outcast
mateyboy Other (Mod Criticism) 3 Conegamer
mateyboy Flaming Perma Veknoid_Outcast
McGilliguts Trolling 3 Mr Khan
Metroid33slayer Flaming 3 TruckOSaurus
mofili Flaming 3 starcraft
mophinz Flaming 5 Leadified
Moshimoo Alt ID (Soundwave) Perma Mr Khan
MrChaos Flaming 20 Shinobi-San
MrChaos Alt ID's Perma Leadified
MrRaven Alt ID (MrChaos) Perma Conegamer
MyJuicyFlaps Alt ID (DeadBigfoot21) Perma Carl2291
mymuro Flaming 1 Shinobi-San
Mystro-Sama Trolling 3 Veknoid_Outcast
Nate4Drake Flaming 1 RavenXtra
nintendro Alt ID (prinz_valium) Perma Shinobi-San
Nintentacle Spamming 45 Conegamer
Nintentacle Requested Perma Leadified
Nintesuscorpion Other Perma Mr Khan
NonplussingBros Alt ID (Nintentacle) Perma Mr Khan
ohalama Alt ID (prinz_valium) Perma axumblade
OttoniBastos Flaming 3 starcraft
pavleshka Requested Perma Dallinor
phaedruss Alt ID/Flaming 10 Mr Khan
playbox Alt ID (prinz_valium) Perma Conegamer
POE Spamming 3 Leadified
prayformojo Flaming 3 Smeags
pressstarttoplay Alt ID (ijustlikegames) Perma Veknoid_Outcast
prinz_valium Flaming 7 Mr Khan
prinz_valium Other (Alt IDs) Perma axumblade
ps4tw Flaming 5 Conegamer
quisuis Flaming 3 RavenXtra
RacerXGT Flaming 10 Leadified
RacerXGT Flaming Perma Conegamer
RedditFedora Alt ID (Viltsu300) Perma Conegamer
RedDragon Alt ID (Deadbigfoot21) Perma trasharmdsister12
reggin_bolas Trolling 7 Veknoid_Outcast
Ronster316 Trolling 3 axumblade
rpgmaniac Flaming 1 Veknoid_Outcast
RubberWhistleHistle Trolling 5 TruckOSaurus
Samus Aran Other (Quote Trees) 1 Conegamer
Samus Aran Trolling 5 Carl2291
sethnintendo Flaming 3 Conegamer
Sharpryno Flaming 7 Shinobi-San
Shinigamilchibe Alt ID (Viltsu300) Perma Conegamer
Sixteenvolt420 Trolling 1 Mr Khan
skcuSCGV Alt ID (MrChaos) Perma TruckOSaurus
small44 Flaming 1 Conegamer
smellybuttocks Alt ID (dallas) Perma Conegamer
Snesboy Flaming 3 Conegamer
Sony-For-Life Flaming 10 Shinobi-San
soony_xbone_U Alt ID (prinz_valium) Perma Mr Khan
*Sound of Rain Requested Perma Veknoid_Outcast
Soundwave Flaming 5 RavenXtra
Soundwave Alt ID's Extension 5 Conegamer
Soundwave Alt ID's Extension 10 Conegamer
Soundwave Alt ID's Extention 14 Mr Khan
super6646 Spamming 1 Leadified
super6646 Spamming 5 Leadified
sweetoothj Trolling 20 RavenXtra
SwooshX Alt ID (Soundwave) Perma Conegamer
technicalgamer Trolling 3 Conegamer
technicalgamer Trolling 7 RavenXtra
TeKKno Alt ID (Mr Chaos) Perma Conegamer
thatguymarco Trolling 3 Veknoid_Outcast
TheForgottenOne Requested Perma Smeags
Tippi Requested Perma Veknoid_Outcast
titans301 Alt ID (alternine) Perma RavenXtra
todd2r Trolling Perma Leadified
Troll_Slayer Trolling Perma Barozi
UltimateGamer1982 Flaming 3 Leadified
Valdney Flaming 1 Dallinor
vextrex Flaming 3 starcraft
Viltsu300 Flaming 3 RavenXtra
Viltsu300 Flaming/Alt 7


Viltsu300 Alt ID's Extension 10 Mr Khan
Viltsu300 Alt ID's Extension Perma Leadified
Viltsu500 Alt ID (Viltsu300) Perma Mr Khan
vivster Other (Porn) 1 Conegamer
yolosan Alt ID (prinz_valium) Perma TruckOSaurus
WhiteEaglePL Requested 30



  • 186 Unique Bans

If by chance you were banned and had the moderation overturned, please mention it in this thread and any apparent problem with the OP will be fixed. 

Previous Months:


Around the Network

None of these poor excuses for new mods can rival Conegamer's dominance.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Look at the new mods go. Seems like we made the right choices


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I didn't even know toastboy made an alt.

Can these guys see your IP address? Is that even legal?

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

Around the Network
alternine said:
Can these guys see your IP address? Is that even legal?

Its pretty standard for most forums to track the IPs of users. Same goes for pretty much every website you visit. Stuff like usage statistics and demographics are found based on your IP address

RavenXtra said:
alternine said:
Can these guys see your IP address? Is that even legal?

Its pretty standard for most forums to track the IPs of users. Same goes for pretty much every website you visit.

Oh Thanks for clearing that up.

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

RavenXtra said:
alternine said:
Can these guys see your IP address? Is that even legal?

Its pretty standard for most forums to track the IPs of users. Same goes for pretty much every website you visit. Stuff like usage statistics and demographics are found based on your IP address

in other words..


world control :p

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

I thought I was banned before december. Guess I was wrong.

Aeolus451 said:
I thought I was banned before december. Guess I was wrong.

4th December, so you just made it into this one.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.