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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XV mostly inspired by III, IV, V and VI

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Not sure if anyone posted already.


“Previously I would have said FF-I and FF-VII were my favourite to play but while making Final Fantasy XV, some of the ones I’m referring to the most and the ones I’m drawing the most inspiration from and getting a lot out of are FF-III, FF-IV, FF-V and FF-VI. The more I look at them, the more I think – wow! They’re probably some of the lesser-known Final Fantasy games but I think there’s some really great stuff in them and they’re a really good help for making FF-XV.”

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3 to 6 are lesser known? Yet these are the games we idealise and want new FFs to be like (you know, jsut with flashy new graphix!!)

Hmm, pie.

They said the same thing for FFXIII and we believed them

They've said this before, and it was a lie.

XanderXT said:
They've said this before, and it was a lie.


PullusPardus said:
They said the same thing for FFXIII and we believed them

I don't recall they ever saying that about XIII...

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What ...?

I need this explained to me.

Hopefully its more IV, V, & VI than III. Was never able to get into III. The story, characters, and the battle system just felt really lacking compared to later titles, but I only played the DS version.

Wouldn't FF VII Crisis Core be the obvious comparison??

IV, V and VI are my favourites, so colour me interested.

The Fury said:

3 to 6 are lesser known? Yet these are the games we idealise and want new FFs to be like (you know, jsut with flashy new graphix!!)

According to vocal minorities any FF that is not like VII is worthless, so i can only disagree.

As far as monster design is concerned it's clearly 3-6, and I hope the OST can be on VI level.