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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Activision: Destiny has over 9.5 million registered users and Development has Begun on Destiny 2, Expecting COD AW to be Biggest Game of the Year

Activision announced in its latest financial report that Destiny has more than 9.5 million registered users and the next game in the franchise is in the works.

 Activision called Destiny the “largest new franchise launch in history” and one of the 10 largest game launches “ever in the US”. The firm also reiterated Destiny players average over three hours of playtime per day. Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg says the game was "profitable from day one,"

Activision: Development on Destiny 2 has already begun


Activision "very pleased" with initial Advanced Warfare sales. Expects it to be biggest game of the year.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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well i certainly hope they make the next one bigger..

dont get me wrong, i love destiny, but it needs more content lol i want like 5-6 raids lol

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Ignore the OP Activision lost $23 million last quarter the 'profit is non GAAP' otherwise known as meaningless that's bad and what a drop in revenue and profit from last year game over Bobby :)

see page page 7

guessing 9m copies sold by today, 11.5m by the end of the year, maybe 13.5-15m by the end of next year

sweet! i'll certainly be back day-1. with the basic engine and whatever stuff laid out I'll bet destiny 2 is even more awesome than the first!!

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Interestingly, Sales and Marketing expenses have gone up about $100 million in the last 9 months compared to the previous year ($80 million in the last 3 months alone, compared with 2013). I am wondering if that is mainly due to Destiny, since WoW, CoD and Skylanders are most likely similar to last year's budgets.

Registered users? Is there a way to e a registered user without buying or is that 9.5m sell through? #

COD must've sold better than Destiny in the first day I presume

Xevross said:

Registered users? Is there a way to e a registered user without buying or is that 9.5m sell through? #

COD must've sold better than Destiny in the first day I presume

You sign into I think. But no, you don't have to buy the game to be registered.

Destiny 2: Commingled Fall 2015 >>> typical Activision move. Now they have two money maker franchises.

Follow me on Instagram : YAFEAXX

jlmurph2 said:
Xevross said:

Registered users? Is there a way to e a registered user without buying or is that 9.5m sell through? #

COD must've sold better than Destiny in the first day I presume

You sign into I think. But no, you don't have to buy the game to be registered.

Thought so, that number means nothing then.