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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can the PS3 still catch up with the Wii?

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Who wins in the end?

Wii 314 73.19%
PS3 114 26.57%

If SONY didnt have PS Now coming out i would probably say it would eventually beat the Wii, though it would take a good couple years.

But PS Now means people can just buy a PS4 and get some of the critically acclaimed PS3 games for a little bit extra

Current Game Machines: 3DS, Wii U, PC.

Currently Playing: X-Com(PC), Smash Bros(WiiU), Banner Saga(PC), Guild Wars 2(PC), Project X Zone(3DS), Luigis Mansion 2(3DS), DayZ(PC)

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Conina said:

Do you really think, PS3 sales will stay at 50,000 weekly in November and December 2014? You can't base your averages on the slowest weeks of the year.


BraLoD said:

50k week is in one of the slowest months in the year, and we have holydays and black friday that can boost 1-2M in this and next year sales.
PS3 is probably over 84M units already as we know VGChartz has being undertracking both PS3 and 360 for some time (this 50k week is with under tracked numbers probably too), not to say that the system is probably to see another price cut to prevent it sales to drop anymore, maybe even rise within the not so rich countries that consume a lot after the next system comes and the old one becomes viable to them to buy.
85M will be surpassed by at least 1M this year already. 90M can be a good number if the support to the plataform doesn't extend to at least 2016, what I hardly doubt.
Nothing mathematically impossible here, just really hard to achieve.

So, you're saying the Ps3 will jump from 50k weekly to 1 million, but it's just a matter of time. I highly doubt that and i highly doubt the fact that the ps3 can pull 17 million in a matter of 2 years because it will need 160k weekly that is just simply being the best selling platform weekly which is technaclly not logical since the Ps4 has been resleased and people won't buy a ps3 when they have the chance of buying a Ps4. So, my answer and "guess" is still no. :)

Cleary397 said:
If SONY didnt have PS Now coming out i would probably say it would eventually beat the Wii, though it would take a good couple years.

But PS Now means people can just buy a PS4 and get some of the critically acclaimed PS3 games for a little bit extra

Not everybody can afford the newest console and/or a fast broadband internet connection. PS Now will be no option in BRIC states for many years.

With a long overdue price cut, PS3 and 360 with their great game selections can get much more attractive in BRIC states.

And you can't play your already bought PS3 games via PS Now for free. So if you have a huge PS3 collection and your PS3 breaks down... will you buy a replacement or do you buy/rent every of your favorite PS3 games again as streaming version?

Conina said:
Cleary397 said:
If SONY didnt have PS Now coming out i would probably say it would eventually beat the Wii, though it would take a good couple years.

But PS Now means people can just buy a PS4 and get some of the critically acclaimed PS3 games for a little bit extra

Not everybody can afford the newest console and/or a fast broadband internet connection. PS Now will be no option in BRIC states for many years.

With a long overdue price cut, PS3 and 360 with their great game selections can get much more attractive in BRIC states.

And you can't play your already bought PS3 games via PS Now for free. So if you have a huge PS3 collection and your PS3 breaks down... will you buy a replacement or do you buy/rent every of your favorite PS3 games again as streaming version?

Yeah i totally see what you are saying, but in my mind the vast majority of people whose PS3 breaks down now will see it as a reason to finally upgrade to the current gen.

I know not everyone has the cash, hell i dont have the cash to get a PS4, but if my 360 or wiiu broke i would probably just save the cash and buy a PS4 eventually

Current Game Machines: 3DS, Wii U, PC.

Currently Playing: X-Com(PC), Smash Bros(WiiU), Banner Saga(PC), Guild Wars 2(PC), Project X Zone(3DS), Luigis Mansion 2(3DS), DayZ(PC)

BraLoD said:

Last year black friday, with the recent PS4 and XBO in the market selling wonders, the PS3 and 360 managed to sell very high numbers too.
I'm not saying it will get 1million weekly, that's insane, I'm saying that only the black friday + holyday sales can boost the system a 1-2M in this and next year each, that's about what the system sold the whole year, that how high they sell in this periods.
If weekly sales where to be pulled to make the data now, in this slow month, PS4 would end up being a failure, it's only 100K a week and you will see how much it will sell from September to December this year. WAY over 100K weekly average, WAY WAY over it.

I don't think September to December will boost Ps3's sales any much than 70k and that's an exaggeration. The Ps3 has been selling lower than 100k since the start of 2014 and only going lower by the week till it got stuck on the 40k~50k mark. So if you ask me to be realistic, the only thing that will allow Ps3 to beat the Wii is a miracle. 

(I didn't mention Ps4 because it isn't part of the discussion.)

Just want a direct answer for those questions please. 

  • How long until the end of Ps3 timeline?
  • Will Ps3 pull 17 million within that time?
  • How long will it pull weekly if the answer is yes?
  • Are you serious?