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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you think The Last of Us remaster will sell FW and LTD?

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What will the Last of Us sell

Less than 100k 2 5.56%
200k 3 8.33%
300k 5 13.89%
400k 1 2.78%
500k 5 13.89%
600k 2 5.56%
700k 1 2.78%
800k 2 5.56%
900k 1 2.78%
Million or more 14 38.89%

As title says,


I'm thinking it could sell around 200k FW and 800k LTD maybe more. 

Around the Network

350,000 FW.
900,000 LTD

Not sure about first week, but definitely more than 1 million lifetime.

I voted 300K.

Its weird. I already have it for PS3, If Sony was to do a PS3>PS4 upgrade for maybe $10, I would jump on it asap.

But as it stands, I will pass on it for now.

sabastian said:
I voted 300K.

Its weird. I already have it for PS3, If Sony was to do a PS3>PS4 upgrade for maybe $10, I would jump on it asap.

But as it stands, I will pass on it for now.

I'm thinking i'll sell my PS3 version and get the PS4 copy. I want to play it again but I'm not in a rush atm.

Around the Network

400K first week, 3M lifetime.

bubblegamer said:
400K first week, 3M lifetime.

You reckon :O that's alot for Lifetime

think-man said:
bubblegamer said:
400K first week, 3M lifetime.

You reckon :O that's alot for Lifetime

A lot of people never played the game, because they didn't have PS3's or simply never bought because they thought it would come to PS4, me included (you did the same with GTA5)

Also the game has sold very well and the improvement in the remastered version is nothing to sneaze at And let's not forget the people who love to double dip!

I think it is a great move of Sony to put it on PS4 and it may even push some hardware. I am not getting it since i have it for PS3, but i can see 2M lifetime, if not more.

300k FW
2 million LTD


NNID: FrequentFlyer54