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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
jProphet said:

Parasite eve?

Around the Network
Baddman said:
Kerotan said:
Baddman said:
so what are some could games to check out for the ps4? already gonna be getting infamous killzone(which i wont play) and last of us

Infamous second son, gta 5, driveclub,  far cry 4, the last of us,  metro redux (get this!) ,  battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed black flag,  resogun,  outlast and metal Gear solid ground zeroes.  

already gettin infamous, last of us and killzole with the amazon gta5 on way am i touching that pos and i dont like fps  kind of worn out on assassin creed played them all up to 3  will look into resogun and outlast granted they arent fps and maybe ground zeroes...  my favorite genres are adventure and platforming..i also like third person shooters and rpgs

Shadow of mordor and dragon age would be good. Bloodborne too. 

Buggies coming to Driveclub!

poklane said:

Buggies coming to Driveclub!

Awwww yissss!! One step closer to Motorstorm PS4 :P

poklane said:

Buggies coming to Driveclub!

Damn it! Makes me miss the Motorstorm franchise again :(, 4 player split-screen with buggies,monster trucks and bikes etc..... And we will never get a another sequal :( Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Around the Network
Runa216 said:
I am so looking forward to BloodBorne. When is the review embargo coming down?

Around monday.


I had some free time and managed to finish the last few chapter of The Order 1886. I took me around 14 hours to beat the game plus getting the platinum trophy. I get why many people didn't like the game, but I personally liked it. Gamers these days are too cynical and unforgiving, or having a selecting bias towards specific games. I heard complained about how the game is short, yet they game a pass to other shorter games, or how the gameplay is horrible and generic, while other games have generic gameplay and get a pass, and so on. Was the game perfect? No, but it's the worst video game like many websites who gave it a 2/5 or 4/10. This kind of scores is for broken or unplayable games. The game is polished and playable. This game was a good experminet for RAD studios and built a good foundation to start and to improve on for their 1st IP. People forgot the studio was known for making portable GOW games and making ports, and I'm pretty sure they'll improve with time since this game was their first console game.

Graphics: 10/10 The best looking video on PS4 and beat many other good looking games even on PC.

Voice 10/10: The soundtrack is memorable and great voice acting from the cast.

Story: 8.5/10 An intresting plot with more to come in upcoming sequles. The premise and the game universe is solid. The story is easy to understand if you have the patince to keep up with the long cutscenes and don't want to rush through the game. Which I saw many were complaining because there was no skip option. What kind of people want just to play a game without following the plot and want to skip??? Having a skip option is welcome, but I never skip a cutscene even if I saw it manytimes. PS, there's a hint of a new danger besides the lycan (Maybe for the 2nd game?)

Gameplay: 7/10 It's your typical gameplay in other third person shooter games, it's not original but doesn't mean it's bad. If it's not broken there's no need to fix it or to bring anything new over it. I would give it an 8 if it was't for the AI of some enimies (Lycans to be more specific) And the QTE aren't bad as every sites was complaining about. PS, the futuristic weapons are the highlight of the gameplay. I want more of that in the sequel.

Value: 7/10 It took me around 14 hours to beat the game plus getting the platinum trophy. I'm the kind of people who take thweir time while playing the game. I like to look around every corner and look at the detalis of the game. Whoever said it too short and can beat it in 5-7 hours he/she was on a speed-play and didn't care about the game in the 1st place. I'm pretty sure they missed lots of amazing moments to look around and appreciate the beauty of the game. I would five it a higher score if we had more lycans sections and pacing of some chapters needs to be balanced. Even if I speed-run and finish it in 5-7 hours I would still have the same opinion. Silent Hill 2, which is my favorite video games of all times is 7 hours long. Same goes with Fatal Frame 2 which I finished in 5 hours and 1:45 hours on a spped-play. It's not about the length, it's about how you enjoyed the game.

Final Verdict: 8.5/10 from a professional point of view. As a fan, it's a 9/10.  I hope you guys give this game a chance. PS, RAD has pushed the "M" rating with the nudity and sexual content. I thought it was almost an "AO" game.

Follow me on Instagram : YAFEAXX

can I use my psn account that i created on my psp for the ps4?

Those buggies make me wish that Evolution is making a Motorstorm for the PS4. Just imagine if the next Motorstorm contains all environments from previous games (e.g. tropical, apocalyptic city, etc.) running under the Driveclub engine. It will be absolutely glorious.

Sony filed for The Last Guardian's trademark again. Definitely a good sign.