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Forums - Gaming Discussion - BRAID for 99 cents on PSN

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Yes, it is beautiful. 26 83.87%
No, I want to be a sargea... 4 12.90%

Just bought Braid on PSN for 99 cents and it is such a cool game: it is sad, fun, gorgeous, weird, challenging, scary in a way, feels like (literally) a dream, like, it is a very dreamlike atmosphere.

The puzzles and the music bring a very zen feeling to the player (me, in this case) and the narrative is very melacholic and poetic, reminds me of long lost love a such, so beautiful.

It is hard to explain Braid in words, but it really made an impression on me, what a masterpiece!

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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I bought it in the sale but haven't downloaded yet.

Playing Tokyo Jungle and Gotham City Impostors.

So much good stuff for 0,99 each, I can't believe it.

i have like, $40 in credit, cant be bothered to login to my consoles to check the sales :(

lucidium said:
i have like, $40 in credit, cant be bothered to login to my consoles to check the sales :(

Use the online PSN store, that's what I did. This should work for you:!/home/games

If not, just google Sony Entertainment Network.

Got it for about that much on steam during a holiday sale ages ago. It is rather nice, but the hidden narrative is so ludicrously pretentious that it almost undermines all the good it did, in my opinion of course.


Also, now that I see tokyo jungle is a buck, think I'll have to log in a do a bit of shopping.  Watch, next month it'll be free on ps+.  Since I'm going to be adding to my wallet, any opinions on whether the extra content for dark souls worth ten dollars?

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Welcome to the party. Better late than ever. When I first played Braid several years ago on Xbox Live, it immediately jumped up the list as one of the best games I could recall playing. It holds a mythical status in my head, even to this day. Hopefully anybody that missed it took advantage of this weekend's Flash Sale on PSN.

I grabbed the only episode of Sam and Max I'd been missing (just talked about how I wanted it a week or two ago on this very site and there it was!) and a couple of games I didn't really want but heard were good so the sale wasn't a total loss for me, either.

Sensei said:
I bought it in the sale but haven't downloaded yet.

Playing Tokyo Jungle and Gotham City Impostors.

So much good stuff for 0,99 each, I can't believe it.

I had those already =/ Tokyo Jungle is great =D

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Sensei said:
I bought it in the sale but haven't downloaded yet.

Playing Tokyo Jungle and Gotham City Impostors.

So much good stuff for 0,99 each, I can't believe it.

Did you pick Back to the future? it is very good!

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Is this sale NA-only? I'm not seeing anything discounted to below £1.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Is this sale NA-only? I'm not seeing anything discounted to below £1.

Yes, 30 games for 99 cents each, N.A. only =/

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.