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Forums - Politics Discussion - What does Putin want with Ukraine


What is his end state

Annex Ukraine As a whole 337 40.60%
Annex Crimea 286 34.46%
Defend Russian People Fro... 184 22.17%
Badassbab said:
mai said:
Badassbab said:

1. My point is Russia to this very day is treating Ukraine not like a sovereign nation but a country that it needs to keep under it's control and influence.

And it's a nation? Let alone sovereign? Since when? Actually the last one is not a rhetorical question.

2. a) Under the leadership of Lenin, there was the Russian famine of 1921 that killed millions of Soviet citizens including over a million Ukranians. Granted there were a combination of factors that led to this namely the turmoil after the Great War which Russia lost. So you had a revolution, civil war, class confilct, ethnic divisions etc. Parts of Ukraine was forcibly incorporated into the Russian dominated USSR against the wishes of the Ukranians and the famine happened after this event. b) Holdomor was a Stalin instigated famine. Millions of Ukrainians died. This was a terrible crime against the Ukrainian people.

a) Please explain what kind of logic leads from natural disaster to, I quote, "Ukraine has suffered tremendously under Russian domination". And idioitc one?

b) Proofes of that, please.

3. Britain is not treating Eire or India like colonies that it needs to control and keep under it's sphere of influence for national security reasons....unlike what Russia is doing to Ukraine in the year 2014. Both Eire and India are sovereign independant nations and Britain treats them as such. Both countries are free to trade with who they want and decide how best to deal with national security issues without inteference from Britain. 

That's because Britain is no more, but that's another story, let's leave that for another time.

Yes Ukraine is an independant country but unfortunately just like in the past it's in a tug of geopolitcal war and naturally being the big bully next door neighbour Russia undemines its right to self determination the most.

a)  There was nothing natural about this. Ukraine paid a very heavy price for what should have been a Russian problem because of the Bolsheviks taking their grain away with little to no compensation.

b) The mass murdering racist tyrant Joseph Stalin played a prominent role in the Holodomor genocide and there is scholory debate over whether this was instigated by Stalinists or a bad harvest. My personal view based on what I've read is it's a genocide and Stalin and his allies were responsible for what could have been entirely avoidable. Google is your friend and one can make up their own mind. <<<< Genocide in Ukraine

P.S Britain still exists. There are over 60 million of us.

Tell us please about "The mass murdering racist tyrant" Churchill and a famine in India first.

Also Britain Empire isn't exist anymore. Only some small country on a small island is there and it can fall apart anytime soon. (I mean Scotland)

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Doctor, patient has exposed himself and ready for operation :D

Ok, my dear fellow, "Wikipedia and Discovery Channel hisotrian"...

Badassbab said:

Yes Ukraine is an independant country but unfortunately just like in the past it's in a tug of geopolitcal war and naturally being the big bully next door neighbour Russia undemines its right to self determination the most.

You haven't answered my question. When exactly Ukraine has become a nation? I could answer this, about a century ago, it was cherished and institutionalized within Ukrainian SSR as a part of USSR, it has become an indepedent nation some 20 years ago.

So again what about Russian imperialisn conquering Ukraine? :D Could you please provide me a single reference before, say, mid-19 century that'd have referrenced that territory (at least small part of it!) as "Ukraine"? Or people of Ukraine as "Ukrainians"? No, you won't be able to find such historical evidences, instead you'll find: Slobozhanschina, Polesie, Podolie, Volyn', Galichina, Trans-Carpathia, Bukovina, Bessarabia, Tavria, Malorossia, Novorossia, Donbass etc. etc.

Additionally please provide me with historical referrences how ethnically, linguistically etc. people of, say, Kherson region of Ukraine, differs from people of Rostov, Russia somewhere in 18 century, the time this region has become a part of Russian Empire?

Badassbab said:

a)  There was nothing natural about this. Ukraine paid a very heavy price for what should have been a Russian problem because of the Bolsheviks taking their grain away with little to no compensation.

I believe you're referring to the policy known as "prodrazverstka", the whole idea of which was to prevent famine in the cities, the most vulnerable regions in terms food security, especially given the circumstances of ongoing war . BTW that might be news to you but prodrazverstka never was used in a full force in Ukraine, for the same f**king reasons -- a war with Poland and the fact Ukraine formally have entered USSR only in 1922.


Badassbab said:

b) The mass murdering racist tyrant Joseph Stalin played a prominent role in the Holodomor genocide and there is scholory debate over whether this was instigated by Stalinists or a bad harvest. My personal view based on what I've read is it's a genocide and Stalin and his allies were responsible for what could have been entirely avoidable. Google is your friend and one can make up their own mind. <<<< Genocide in Ukraine

Some photos from that video.

Autumn, 1921. Russia, Buturuslan. From personal archive of Fridtjof Nansen.

Yet another photo from Fridtjof Nansen's archive. Russia, 1921-23.

Etc, etc.

May I ask  what exactly photos from the archive of Fridtjof Nansen taken during famine in Russia, Povolzhie (hence the name, famine in Povozlhie) in 1921-23 prove about famine in Ukraine in 1932-33? My suggestion would be you stop using propagandistic videos and fakes in the conversation and stop speculating on people's deaths, ok?

Speaking about historical evidences, here's couple of them.

"15000 kids from Carpathian Ukraine dead from famine", local newspaper, 1932.

"Blood pours in Western Ukraine", local newspaper, 1932.

Is that Stalin too? A reference for historically challenged, Carpathian Ruthenia is a part of Czechoslovakia until 1945 and Western Ukraine is a part of Poland until 1939. Unlike Stalin famine doesn't care about national borders.

Here's not full list of Politbureau acts with proper archive references that deal with famine in Ukraine of 1932-33, all of them in one way or another talk about food deliveries in starving Ukraine, the amount of help iirc totals nearly 4 mln t of grain. They are all freely available at RGASPI archive, some of them are available online. So does hypothesis about "deliberately enginereed famine" hold water now?

- Решение Политбюро о необходимых мерах для отгрузки Украине хлеба по телеграмме Косиора С. В. от 16 мая 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 884. Л. 2. П. 4): «Поручить комиссии в составе т. т. Куйбышева, Микояна и Кагановича немедленно принять меры, обеспечивающие отгрузку Украине 6,5 мил. Пудов хлеба на снабжение».
- Постановление Политбюро о принятии предложения Косиора С. В. о распределении хлеба и рыбы Киевской, Винницкой и Харьковской областям от 21 мая 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 12. Л. 149. П. 36/10): «Принять предложение т. Косиора о распределении 600 т. пудов хлеба и 75 ваг. Рыбы Киевской, Винницкой и Харьковской областям».
- Постановление Политбюро «О завозе хлеба на Украину» от 8 июня 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 12. Л. 175. П. 61/15): «Увеличить план завоза хлеба на Украину сверх ранее утвержденных 6,5 м. п. на 1,6 м. п. за счет вывоза из Средней Азии».
- Постановление Политбюро об отпуске Украине хлеба, овса, кукурузы от 16 июня 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 12. Л. 180. П. 43. — 181. П. 43).
- Постановление Политбюро о текущем снабжении по Украине (разбронирование ржи и ржаной муки из госфондов) от 26 июня 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 13. Л. 4. П. 58/5): «Для обеспечения плана текущего снабжения по Украине разбронировать 15 тыс. тонн ржи и ржаной муки из госфондов».
- Постановление Политбюро «О завозе хлеба из Персии» от 28 июня 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 13. Л. 3. П. 44/14).
- Постановление Политбюро «О прополочных рабочих на Украине» (выдача хлеба) от 9 июля 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 13. Л. 15. П. 62/18).
- Решение Политбюро об организации помощи свекловичным районам Украины и Центральной Черноземной области от 5 августа 1932 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 895. Л. 13. П. 59/29).
- Постановление Политбюро об отпуске зерна на продовольственные нужды Днепропетровской области от 7 февраля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 14. Л. 60. П. 52/25).
- Постановление Политбюро об отпуске зерна на продовольственные нужды Одесской области от 7 февраля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 14. Л. 60. П.53/26): «Отпустить 200 т. Пудов зерна (рожь) в распоряжение Одесского обкома и облисполкома на продовольственные нужды рабочих совхозов, МТС, МТМ, а также беспартийного и партийного актива нуждающихся колхозов».
- Решение Политбюро по предложениям ЦК КП(б)У о разрешении Винницкой и Киевской областям колхозной торговли от 16 февраля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 916. Л. 18. П. 78/44 в).
- Постановление Политбюро «О семенной и продовольственной помощи колхозам и совхозам Украины» от 20 февраля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 14. Л. 64. П. 81/46, Л. 74).
- Решение Политбюро об обеспечении весенней посевной кампании в сахарных районах Киевской области от 18 марта 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 918. Л. 18. П. 78/60, Л. 19. П. 78/60).
- Постановление Политбюро «Об обеспечении весенней посевной кампании в сахарных районах Киевской области» от 19 марта 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 14. Л. 101. П. 98/80).
- Решение Политбюро о свободной продаже хлеба в Харькове от 20 марта 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 918. Л. 23. П. 108/91, Л. 24. П. 108/91).
- Решение Политбюро о свободной продаже хлеба в Киеве от 20 марта 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 918. Л. 24. П. 111/94).
- Решение Политбюро об улучшении снабжения хлебом рабочих и студентов на Украине от 20 марта 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 918. Л. 24. П. 112/95).
- Решение Политбюро по предложению А. И. Микояна о снабжении Донбасса овощами от 1 апреля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 919. Л. 24. П. 107/95).
- Постановление Политбюро «О продовольственной и семенной помощи» (Северо-Кавказскому краю, Киевской и Харьковской областям) от 1 апреля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17.Оп. 162.Д. 14.Л. 109. П. 110/98).
- Постановление Политбюро о продовольственной и фуражной помощи Украине от 26 апреля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 14. Л. 133. П. 18/5, Л. 134. П. 18/5).
- Решение Политбюро об отпуске рыбы для Украины и Центральной Черноземной области от 8 мая 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 922. Л. 18. П. 82/69).
- Постановление Политбюро «О Донбассе» (О снабжении и общественном питании рабочих угольной промышленности Донбасса) от 10 мая 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 922. Л. 2. П.2 (г-1), Л. 37, 38, 39, 40).
- Решение Политбюро об отпуске муки Днепропетровской области (о дополнительном отпуске муки) от 23 мая 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 923. Л. 18. П. 82/61).
- Постановление Политбюро «О продовольственной помощи Украине» от 31 мая 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 14. Л. 149. П. 139/118): «Отпустить Украине дополнительно продпомощь в размере 500 тыс. пудов ржи...».
- Решение Политбюро по вопросу оказания помощи Украине в уборке урожая от 20 июня 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 925. Л. 8. П. 31/10).
- Шифротелеграмма секретаря Днепропетровского обкома М. М. Хатаевича И. В. Сталину о сложных погодных условиях, оттянувших вызревание хлебов и уборку урожая, сильном обострении продовольственного положения, с просьбой выделить области еще 50 тыс. пудов продссуды от 27 июня 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 558. Оп. 11. Д. 64. Л. 35).
- Постановление Политбюро «О продовольственной помощи Днепропетровской области» от 28 июня 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 14. Л. 165. П. 82/61).
- Постановление Политбюро «О продовольственной помощи колхозам Винницкой и Киевской областей» от 4 июля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 162. Д. 15. Л. 1. П. 25/16).
- Решение Политбюро о разрешении Одесскому обкому и облисполкому позаимствования хлеба из фондов г. Одессы (по телеграмме Е. И. Вегера) от 8 июля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 926. Л. 11. П. 49/40).
- Решение Политбюро по вопросу о снижения норм зернопоставок красноармейских колхозов Украины от 13 июля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 926. Л. 16. П. 71/62).
- Решение Политбюро о продовольственной помощи колхозам Харьковской области от 18 июля 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 927. Л. 7. П. 28/14).
- Постановление Совета Народных Комиссаров СССР о продпомощи колхозам Харьковской области от 20 июля 1933 г. (РГАЭ. Ф. 8043. Оп. 11. Д. 61. Л. 132. Заверенная копия).
- Решение Политбюро по вопросу об уменьшении размеров зернопоставок государству от отдельных колхозов Днепропетровской области от 16 августа 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 929. Л. 8. П. 26/5, Л. 9. П. 26/5).
- Решение Политбюро о картофелепоставках на Украине (о скидках норм годового плана сдачи государству) от 23 сентября 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 931. Л. 22. П. 112/76).
- Решение Политбюро по вопросу о снабжении хлебом Украины и Северного Кавказа от 27 ноября 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 935. Л. 17. П. 89/70).
- Решение Политбюро по вопросу о закупке рабочих лошадей для Украины от 9 декабря 1933 г. (РГАСПИ. Ф. 17. Оп. 3. Д. 936. Л. 12. П. 47/22)


Bottomline. What really happened? What happened in 1932-1933 was the famine that hit wide region that stretchs itself from the North-West part of Kazakhstan on the East to the Eastern parts of the Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary on the West, the center of famine was in central Ukraine. Famine hit almost the same terriotry it hit nearly a decade ago in 1921-23, except last time its epicenter was in Povolzhie (Volga region). In other words, natural disasters.

If you want to continue this conversation, I could readily explain why in agrarian countries with no food security in place famines follow cyclic climatic changes and in what way certain factors outside climate might make it worse, or how the myth about Holodomor was created and why you fell victim of it.

Sharu said:

Tell us please about "The mass murdering racist tyrant" Churchill and a famine in India first.

Also Britain Empire isn't exist anymore. Only some small country on a small island is there and it can fall apart anytime soon. (I mean Scotland)

Add Roosevelt to that. US Census Bureu has an odd thing in its statistics for 1930-40 decade, which is open to interpretation, but the only explanation I have ever stumbled upon was severe death rates during Great Depression, or simply put a famine. Unfortunately demographic fluctuations is the only way to relabily estimate how big the famine was, and the nature of US Census Bureu statistics won't let us narrow that range, so the best we could suggest is 1-7 mln people vanished into thin air.

But whetever happened during Great Depression in 1930s or Bengal in 1943 is not my field of expertise. There's a ton of work and myths to get rid of in the hisotry of your own country, so I have no will or patience for any other.

The Fury said:

Politics in the Gaming board?

Eitherway, I've supported Crimea Independence before this crisis but not by force, democratic referendum. They identified as Russian more not Ukrainian, it's just when the USSR broke up, Crimea became part of Ukraine because at the time it was part of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

But then Crimea isn't Russian depending on how far you go back, Crimean Tatars are it's natives are they not? So it's theirs.

That doesn't mean it is theres. Russia before recognized that Crimea was a part of Ukraine. They even rented their naval base. The only reason why Russia forced Crimea a part of Russia because they are losing influence in Ukraine. Putin is a KGB thug. He still has that mind set. He is a brilliant strategist but he is also stubborn. He went for what he knew he could get. He doesn't want Ukraine in the UN and the West pushed on it and Russia pushed back. This is what escaluated Russia forcing a takeover in Crimea. He is now doing the same thing in Eastern Ukraine. He didn't do it to protect anyone. Those snipers that attacked protesters before this all esculated were from Russia. Putin said he would enter Ukraine if Russians are not safe. That is just an excuse for a possible invasion of some sort.

I find it alarming that 114 people actually think Putin annexed a sovereign portion of Crimea and to protect Russians living in Ukraine. From what? Nothing was happening to them in there and the dispute that happened with the killings was under Russian control.

People actually think its justified because there are Russians living in there? Isn't justified that Hitler annexed Austria??? It is the same exact thing. In both cases guns weren't fired and both wanted the changed. The government of Austria didn't want the change though, it was the citizens who obviously didn't know what they were getting into.

Putin invaded Georgia. From the looks of things, they killed Alexander Litvinenko. They showed their hatred to homosexuals. They are close friends with bad countries like Syria and Iran.

Those in militia in Eastern Ukraine are NOT Ukrainian wanting to be Russian. They are Russian. They are trying to cause instability and give more cause for Russia to make action. Its just like Iran providing support with training, weapons, and intelligence to undermine us in Iraq. They are doing it in Ukraine with their own troops as they had to push for Crimea to be annexed.

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So as expected next assault on Slavyansk has begun. The encouraging fact here is Ukrainian forces managed to lost 2 Hinds in first two hours of the operation -- not nearly as facepalmish as operation Eagle Claw, which ended up with 7 lost aircrafts, -- yet raises hopes that this will fail like two assaults before without our intervention.

Everything depends on this man now...

May 2nd synopsis on the events in Ukraine:
- Slvayansk managed to survive this day with relaitevely minor losses, Ukrainian military and para-military didn't enter the center of the city, has lost 4 helicopters and 3 APCs near it, no data about losses in personnel. Just gives you an idea how good organization of self-defence save lifes.
- The example of bad organization is a city of Odessa, struggle of one side with another claimed over 40 burned or choked to death by a fire set by pro-Maidan activists. Nemirovsky, the head of Odessa province, was very fast to legitmize these murders. Police did almost nothing.
- Events in Kramatorsk, the town near Slavyansk, totaled dozens of dead bodies, mostly unarmed locals, who were trying to stop Ukrainian military on its way to Slavyansk. Pretty sure those who opened fire weren't from Ukrainian military, could bet anything this was recently formed Natioanl Guard, i.e. militarized Right Sector.
- US and EU are giving carte-blanche to junta in Kiev for further actions. While Russian authorities are most probably thinking about intervention as one of possible outcomes of the situation, needless to say that it won't ease exisitng tensions with the US and most likely accusations of an agressions will follow. Ukrainian news aside from few lines in the morning news were silent on the events in Slavyansk. I have feeling that this is the whole idea of current junta actions, to provoke military actions.

Ukraines kills Ukraines. West is happy. Terrible days.

The situation is really becoming more and more disturbing...

When armed right sector ultra-nationalists surrounded and destroyed a tent-camp of pro-russian activists, the activsts fled to the nearby trade unions house. The trade unions house was then set ablaze by pro-kiew terrorists throwing molotov cocktails,  tear gas, stun grenades etc. inside the building.

In their desparation, some activists jumped out of the windows, several floors down - some survived, lying on the floor badly injured, only to instantly get attacked with bats and chains by an angry right sector mob.

Most others weren't so lucky - dozens died a horrible death in the flames, leaving only burned corpses behind (NSFW!):

Hundreds of policemen were standing around, doing absolutely nothing:

There's an orgy of moral freaks in the Russian and Ukrainian sector of various social networks right now, who express no regret, nor remorse, but utterly happy with the death of 40+ people in trade union house in Odessa. At least that was my impression, since I'm not registered in any of said networks, I rely on other people opinions, so my impression might be skewed. There should be rational people out there, right?

Nevertheless the abundance of moral freaks is disturbing. The logic of these excusable murders usually goes in two ways, dead people either regarded as untermenschen, who doesn't deserve regret, or it is explained that these people came from Russia or neighbouring PMR (actually this piece of info even appeared in the news for short period of time), therefore murderers acted as defenders of Odessa and united Ukraine. After getting myself into Ukrainian politics I'm kinda get used to the that incoherent logic -- Ukrainians kill other Ukrainians, but blame Russia, Putin etc. -- unfortunately this delusion is now supported in Washnigton, which is highest level of authority for Ukrainian nutf**ks in Kiev. Unlike them I do realize that they've just killed the actual Odessa inhabitants, not GRU officers, not Russians from some other places, or people hired for money, but people who are as Ukrainian as they are, effecively putting the final nail into the idea of "united Ukraine" they hope to defend.

What will happen next? Well, the other party that suffered 40+ smth deaths is all but committed to take revenge, taking note of everyone who has been caught on camer in those events. Even though I don't think this is going to be productive, but this is smth that is not unplausiable and will only heat up the confrontation, they do not expect justice from authorities means they'll do justice by themselves as they see it. Here goes united Ukraine for you, an idea I have nothing against, but I see that current Kiev authorities, junta for short, will do everything in their power to ruin it.

Here's disposition, South-East Ukraine, or Novorossia (New Russia) as it often regarded by its historical name:
- Donetsk and Lugansk -- extremely pro-Russian, civil war there;
- Kharkov and Odessa -- somewhat borderline situation, there was provocations in Kharkov before, the one in Odessa has ended tragically;
- Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Zaporozhie, Kherson -- prevalence of pro-Maidan sentiments but no by a whole lot, quiet for now.

Judging by how fast the situation unwinds, by the end of May smth decisive will happen. Before I expected it somewhere by the end of the year, as the economical situation is not getting better, there'll be one Maidan after another in Kiev during that time, but neither of them will be successfull. Either way Ukraine won't survive this, junta probably will go downhill as well.

Did I say Yugoslavian scenario? Well, this is practically it, not nearly as bad for now, but junta is working hard so "Ще не вмерла" ("Ukraine has not yet died", first line from national anthem) will finally die.