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Forums - Sony Discussion - How to improve the Killzone franchise into a universal critical success?

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TheEspionage said:
Aldro said:

Go play The Last of Us and notice the tension and feeling of the gunplay there. Each hit actually throws your character back and the whole thing just feels like No Country For Old men.


Tl:dr =>
You're wrong.

I love the Last of us xD  But the multiplayer was pretty meh.  This put me back to waht i said about the gameplay.  The story was more focused on stealth mechanics with the occasional shooting.  Yes TLoU has great gameplay, but if the entire game was based around shooting i dont know how it would do.

I adore the MP so nope :P

Also loved the shooting of UC3 due to the verticality of it.


But obviously a third person game with platforming/stealth/melee too isn't exactly as shooter oriented as a first person one. Having said that: I have little to no doubt that if ND decided to make one: They'd be damn good at it.

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Hire a great writing team. Hire voice actors with some passion in their voice. Create a lore that expands on the base allready set.

And most importantly, make the Helghast the playable characters and the ISA the corrupt enemy. And just as so, make a hero character, like Master Chief, a singular playable character that others rally upon.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Aldro said:
TheEspionage said:

I adore the MP so nope :P

Also loved the shooting of UC3 due to the verticality of it.


But obviously a third person game with platforming/stealth/melee too isn't exactly as shooter oriented as a first person one. Having said that: I have little to no doubt that if ND decided to make one: They'd be damn good at it.

Fair enough, we all have opinions so I can respect yours :)

And yes I would agree with that.  As far as i'm concerned Naughty Dog is the best developers in the industry right now so I'm sure they could make a good FPS xD  

change the name to COD, perhaps?

They just need to take a long break from it and then pull an Assassin's Creed II and go all out with fresh ideas, and it looks like they are going to...

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Its just a bundle game. Its not something you buy the console for or a AAA must have title in its own right. Never going to be any different.

Also when I play Killzone I always feel the urge that the heighast wins :s. Played the first one again for a couple of hours holy shit that is really a game that is horrible today =p. But like that you can choose between four characters though.

gameplay its very good (judging by KZ2 and KZ3 only)
While the story is great compared to other fps', its still shallow.
The personalities of all the characters are too similar and they dont blend well.

Gremdude said:
Desertghost said:

Interesting thread, I've always thought about this actually. To keep it short and simple, this games changes have always been subtle, for some reason they don't want to change the formula too much. I think that's a mistake, this entry in the franchise was a great opportunity to change the rules of the game to make it funner and have a mass appeal, for example: keep the same heavy feel that's part of the franchise, but make the helghats or vektans invent some new weapon that changes the rules of engagement, like some halo-like suit that has a jetpack attached, or some exo-eskeleton armor like Titanfall. Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying to especifically do this things and copy those games, I'm just saying they should've go with that line of thinking. Titanfall is CoD with jetpack and robots but that changes the game a lot and gives it a fresh feel and the idea is very inviting for gamers and casuals alike. That's what I think Guerilla should do with this franchise.

Uh, they already did that in Killzone 3. Jetpacks and armor suits. BTW, I LOVED Killzone 3. Really fun game. Killzone SF? Not fun. Beautiful but soul less.




Well you totally missed the point. I don't mean to argue really, just constructive criticism. Let me put it more simple.

 Those jetpacks and armor suits were just weapons or vehicles, they didn't create them so that the KZ universe would revolve around them and change the franchise forever, and that's what I'm talking about.


The helghast invent some kinds of serum that makes them super strong, now they can run faster and jump higher, also the serum would affect them in such a way that they have to keep using their iconic masks no matter what(giving them a real reason for guerilla to keep making them that way). Now to counter attack the Vektans invent a super suit that gives them the same attributes. This CHANGES war FOREVER, a COMPLETE evolution in the Killzone universe. The way this will affect gameplay, is that now you can run and jump a LA Halo and climb round a LA Uncharted multiplayer giving it a fresh new vertical feel to combat, plus the realistic heavyish gunplay, decent campaign and story and you got yourself a totally new Killzone without sacrificing the core formula. Two entries in the franchise later and Killzone is now known for its epic fast paced running, jumping and climbing around yet realisticish combat.

That's what I mean, make it awesome, make it cool, make it EPIC!

I think I created a hipoterical awesome Killzone.