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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict WiiU LTD by Dec 31st 2013 - 5.34m LTD FINAL SALES


WiiU LTD by Dec 31st 2013?

5.5 million or less 330 36.50%
6 million 181 20.02%
6.5 million 111 12.28%
7 million 85 9.40%
7.5 million 54 5.97%
8 million 52 5.75%
8.5 million 16 1.77%
9 million 12 1.33%
9.5 million 5 0.55%
10 million or more 58 6.42%

6 milion

Around the Network

Maybe 6.5mil.


Anfebious said:
I will say it will reach 10 Million!

You must be out of your damn mind.









It'll obviously reach 15 million.

Hmmm...thats' 12 weeks isn't it? Well VGC has it selling ~160K the first two weeks of October (so maybe 200K shipped by Nintendo's numbers) w/o any major releases. If it continues to ship globally 200K a week for the rest of the month of October and 2 weeks in November it should add 1.2M for October/Mid-November. Nintendo would need the combination of NSMW, NSMB bundle, and Skylanders bundles along with their other softwares as a relaunch to have a monster late November and all of Dec (averaging 300K a week in those 6 weeks) it is possible for them to ship 6.5-7.0mil by the end of Dec!!! Though I think it might be tough to have the 9 mil by March 2014; unless they are thinking of shipping Smash Bros during that time frame!!!

October: +400k shipped
November : +1.5M shipped
Dec: +1.2M shipped

Jan2014: + 600K shipped, Feb2014: +350K shipped, March2014: 250K-300K shipped (if Smash releaes +700K shipped) total by end of March 2014 8.2mil-8.8mil(if Smash releases)                                                                                     


Around the Network

It is harder to predict Wii U sales now that Nintendo added a new variable: NEGATIVE SALES.

So I will try:

Wii U shipmenent in the last quarter: 3.2 million - 0.3 NEGATIVE SALES = 2.9 million shipped.

8 million! I want WiiU to do well so I'll WILL it TO do well

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

I think 6 million is about right, and considering XBOX 360 sold about 7.5 million in its first year Nintendo can be optimistic about a strong 2014 for Wii U.

Less than 5.5 for sure. Wii U is the biggest flop of all time.

It'll sell 9 millions... Never underestimate the power of Mario and Luigi!