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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Should Zelda sacrifice its artistic integrity for the sake of greater sales?

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Is greater sales potential alone justification enough to determine the artistic style of the next Zelda game?

Yes 40 22.60%
No 110 62.15%
See Results 27 15.25%
DevilRising said:

And personally, I thought that Wii U Zelda tech demo's art style and graphics looked a hell of a lot prettier than WWHD's.


To offer us a glimpse of a gorgeous Twilight Princess styled Wii U Zelda and then give us a cartoon would be the Gamecube all over again, and we all know how Nintendo fared in that generation.

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Am I the only one who saw the deficiencies in that trailer?

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Am I the only one who saw the deficiencies in that trailer?

Which trailer?

Generally speaking, I think it is dangerous to base the cocneption of the game on the sales it will do. Of course, that's what companies do, but for Zelda, a bad game which is the result of choices to make the game more "casual gaming" playable can let fans on a negative point of view considering the franchise, so it will impact the sales for the next games, and the image of Nintendo.

Yoshi's the best of the beasts

Yes they should!!!!!!!!!!!

GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I always viewed Wind Waker HD as a "crowd pleaser" for the people who love cartoony zelda games so they aren´t disappointed when the next Zelda game will be a bit more realistic.

I absolutely love Skyward Sword´s artstyle with the mix of realistic proportions and watertpainting colour scheme.

With that said: The last 2 big homeconsole games were cartoony (WW HD and SS) so it is time to please the other end of the fanbase (the part tht likes the more realistic approach)

I will play it regardless !

curl-6 said:
They'd be stupid to make the next Zelda a toon one, that would only appeal to established fans while a darker looking one would draw in people who would otherwise ignore Wii U.


I think a darker toned Zelda game could also improve the sales of 3rd party efforts such as Assassins Creed, Batman, Mass Effect etc which are currently selling horrible on Wii U.

I don't think it has anything to do with 'sacrificing' the art style. I mean if you look at it that way you could also say that they sacrificed the art style of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask when they made The Wind Waker. Personally I hope they stick with the art style of the wiiu Zelda demo, that looked awesome. I love every Zelda game, but I definitely prefer the more realistic ones. The Wind Waker looked pretty, but I think the style of Skyward Sword was ugly. I remember that I felt really disappointed when they announced Skyward Sword. In the end it was a great game, because the gameplay of every Zelda game is fantastic, but I hoped for a Twilight Princess kind of art style.

We started off pretty strong with everyone getting what I was asking, but people are starting to get confused.

I'm not saying anything negative in any way about any past Zelda game or the way it was represented.

I'm not saying that I don't like the art style used in Twilight Princess or that I felt THAT was sacrificing the artistic integrity of the series.

What I'm asking is whether you think the art style of the next Zelda game should be determined purely by the sales potential it holds. I'm not even asking you what kind of style the next game should have! ONLY whether or not the apparent sales potential of any given art style should be the primary factor Nintendo considers when determining the art direction for the next Zelda game.

BossPuma said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
BossPuma said:
Mmmfishtacos said:
I hated twilight princess, it's the first Zelda game I couldn't bother to finish. Hated everything about it. I'd rather go back to play 2 before I ever touch TP again. I think they only reason it sold as well as it did was because it was the first one available for the Wii.

The second Zelda game I never finished was wind waker. And I skipped the last one on Wii. Is it worth playing? I keep thinking about picking it up but i just can’t bring myself to do it, i don’t want to be further disappointed by one of my favorite franchise.

It all depends on what you like in Zelda games. If you hated Twilight Princess, Wind Waker is the polar opposite. I still love both.

Did you mean skyward sword? Thats the one i was asking about. 

Oh. Skyward Sword is fun if you like linear and more cinematic games. It has faults like much repetativeness, but it does have a great story, graphics and probably one of the funnest bosses ever (koloktos). I would say buy it if you want to experience the genesis tale for Legend of Zelda

Totally agree. I dream about that boss fight. Definitely ranks among the top 5 in the series.