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Forums - General Discussion - Clinton vs. Obama: Who's gonna win?

I just wanna give this quick, and funny update, on my previous post.

My cousin, gets 400$/month food stamps, and 100% free medical, as well as a 4000$ tax return, and she will be getting 600$ from the economic spur program for the children.


All in all, I worked 4 months last year. Yet she worked 2 weeks.

Yet, overall, she *NET* more money than me, yet all of her money was tax free.

Obama has done 12 debates so far with hillary yes, but who knows how many he's weasled his way out of.

Also, Obama can *not* beat McCain. McCain will be our next president, get over it, and get over yourself, and your egos. I'll vote for McCain, Because of the laughing stock the democrats are turning politics into. In all honsty, I could care less, about who wins anymore, fix my F*king housing market, so I can sell my house, and try to get a diffrent overlook of the market.

Back to what I feel is a issue, and no-one is addressing it however.

My cousin. Gets 400$/month food stamps, Free medical. (completely free, it costs me about 200$/month, and her handicapped kid, is about to get REALLY expensive, but it's fee for her) And 4000 ! dollar tax rebate. The goverment is *paying* her 335$/month, to be a dead-beat pile of white trash. And that isnt counting other goverment aid they get.  When everything is added up for goverment aid, last year, she was *given* almost 10,000$ from the goverment last year, for working for 2 weeks. I worked 4 months, made 6000$ and ***PAID*** the goverment 400$.

Can anyone please explain to me, why a dead-beat, white-trash... w***e like her, gets that much money from the goverment, for being a deadbeat, and while I work my ass off working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, get NOTHING from the goverment? Should I quit my job, and start mooching off the goverment too? Because in all honesty, it seems easier. Off every day, get to do whatever you want every day, and get paid by the goverment, to be a burdon on socity. Sounds like the ideal life for me. Personally I think she should be living on a street, with no food, shelter, or heat. (and her children should be taken away) (that is untill recently. Now I think she should commit suicide to go to hell sooner than later)

Famousringo - I agree about the republican hate and defamy machine, with clinton, and I think that's why she's gonna loose. However, when it turns and points it's full force at obama, I dont think he has a chance in this world to beat McCain. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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11 straight wins for OBAMA!!!



WASHINGTON — Senator Barack Obama won his 11th straight nominating contest on Thursday, carrying the Democrats Abroad global primary by a 2-to-1 margin over Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and prevailing among American expatriates in every region of the world.

The results represented thousands of ballots submitted from Americans in 164 countries and territories from Feb. 5 to 12.

The overseas Democrats were allocating a small number of delegates –­ 4.5 — on Thursday, under a proportional system that allotted 2.5 to Obama and 2 to Clinton. A further 2.5 will be determined at a Democrats Abroad convention on April 12 in Vancouver, Canada. The group also holds 4 superdelegate votes, for a total of 11 votes at the national convention in late August in Denver.

But in a close contest, Democrats Abroad said they felt particularly engaged.

Democrats Abroad for the first time allowed votes to be cast online, though others were cast by mail, fax or in person, and they came in “from Antarctica to Zambia ­– from A to Z,” said Christine Schon Marques, the group’s international chair, in a phone interview from Geneva. “Many people overseas are very concerned about the war in Iraq; they’re looking for change.”

One of the Antarctica voters was Adam Lutchansky, a 26-year-old Alaska native who just finished a six-month stint working in the power plant at McMurdo Station and voted via the Internet.

“We only get mail service six months out of the year and it takes about a month for a letter to make a round trip to the U.S.,” he said by e-mail message, “but even here in Antarctica we have a dependable Internet connection. It was great to finally see a political body get onboard with the security and flexibility of the Internet.”

By way of comparison, Mr. Obama’s global 66-to-33 percent lead over Mrs. Clinton was nearly identical to the edge he recorded in states like Minnesota, or his home state of Illinois.

Mr. Obama won by strong majorities in every region and nearly every country. The senator, who was born in Hawaii, did particularly well in the Asia-Pacific region, winning 79 percent of the vote in Japan and 76 percent in Indonesia, where he lived as a youth. He also did well in Europe, carrying more than 70 percent of the vote in France and Switzerland.

Mrs. Clinton won in Israel, the Dominican Republic and the Philippines. Her best regional showing was in the Americas, with 44 percent of the vote.

Republicans do not hold a global primary. They cast votes directly in their home districts, as overseas Democrats also have the option of doing"



obama does not like videogames!!!!!

@nintendofangirl well, i think he'll like the wii fit!!!

I think that Obama will edge Clinton out in the Democratic Race the more and more i hear him. Ppl. are "tired of the old politics" and ready to turn the page
and that is what obama offers
somthing that clinto lacks