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RE4 or LoU?

RE4 185 29.98%
LoU 331 53.65%
Haven't played both games 66 10.70%
Undecided 34 5.51%
GribbleGrunger said:
mtu9356 said:
GribbleGrunger said:

RE4 was, and still is, one of my all time favourites, but TLOU destroys it in every way.

In what ways?  Obviously graphics, controls, story have generally gotten better over time but for what RE4 did for gaming and 3rd person shooters you have to respect it.

Script, acting, graphics, gameplay, animation, pacing, tone, maturity, control ... Everything.

But like I said, RE4 is still one of my all time favourite games. Sometimes you just have to recognise genius. If TLOU was a film, it would have multiple Oscars written all over it.

I agree, but what have each done for gaming?

LoU reinvigorated AAA survival horror and story telling

RE4 provided the foundation that all 3rd person shooters use today

- I voted undecided bc only time will tell which game I prefer more.

Around the Network
Kyuu said:
curl-6 said:
Resident Evil 4 is the single best video game ever created, so naturally it wins.

RE4 is completely overrated. It sure innovated but that's nowhere near enough to make it the best of all time.

Innovation alone isn't enough to make it the best of all time, but its perfect balance of fear and action, incredible atmosphere, and nerve-wracking intensity certainly are.

mtu9356 said:
kljesta64 said:
so im not the only one thinking the two games are similar

Lol, I've been waiting for someone else to make this thread.  I'm shocked no one did.

i did mention it once or twice and no one responded thats why i never made one lol

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

Wright said:

Am I the only one who thinks RE4 was atrocious?


       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

BasilZero said:
mtu9356 said:
BasilZero said:
I've only played RE4 out of the two.

So my votes goes to it.

I specifically said not to pick one if u haven't played both, that defeats the purpose of the poll :(

oop sorry OP >.<

If I could undo my post and vote I would :(

If it helps any....I did see a two hour video of all the cutscenes in the game!

Lol it's ok, but you should go play re4, pick the wii version if u have a choice.

Around the Network
AZWification said:
Wright said:

Am I the only one who thinks RE4 was atrocious?


Is that a fact?

mtu9356 said:
GribbleGrunger said:
mtu9356 said:

Script, acting, graphics, gameplay, animation, pacing, tone, maturity, control ... Everything.

But like I said, RE4 is still one of my all time favourite games. Sometimes you just have to recognise genius. If TLOU was a film, it would have multiple Oscars written all over it.

I agree, but what have each done for gaming?

LoU reinvigorated AAA survival horror and story telling

RE4 provided the foundation that all 3rd person shooters use today

- I voted undecided bc only time will tell which game I prefer more.

It was not suposed to be that :( and i dont think it was... it was more survival...

I also dont see a huge differences in 3rd person vs first person shooters TBH except for QTE and every one hates those now a days apparntly.

TLoU has put story telling in the foreground much like MSG did a while back but the story here is so much more powerfull and the acting is so beliveble that the emertion was complete. I have never had that happen to me before... (with no spoilers) I was acting to do things because I felt like I was a part of it.... i cant explain it without spoilers :(

I think thats what it did. I dont know if anyone will be able to replicate this again... Its not a gameplay mechanic that can be copied next year... its true genious

Wright said:
AZWification said:
Wright said:

Am I the only one who thinks RE4 was atrocious?


Is that a fact?


       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:
Wright said:
AZWification said:


Is that a fact?


Then how could you answer "Yes" in the first question?

Wright said:
AZWification said:
Wright said:
AZWification said:


Is that a fact?


Then how could you answer "Yes" in the first question?

         Because you are the only one  so far that thinks the game is atrocious in this thread.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---