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Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
As one of many Zelda fans who never owned a Cube and thus never played Wind Waker, Wind Waker HD is a huge deal for me. It's like an all-new title. And since they are really upgrading the visuals, it should play great even by today's standards.

A Zelda fan who never owned a Gamecube.

I suppose you never owned a N64 either then.

So you've basically played TP and SS on Wii right? Maybe OOT on 3DS?

Silly child.  Link and I grew up together.  I was the first kid on the playground to kill Gannon with less than 10 lives used in a complete playthrough, and I would explain to others how spending Rupees on a key was a waste of cash.  I quickly mastered the downslash, and would watch and smile as I showed others that the entire previous game (as shown on the included map) was contained in the small region south of the Death Mountain maze.  I've chatted with Error and Sahasrahla.  Zelda is my first gaming love, and you my friend should learn to not jump to conclusions.

"you my friend should learn to not jump to conclusions."

That's not what I was doing. I was simply trying to gauge what type of Zelda fan you were.

Obviously not a big enough fan to buy a cheap-as-biscuits gamecube and WW.

Why buy a Gamecube when I can play the game remastered on Wii U this fall?

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TheLastStarFighter said:
Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
As one of many Zelda fans who never owned a Cube and thus never played Wind Waker, Wind Waker HD is a huge deal for me. It's like an all-new title. And since they are really upgrading the visuals, it should play great even by today's standards.

A Zelda fan who never owned a Gamecube.

I suppose you never owned a N64 either then.

So you've basically played TP and SS on Wii right? Maybe OOT on 3DS?

Silly child.  Link and I grew up together.  I was the first kid on the playground to kill Gannon with less than 10 lives used in a complete playthrough, and I would explain to others how spending Rupees on a key was a waste of cash.  I quickly mastered the downslash, and would watch and smile as I showed others that the entire previous game (as shown on the included map) was contained in the small region south of the Death Mountain maze.  I've chatted with Error and Sahasrahla.  Zelda is my first gaming love, and you my friend should learn to not jump to conclusions.

"you my friend should learn to not jump to conclusions."

That's not what I was doing. I was simply trying to gauge what type of Zelda fan you were.

Obviously not a big enough fan to buy a cheap-as-biscuits gamecube and WW.

Why buy a Gamecube when I can play the game remastered on Wii U this fall?



1) You are a (self-proclaimed) huge Zelda fan

2) Wind Waker was released in 2002

3) Gamecube was DIRT CHEAP at the end of last gen.

4) HD remakes are a very recent phenomena. Wind Waker HD was announced THIS YEAR

5) You didn't buy a cheap ass Gamecube for well over 7 years - having no idea that an HD remake would be done.

KHlover said:
Dr.Grass said:
KHlover said:
I love the new style for Wind Waker, I hope they don't let the very people who didn't want WW back then dictate the style.

I have no idea what you mean...?

Honestly, most of the people I've seen who want the Dolphin look for the WW remake are exactly those who hated on WW before release back then -> don't let the fans dictate the style.

I have no idea what you are saying.

What style choice is even possible at this stage?

What is the "Dolphin look"?

How could you possibly know which people said what over 10 years ago?

I own Wind Waker, so if they can improve the graphics and make the later half of the game more tolerable while keeping great way Link ends Ganondorf in the Wii U version it will be worth it.

Besides, part of the reason they are doing a remake is because they really don't have anything else to put out at the end of the year.... so yeah.

Dr.Grass said:
Viper1 said:

1. I don't see many calling it a killer app.

2. Greezo is the developer so it's not a drain on internal resources.  It's also a 10 year old game meaning it IS a new experience for many.

3. You are a very small segment of the martket. While your circumstances are valid for you, they aren't valid for 95% of the people that will buy the game.

4. Subjectives aside, which is practically all of it, WW HD will have new graphics overall, not just a higher resolution.

5. Yes, new content.

6. You is the key factor.  It's not all new to you (even though it really is quite new) but it is all new to many, many people.  And being from a outside developer...perfect.

1. How about we gauge how much of Nintendo's marketing, posters and e3 hype is poured on it and then see how much they're touting it as an important Nintendo title!?

2.1. Resources nonetheless.

2.2. It IS a new experience for those that were toddlers during that time. Is that their target market?

3 and 4. Same point really. Sure

5. What? A new dungeon!? If it's just a new gimmick then you better feel bad. AND, is geezo doing that? Cause then (a) it might suck or (b) it'll be overseen by someone internal which would invalidate your point made in 2.1.

6.  You don't actually adress the point I made. Instead you rehash your statement that I replied to in 2.2.

1. The marketing has been minor compared to what they'll do for actual killer apps.

2.  An oversite team is not a major drain nro would it prevent Nintendo from being able to make a separate internally developed game.

2.2 The implications of your statement are that every single person on the planet over the age of 10 has played WW.

5. We don't fully know the extent of the new content.  So waste precious personal resources slamming the title?  And Greezo are quite capable as we've already seen.

6. It does address your point.  Your point is very narrow focused on a small segment of the market.  You and the very few others like you.  Your compaints are only valid to that small segment.  Should Nintendo not release a game simply because some people may not want it?  Why not think of the remainder, and much larger portion, of the market and then readdress your own questions?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

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I'd wait at least a few days before judging.

We can assume Wind Waker was not far into development when announced in January; Nintendo weren't even far enough along to show a trailer, and instead opted for a handful of screenshots. Over the next few days we should learn far, far more about it, and the visual style will most likely have evolved.

Now if this is a Director's Cut, and includes cut dungeons, removes the fetch quests and makes other alterations, as well as orchestrated music, it could be something very special. But judging it now--a day before E3 and on the basis of six screenshots or so--is very, very premature.

I'd also point out it doesn't need to be a huge deal in and of itself to be a strong title for Wii U. It is a title a core Nintendo fanbase will pick up. It is part of a line up for the end of the year, rather than the be all and end all, as it should be, and that is vital. It's not like 3DS where the one major title for six months was a remake, it should be the case with Wii U that a remake is one of the major titles coming at the end of the year and on the back of a string of new Nintendo titles.

Dr.Grass said:
KHlover said:
Dr.Grass said:
KHlover said:
I love the new style for Wind Waker, I hope they don't let the very people who didn't want WW back then dictate the style.

I have no idea what you mean...?

Honestly, most of the people I've seen who want the Dolphin look for the WW remake are exactly those who hated on WW before release back then -> don't let the fans dictate the style.

I have no idea what you are saying.

What style choice is even possible at this stage?

What is the "Dolphin look"?

How could you possibly know which people said what over 10 years ago?

Dolphin look = how the game looks like when emulated with Dolphin.

New Style = How WW HD looks like on the actual WiiU screenshots.

It's not an HD remaster, it's a complete remake. Of course it will look better on the Wii U and probably have a lot of other things improved.

I dont recall any Ninty fans or anyone touting it as a killer app, doesnt matter what or how Ninty advertises it. One would have to be naive, foolish or just plain ignorant IMHO to think a remake of a two gen old game can be a killer app. Thats not to say it wont be well done, but i would say keep your expectations realistic.

Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Dr.Grass said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
As one of many Zelda fans who never owned a Cube and thus never played Wind Waker, Wind Waker HD is a huge deal for me. It's like an all-new title. And since they are really upgrading the visuals, it should play great even by today's standards.

A Zelda fan who never owned a Gamecube.

I suppose you never owned a N64 either then.

So you've basically played TP and SS on Wii right? Maybe OOT on 3DS?

Silly child.  Link and I grew up together.  I was the first kid on the playground to kill Gannon with less than 10 lives used in a complete playthrough, and I would explain to others how spending Rupees on a key was a waste of cash.  I quickly mastered the downslash, and would watch and smile as I showed others that the entire previous game (as shown on the included map) was contained in the small region south of the Death Mountain maze.  I've chatted with Error and Sahasrahla.  Zelda is my first gaming love, and you my friend should learn to not jump to conclusions.

"you my friend should learn to not jump to conclusions."

That's not what I was doing. I was simply trying to gauge what type of Zelda fan you were.

Obviously not a big enough fan to buy a cheap-as-biscuits gamecube and WW.

Why buy a Gamecube when I can play the game remastered on Wii U this fall?



1) You are a (self-proclaimed) huge Zelda fan

2) Wind Waker was released in 2002

3) Gamecube was DIRT CHEAP at the end of last gen.

4) HD remakes are a very recent phenomena. Wind Waker HD was announced THIS YEAR

5) You didn't buy a cheap ass Gamecube for well over 7 years - having no idea that an HD remake would be done.

I love Zelda.

Every Zelda gets re-released at some point.

I'm patient.
