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Forums - Sony Discussion - I Believe GT6 Will Score 92-94 At Metacritic. And You?

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BeElite said:
Blood_Tears said:
Calling it now, reviewers will punish GT6 and score it low only based on the fact that it's on PS3 and not PS4. Once critics see more of Forza 5 it will be game over for GT6 (solely on the review side only, sales will still favor GT6)

Forza5 will be a rushed game on new hardware.  GT6 will be polished shined perfected.  If any one will get punshed it will be Forza for being a inferior game comapred to a previous gen one.


Given the extremely one-sided meta comparison between mainline forzas and GT this gen (including GT PSP and prologue) do you come to that conclusion logically?

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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87 ill say. PD IMO isn't a 90's caliber developer anymore (citing meta trends this gen)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


93, one of the last great PS3 exclusives

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018


ocean-1984 said:


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End of gen, more so when it gets released and will be compared to Drive-Club and Forza 5, though in fairness, it shouldn't... Not in a reviewer type way anyhow. It'll be better than GT5 but I doubt it'll hit 92-94.

My guess is 88-90.

After going back and playing GT5 and looking at the no-interior cockpit views and the fact that some cars look like they have a crayon outline on them I predict that GT6 will get no higher than an 85 metascore most likely slightly less.

Cj2i3 said:
After going back and playing GT5 and looking at the no-interior cockpit views and the fact that some cars look like they have a crayon outline on them I predict that GT6 will get no higher than an 85 metascore most likely slightly less.

What no-interior cockpit view? Every car in GT5 have interior cockpit view... the difference is the standard have low details and the primium have high details.

ethomaz said:
Cj2i3 said:
After going back and playing GT5 and looking at the no-interior cockpit views and the fact that some cars look like they have a crayon outline on them I predict that GT6 will get no higher than an 85 metascore most likely slightly less.

What no-interior cockpit view? Every car in GT5 have interior cockpit view... the difference is the standard have low details and the primium have high details.

Alright so the some of the standard cars cockpit views is all blacked out with little to no detail as you stated, I probably phrased it wrong. Just a little disappointing to me that PD is unable to bring all the standard cars into premium cars, granted I'd prefer 1,200 cars with 600 premium/very detailed cars than a game with 700 cars total all detailed. Still very hyped for the game, PD always has the best in-game music which I love.