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Forums - Sales Discussion - Prediction: The PS Vita will sell under 20m units

Mmmfishtacos said:

PS2 150 +/ Game cube 21

PS1 100 +/ 64 34

PSP 75/ DS 153

PS3 67/ Wii 96

 Handhelds have always been Nintendo wild card. Nintendo had two consecutive bad home console generations. So far you really can't say Sony s had a bad system yet. And that's why I say Sony has a better track record than the other two.  Also the 140 million ps2 is a pretty old number, it should be reaching past 150 by now.  People said that the ps3 could never catch the 360 nearly 10 million head start and it's looking to pass it soon. So I wouldn't make comments saying it would take 15 years to reach 60. Sony is also capable of turning a struggling console around, Which we haven't seen from the other two. Besides it hasn't had a full year. The bigger games are starting to come out, holiday is coming up, and if all else fails it should receive a price cut by mid year 2013. One way or another they'll sale 10 million of these a year, at least for a few years. It's sad most people aren't even giving it a chance, most haters bash it with out ever picking one up. Even if you never play a single game on it, it's worth the 250 dollar asking price.

edit to fix wii and PS2 numbers, PS1 numbers are lower than they should be, but i cant find the latest data for PS1.

Wow, I actually forgotten I ever posted this .

The point was to debunk the 'notion' that Nintendo has a 'bad track record', meaning it sells significantly lower than other companies (ie. Sony), or currently has a 'low' streak.

A point which is false. Yes, they had two consecutive weak consoles (weak only compared to their biggest direct competitor I might add), three actually, the Virtual Boy was of the same era; the N64 era. That's just because Nintendo made way more hardware than other companies. You're bound to have a bad one some time, Sony is experiencing this now. Does that mean that they now have a bad track record?

Also, taking plain sales number isn't the best way to compare stuff anyway. You'd have to take into account the market share each had and the size of the market as a whole in each respective Gen. Suddenly, the NES > PS2.

Lastly, handheld consoles are just as much consoles as home consoles are. You can't just discard them, as the so called 'bad track record' argument becomes obviously ridiculous because of the stellar handheld sales. Game & Watch also did 43 million (in the early to mid 80's!) acording to Wikipedia.

Anyway, this was the point: debunk the 'notion' that Nintendo has a 'bad track record' .

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Assuming it still gets support that far out, I'd say 35-40 million. I wouldn't expect it to do as low as 20 unless it does so badly that retailers just abandon it after a couple of years.

At the same time, the fast moving smartphone and tablet market will make ANY non-Nintendo gaming handheld an iffy proposition at best. Most other handheld devices will be far above the Vita in performance a few years out, and devs will have only refined and expanded their offerings on those devices in that time frame--making the Vita an even harder sell, killer apps or no.

I was looking back at old charts for the PSP in it's first year, and the sales numbers were insane. You had a bunch of random ass games I don't even remember seeing at the time pulling in >500k, and stuff like GTA pulling in ~1m. With the ridiculous cost of the Vita's memory, and the size of full retail releases, there's no way lack of tracking on download sales can account for that difference.

I love my PSP, but I just don't see the Vita getting anywhere near PSP sales, regardless of how good the library gets. The rapid hardware growth in the handheld market means that dedicated handhelds will have to appeal to a smaller and smaller number of hardcore gamers. Especially if it doesn't have Nintendo's stable of software behind it.

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.


PS Vita needs both more games and a more competitive price. By cutting 3DS price early, Ninty actually forced Sony to do the same. My impression is that Sony is just trying to do it later than one year since the launch, for image purpose and to avoid pissing early adopters off too much. Also, a full price 1st Xmas in the West definitely makes sense, there will be discounts and special offers for BF and after Xmas anyway, besides the gifts season itself, to support its sales, so a cut will be useful even after it, surely the Xmas boost will be smaller, but it will help more keeping momentum. But really, we won't be able to tell anything for sure until after Xmas.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Bookmarked for future humiliation.

4 ≈ One

BasilZero said:
40-45 mil at this point but it might do a bit better.

I cant see the unit selling 25 mil or less unless Sony does a Sega with the PSvita.

make it take 6 AA batteries for 2 hours of game play? :D

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I'm yet to be convince it will sell above 10m to be honest. I dont see why anyone would buy the system, even after a price cut. Its lost all its third party support for next year.

UPDATE: Current Vita sales: 6,224,289. 13,775,711 to go...

Good prediction!

I still think that will close 20,000,000, but maybe is more realistic 17/18 million.

The Vita is doing better than the Wii U!
VGChartz are undertracking the Vita and they didn't post the TV sales.

Dgc1808 said:
Bookmarked for future humiliation.

Ouch... :P