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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote Now! gamrConnect Most Wanted: September 2012

1. Halo 4 (360)
2. The Last of Us (PS3)
3. Bioshock Infinite (360)
4. Dishonored (PC)
5. Borderlands 2 (360) (i hope my rl friends buy it like they did with the first one. if not, i buy pc version)

Around the Network
  1. Yakuza 5 ( PS3 )
  2. Okami HD ( PS3 )
  3. Grand Theft Auto 5 ( PS3 )
  4. Ni No Kuni ( PS3 )
  5. Watch_Dogs ( PS3 )


From most wanted to least.

1. DMC (PS3)
2. Dishonored (PC)
3. The Last of US (PS3)
4. Fifa 13 (PS3)
5. Watch_Dogs (PC)

Same as last month:

1-Assassins Creed 3 (WiiU)
2-Borderlands 2 (PC)
3-Aliens: Colonial Marines (WiiU)
4-Watch Dogs (PC)
5-Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 (Xbox360)

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

1: Final Fantasy X HD PS3
2: Persona 4 HD Vita
3: Last of Us PS3
4: Sports Champions 2 PS3
5:Battle Royale PS3

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network

1. MtG 2 (ios)
2. Halo 4
3. Pokemon White 2(3DS)
4. Paper Mario: Sticker Star(3DS)
5. I can't think of anything else :(

TadpoleJackson said:
1. MtG 2 (ios)
2. Halo 4
3. Pokemon White 2(3DS)
4. Paper Mario: Sticker Star(3DS)
5. Hitman: Absolution (Preferred Platform)

Fixed for you

1.Pokemon Black2/White2 (DS)
2.Luigi's Mansion (3DS)
3.Fire Emblem (3DS)
4.Bravely Default(3DS)
5.Professor Layton (3DS)

1. Epic Mickey 2 (Wii)
2. GTA V (PS3)
3. NSMBU (Wii U)
4. Rayman Legends (Wii U)
5. Luigi's Mansion 2 (3DS)


1). Halo 4  (360)
2). Borderlands 2  (PC)
3). Hitman: Absolution  (PC)
4). LittleBigPlanet  (Vita)
5). Gran Theft Auto 5  (PS3)