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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft E3 2012 --- What did you think of the press conference?


What did you think of Microsoft's E3?

Best E3 EVER! 21 3.65%
Best MS E3 I've seen in a while 11 1.91%
Great! 30 5.21%
It was decent 65 11.28%
Meh... 130 22.57% 115 19.97%
Worst E3 ever! 107 18.58%
See results 92 15.97%

5 or 6 hour long campaign as is fairly standard with most shooter games these days. Co-op campaign and a more refined and interactive online gaming experience is needed for Halo 4.

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The one thing I don't understand is who really wants to control their xbox by talking to it

<a href=""><img src="" width="230" height="155" border="0" /></a><br/><a href="">Get your Portable ID!</a>

Prometheus looks good anyways....fml.

One exclusive for the rest of this year, one possibly two exclusives for next year and 30 televised exclusives?

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Jazz2K said:
I understand now why Microsoft decided to be the firts to make their conferences... lol they're almost stealing Nintendo's show!

I'm really hoping Nintendo's conference is nothing like this terrible garbage thus far, I'd cry.

IE for xbox???

Why is nobody in that audience yelling: "Where are the fucking games!"

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

<3 Prometheus

ok.. this isn't going well
its a lot of nice ideas.. but WHERE R DA GAMES? there is only like 35mins left? what are they doing!!!!